10 Things You Hate About You

  • David ODonnell
    15 years ago

    01. I don't often say what I want to
    02. How I feel like an attention seeker
    03. I need to be pushed into something to get it done
    04. I push people away when they try and get to know me
    05. Im shy but very lonely
    06. My inabilty to hold on to a relationship
    07. I moan about pointless things
    08. I often look back on the past and wish it had been better
    09. I stay in my room too much
    10. Alot of regrets and stupid things Ive done

  • Dark Savior
    15 years ago

    01. I'm going to be sick for the rest of my life
    02. I'm not as quick with jokes as I once was.
    03. I find myself at a cross roads
    04. I hate that my voice is often dulled around those it shouldn't be
    05. I'm sometimes out spoken to those I shouldn't be
    06. I have a set of principals I go by...that get me in trouble
    07. I believe the worst in people
    08. I spend too much time in the past
    09. I always complain about something.
    10. I'm not sure who I am anymore.

  • Lady Nik
    15 years ago

    1. My voice
    2.The fact that I'm so trusting.
    3. My scars..I did them but I hate looking at them
    4. I hate that I'm so forgiving
    5.The fact that people don't accept me for who I am
    6. My body
    7. The fact that I remember everything bad, but not good
    8. My insomnia
    9. My name
    10.My eating habits

  • Captivat3d
    15 years ago

    1) How hard it is for me to trust people.
    2) How I'm slow :/
    3) That I bruise easily.
    4) How shy I am in group settings w/people I barely know.
    5) My money habits.
    6) How it's hard for me to let things go.
    7) How stubborn I am.
    8) How I deal with things.
    9) How I point other peoples wrongs but not my own.
    10) The fact that I'm so insecure about being cheated on etc.

  • Jackie Bilson
    15 years ago

    1) How insecure I am
    2) How hard it is for me to trust people
    3) How I can't keep my personal life, personal
    4) That I'm so negative
    5) That I'm afraid of the stage but crave it at the same time
    6) That I'm lazy
    7) That I'm quick to anger
    8) That I was a really huge liar
    9) That I procratinate
    10) That I'm jealous

  • He is the Reason
    15 years ago

    1) That I'm not as open as I should be with the people I need to be
    2) How hard it is for me to trust people
    3) That I get scared when things start going good because it's always fallen apart before
    4) That I need reassurance from the people around me so much that I'm loved and doing things right
    5) That I run from things
    6) That I try to hurt people that get to close to me to push them away so I don't get hurt
    7) That I get angry to easy
    8) That I don't like letting things go, I'd rather stay mad
    9) That I'm still afraid that he'll leave me and tell me I'm not good enough like everyone else has
    10) That I can't forgive myself

  • anonymous lover
    15 years ago

    01. I'm really shy.
    02. It's really hard to trust people.
    03. That I'm really gullible and can never say "no" to people
    04. I'm very clumsy and embarress myself pretty much every day ^^
    05. I'm very forgetful
    06. I hate that I always try to do my best in everything...but that I often don't succeed..
    07. I'm a very nervous person.!!
    08. That I lack on self-confidene..that I'm to strickt with myself and mostly bring myself down..
    09. That I'm really sensitive and often still have to bite on things that happened in the past..
    10. CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!

  • Beautifully Disfigured
    15 years ago

    1. I am bipolar.
    2. I have borderline personality disorder.
    3. I can't participate in sports because I am injured.
    4. I have asthma.
    5. I have insomnia.
    6. I do not trust easily.
    7. My scars.
    8. I fall too easily.
    9. I let myself fall behind in school.
    10. I am extremely clutsy.

  • A F
    15 years ago

    1) How I tend to cheat on my long-term boyfriend.
    2) How I eat so much.
    3) That I don't always give my best.
    4) My trust issues.
    5) How I spend as if I'm hemorrhaging money over useless stuff.
    6) How I get attached to someone so easily.
    7) My body.
    8) How slow I get jokes.
    9) How people's first impression on me is a snobby bitch.
    10) How I'm not contented with what I have.

  • Walk Away Soul
    15 years ago

    1)How I can do the most stupid things ever.
    2)I barely eat.
    3)I talk to myself.
    4)How I spend money on things I don't need.
    5)Double minded. Can't fully trust anyone.
    6)I don't take anything seriously.
    7)I'm a sucker for japaneses girls.
    8)I eat junk food in the morning. (Future diabetic)
    9)I don't like waking up in the morning.
    10)Looking for ghosts, and hanging out in the cementary.(Weirdo)

  • XxBabii GirlxX
    15 years ago

    [1] usally care what people think about me
    [2] hard to trust people
    [3] fall for the wrong guys
    [4] had a baby young
    [5] dont tell people how i feel
    [6] dont always try my best
    [7] i take things to seriously
    [8] i have curly long hair i want stright
    [9] things in my past that i dont tell anyone
    [10] im homeschooled