Lost my daughter and now maybe my son?

  • Barbara Jean
    15 years ago

    Well i lost my daughter 2 years ago. and now im in nicu with my micro premmie son that i had on mothers day at 1lb 9 oz. i almost lost when his lungs colapsed on his heart and they told me that he has 24 hours to live so we had to say goodbye. but it made it thru the nite. which was a miracle. but a week later he almost died again.. now its been a week since then and were hopeing it dont happen again. im also hopeing for another miracle. i dont want to lose another baby..all we can do is wait. give him time. its all up to him really what happens day to day. but every day is more chance of survival. he is fighting..
    its so hard.. i live day by day. i gave up everything just to be by his side..

  • Krista
    15 years ago

    Just keep dreaming and wishing for the best. I'm sure losing a child is a mother's worst nightmare. The pain you mustve went through when your daughter died mustve been enormous. I can't even imagine. You and your son will be in my thoughts. Just keep your hopes high that all will go through well and he'll grow up a healthy, happy baby boy. :)

  • Misunderstood Misery
    15 years ago

    ^I disagree: "Just keep your hopes high that all will go through well and he'll grow up a healthy, happy baby boy."

    What happens if things don't turn out alright? Crushing disappointment. I'm not saying don't hope for the best, just don't get your hopes up too high.

    I'll definately keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Barbara Jean
    15 years ago

    Well i had my hopes up the first week he was in nicu till i almost lost him when his lungs colapssed on his heart. they told me to go say goodbye and he had 24hours.. well he got better a week later..then again i almost lost him today when he had a brady when his heartrate went down to the 20s and they had to bag him. so i almost lost him again.
    well now he aint good. now he has some kind of infection..thats making everything shut down..

    but anyways im thinking the worst cause thats how i cna except it.
    losing my daughter was hard but this is harder with my son..

  • Misunderstood Misery
    15 years ago

    I can only imagine how hard losing a child is. But this experience will make you stronger. I'm so sorry about what you've been through and what you're going through now. As I said before, I'll keep you're family in my thoughts and prayers.

  • AmberSherrellxxIve Been Sitting Here Trying To Find Myselfxx
    15 years ago

    I am so sorry about what has happened to you.I am about 4 months pregnant now && I can't even bare the thought of losing my child.I will sincerly pray for you && I hope that everything turns around.The Lord works in mysterious ways.Just keep your faith on him.

  • Barbara Jean
    15 years ago

    Well after a month i finally got to hold him!!! didnt think i would after his surgery

  • Krista
    15 years ago

    That's good. :) Sounds like he's doing better then. Hope he just keeps getting better! Both of you are in my thoughts.

  • TragicRomance
    15 years ago

    COngrats on gettinng to hold him.. All you can do is hope for the best hun.. And I pray it truely works out for you