I ruined the best thing to happen to me....

  • RavishingEruption
    15 years ago

    I dated my best friend. We'd been dating since September.

    We can't date anymore due to issues with my new school. And I kept saying things that really tore him down...but it was like I couldn't stop. The negative stuff just kept coming out.

    He recently started talking to another girl. And the negative remarks got worse. It wasn't that they were true, but I wanted to hurt him like he'd hurt me I guess.

    Today, I decided that I'd MAKE him forget me and move on. I said some terrible things. None of which were true. And I told him to stay out of my life. Which I don't want.

    Anyways, I need advice on how to mend things. He's my best friend and he knows everything about me. I thought I was helping him by making him leave, but I think all I did was make it worse.

    Anyone have any ideas? Anything would be greatly appreciated. And btw, before anyone even says it, I know I treated him terribly. I feel horrible about it. That's part of the problem.

    Just, please. Help me out.

    Thanks all.

  • Captivat3d
    15 years ago

    Well, first of all, I think you should go up to him and apologize for everything that you said. Explain to him why you said it and exactly how you feel about this situation.

    Second, I can see that you do want to be with him and I guess you can't because of your new school? Which, I don't understand. I'm sure you can work something out where you could be together :/

    I dunno, hope that helps :/

  • Dark Savior
    15 years ago

    Well, I did a behavior study on this type of situation. You're jealous of his situation and very unhappy that he left you and when you see him with another person then you would of course lash out and do such things, emotions in females are hard for me to understand..because I flat out don't.

    I think the best thing would be to do what I would do when faced with this situation. Ask to speak with him, a public place as you can control your emotions there hopefully(if not pick a park or a place where there are still people but more private). Then sit down and tell him these things. Tell him exactly how you feel, sometimes we hold things in for all the wrong reasons.

    You don't mean to hurt him but feel that you should only return the hurt that he has given you and when he doesn't really show it as much as you'd expect you say horrible things to him to try and get the worst reaction and until you make him cry and then you apologize(or along those lines) you won't be happy with your current situation.

    You need to do a few things:

    1) understand that you are only friends, often times friends talk with one and other few times, if they are your ex's(trust me I know)
    2) Treat him like a friend and not an Ex-boyfriend
    3) take time away from him, like a good 2 months and if something reminds you of him, then get rid of it! you NEED to do it, you need the away time.

    anyways, hope this helps, you know what to do in your heart.