If i could go back a change one thing from your past what would

  • YourThe ReasonIDiedTonight
    15 years ago

    All my high school years

  • Beautiful Chaos
    15 years ago

    Nothing because even when I felt like I wouldn't make it through, I did and I am stronger and better for it, if you learn from it, there's no need to go back and change it.

  • YourThe ReasonIDiedTonight
    15 years ago

    Very true but their are those that believe otherwise and it interesting to see their point of view. your point of view is one to be looked up to.

  • TwistedAngel xx
    15 years ago

    I wouldn't want to change anything either as I wouldn't be who I am today but If I DID decide to change something, it would be my school years as well.

    I feel like I wasted them and took them for granted.

  • meliLOVE
    15 years ago

    I wouldnt of broken my ex boyfriends heart. i was young and dumb i didnt realized he cared about me so much.. damn im such a bitch..

  • YourThe ReasonIDiedTonight
    15 years ago

    Your not a bitch, people make mistake but i understand why you would want to go back and change that.

  • Fake Facade
    15 years ago

    Yeah, heaps of people don't realise the hurt they will cause.

    If i could change one thing i would go back to the past, and change the way i broke up with my ex, and i wouldn't get back together with her for the second time, cause that just hurt her.

  • Brytanee
    15 years ago

    If I could change one thing. I would go back to September 3rd of 2006 & take back my bad idea of having fun with some friends, then going back to my ex boyfriends house.. I lost my virginity that night. Not by choice. Atleast, not a sober one..

  • Katlette
    15 years ago

    Many people have many reasons they would like to go back and change something. the hurt they felt or the hurt they caused... Sure there are plenty of things I wish I could change.

    Given the chance... I wouldn't. I wouldn't be who I am today. Yeah I wish I had better and it's not the best right now. But we learn from our mistakes. They make us stronger and only teach us more of who we are. I like the people I have right now. the fear of losing these friends kills me.

    Live life as it comes at you day by day. Test yourself, set goals. Don't let fear take over or depression or even someone hurting you. life is too short for some and for those of us that do have lives, well live them to the fullest while your here and remember... Someone somewhere is losing their life and can't live to see the things you can.

  • Krista
    15 years ago

    My past has molded me into who I am today. If I changed things, I'd be an entirely different person. I love who I am.

  • Captivat3d
    15 years ago

    I wouldn't change anything; Everything happens for a reason and I truly believe that.

  • meliLOVE
    15 years ago


  • YourThe ReasonIDiedTonight
    15 years ago

    Yes, there is this point= what if i changed the past and then became a better person. is it justified then??

    the person i am right now is not someone i enjoy being and have not enjoyed for a long time but if curtain thing never happened and i had a second chance. Would things be better for me and would I be the person i though i would come to be a long time ago

    I dont know i have split feelings on the whole changing the past. i would agree that past mistake are thing that you learn from and build from. They make you, who you are. but yea....

  • GoodMorning
    15 years ago

    ^^ It's never too late to change who you are if you aren't happy with yourself. People are constantly changing and growing throughout their entire lives. You don't have to change past events to become a better person.. so, you made a bad mistake. Good people constantly make ill decisions.

    What it inevitably comes down to, is we -can't- change the things that have already happened. (At least not until time travel is possible. =P) And while nearly every single one of us will no doubt, at some point in our lives, look back and wonder "What would have happened if I did this instead of.." all we can do is make the most of the experience, learn what we can from it, and try to prevent others from making the same choice(s) we did. And if it prevents others from going through the same thing, then it isn't so bad, is it?

  • TiMe hEaLs aLL wOuNdS
    15 years ago

    I would go back to september 6th 2008 =[ i had a hotel party did something stupid then got drunk from the stupidity i felt from what i did then ended up losing my virginity just because i loved him and felt lonely...i would have NEVER gave him my virginity after waiting 19 years for the right guy...it was a THE BIGGEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE because i KNEW he didnt love me back =[ hes my best friend now so i guess it all ended well...just wish i gave it to someone who loved me in the way i loved them =/

  • Love Panda
    15 years ago

    I would say no to a certain someone. stand up for myself - and maybe all this mess in my life wouldnt have happened.

    i saw a programe on the tv about a woman younger than me standing up and telling all, just like that - i thought she was so strong and only wished i could have had the courage she had.


  • Dark Savior
    15 years ago

    I would change nothing. I enjoyed every minute of my life, the pain, the tears, the happiness, the death. All of it! because without it I wouldn't be the person I am today...and I realy like who I've become.

    I wouldn't change a thing, I enjoy being who I am, because I'm happy now and really one of the few things I will ever admit is that I'm content with being me.

  • Barbara Jean
    15 years ago

    My whole life

  • Phantasmagoria
    15 years ago

    I'd go back to the day that my mother gave birth to me and after the birthing process I would grab baby me by the feet and throw myself out of a window. Because that would fix everything.

  • She Loves Me She Loves Me Not
    15 years ago

    It wouldn't fix everything because your mother would grieve forever. Losing a child is the worst possible thing. Knowing they've hardly lived.

    I would change the last 3 years of my life, depression has ruined it, and I've wasted pretty much the end of my youth.

  • TheRevelation
    15 years ago

    Absolutely nothing. The past is the past for a reason, I'm focusing on the present, and the past had lead up to now. I'm happy and now isn't too bad=]

    15 years ago

    The fact that i listened to what other people had to say about my love life... maybe it could have been better than now...

  • Lucifer
    15 years ago

    I would'nt change a thing..sure i regret alot in my past but that's the reasion why i am where i am in my life now and the same mistakes made me who i am right now. So i myself would'nt change a thing.

    Xx Lucifer xX

  • XxLastHopexX
    15 years ago

    I'm with Xx Lucifer xX, i wouldnt change anything because my past has made me who i am. Ive grown from it.....and learned. I would rather be the person to experience the bad in life...than the person who is ignorant that that part of life even exists

  • Elizabeth
    15 years ago

    I wouldn't change a darn thing, otherwise I wouldn't be where I am today. :)

  • Clown
    15 years ago

    I would want a real father, nothing more, nothing less.

  • Pesamenteiro
    15 years ago

    I would go back and make friends with different people.

  • XxBrokenInsidexX
    15 years ago

    I would go back to July 7,2009...i wouldnt have let him have sex with me so i didint go into labor early...and i lost my son that day...and it was my fault...i should have said no.......its true when they say sex induces labor and unfortunitally i found out the hard way..

  • Ben
    15 years ago

    Don't know how to post after that....That is really pretty sad and heartbreaking....Anything I would say now would sound pretty vain. Sorry to hear that, broken....

  • Em
    15 years ago

    Well.... The week my nan died I should have been at hers but I changed my mind and decided to go the following week. If I could I would go back to that week she died and have gone down to stay so that I could have helped her as she was losing the plot from a bleed of the brain from when she had fallen in the April 05. I would have called the doctor and made them come out to see her and maybe I could have saved her from dying and then my great uncle (her brother) dying from a broken heart. I blame myself for both their deaths, I should have been there ... :'(

  • Chris
    15 years ago

    I would be more confident during high school. I used to be so shy that I wouldn't even be able to talk to anyone. -.- Ugh. I would go back and take better care of myself. If only. Lol.

  • Kitty
    15 years ago

    If i could go back and change things, maybe i would - and wud still come out th same person - but then why change it i mean i/we hav come this far?
    so instead of asking yourself wht youd change in your past, ask yourself "if i cud change one thing from my life todya what would it be" and do somehting about it.
    I kno this isnt possible in all situations, lets say an alcoholic mother - you cant stop her drinknig, you cant change who she is but you can change how it affects you - at th time it sucks but th aftermath is when you say to yourself "i will not be like that, and i will not stop this from making me the person i am - i will see a counsellor, tell a friend or raise awareness in alcoholism - i dunno its jst an example.

  • junet
    15 years ago

    Last 3 years of my life

  • Barbara Jean
    15 years ago

    My whole life

  • Ramona
    15 years ago

    I wish it wouldnt change the future. but i wish i wasnt a dumbass and kept my ex. i feel so horrible all the time..

  • SolemnWish
    15 years ago

    I wish I had the balls to tell my best friend that I Loved her in person before she left. Now i can only say it on the phone and MSN and it just doesnt mean as much. I want to meet her eyes and say it, and maybe, just maybe, kiss her.

  • Brenda
    15 years ago

    We broke up for a logical reason. I don't take back the break-up, because we just weren't going to work out. however, I wish I could have spent just five minutes telling him how much I do care about him...and how much it upsets me that things are ending like this. maybe, just maybe, we would be able to find a friendship under all the ruins.

  • Samuel Dimafelix
    15 years ago

    My gender! being third sex is too complicated i want to be straight as much as i can but nothings gonna happen

  • Hellie
    15 years ago

    Possibly the whole years of 14-16. but im guessing the shit didnt happen, i wouldnt be able to appericate life like i do today :)

  • Jay Perry Jr
    15 years ago

    My whole life