My BFF went A-WALL oon me!!!!!!!! ADVICE?!?!?!?!?!?!

  • Love is a Beautiful Thing
    15 years ago

    Ok i didnt like the guy she set me up with we were ok over the phne like on there for a while a few days after we talked over the phone we met and i didnt find him attractive at all and i think that you have to have a phyiscal connection also i know it sounds rude but i think that you do, well she called me shallow and told me things like i need to stop coming to her with my problems well she comes to me with hers we are best friends or she says we are and then shes not there for me see this guy that she set me up with she saw him all of twice. she also said things like i cant even think of what else she said right now im soooo mad upset and just ahhhhh can someone talk to me about this i need advice and help on this she is my bff after all but im soo mad right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Barbara Jean
    15 years ago

    Did you tell her how you feel?

  • Dark Savior
    15 years ago

    I know that there has to be some sort of physical connection to the person in order to have it, but if you have an emotional connection then it doesn't really matter, that's because of the fact that looks fade away, but your character will always be there.

    I don't know if I would have told her right then and there. I mean finish the's the proper thing to do after all.

    If your not attracted then your not. It's something that only you can be.

    Your friend was trying to give you good advice and just seemed to do it the wrong way, she was upset probably because she already had this planned out for you. I think that is the only reason that she went off like that. One of my really good friends has done the same.

  • Love is a Beautiful Thing
    15 years ago

    Well thats not the only time shes been like that she seems to be dissing me lately,

    and we were ok over the phone i looks do matter to me and plenty of other ppl not to the point of where they have to looklike brad pitt but attractive to me,

    but back to the friend yeah she hasnt been returning my calls unless youleave a voicemail sayong to call you and ytour lucky if she does!
    my bad wild side comes out when im with her to. see my friend seems to be acting more as a mom and tells me what to do all the time, and isnt beinga friend and just giving a hug when you need one im there for her when she needs me but she treats me like im her job sometimes like has to talk to me has do this has to do that ....when im not like that im just her bff and apparently well this is just a whole mess there is just so much that i want to say to her i tried but was scared and thats not like me but it has to be done and i know everything that i would say to her to. this is just killing me as you can see!!!!!

  • Dark Savior
    15 years ago

    Well, if you have to fret this much about this then you shouldn't have her as a friend. Perhaps she's not a good influence if you act wildly around her.

    Dissing, eh? if you mean putting you down then once again you have to ask yourself, is this someone that I want to spend my time with? is this someone who has only their interests at heart?

    Perhaps she is growing faster than you? I know that when I was 23 I was already like a 40 year old man. I'm still a very old soul..but none the less back to the topic at hand.

    You think that she is a person who either A) give a damn B) doesn't C) does when it benefits her.

    Perhaps sending her an email?

  • Love is a Beautiful Thing
    15 years ago

    Thanks that would actually be a reallyt great idea that way i could let it all out like basically tell everything that i would say to her over the phone it would be less stress on me and would have the pressure on me like i would over the phone. i have to think about if i should do that or just let it be cause she called me last night over the house phone while i was on it so i didnt flash over because i saw it was her then she called my cell, after i got off the phone her bf neal called me i anwered cause i was gonna try to tell him but that didnt work. so im just avoiding the calls all to gether!!!!! so far maybe i should try the email?

  • Dark Savior
    15 years ago

    Face your problems head on...never do the letter way. It's why I break up with women in person and not over the's just a cowards way of doing things.

    Tell her how you feel about's because she deserves that.

  • Love is a Beautiful Thing
    15 years ago wasnt one of her friends it was a guy that she knows, there arent friends theyve seen each other in person all of twice they rarely talk

    i have tried to tell her in person but it doesnt get across to her but im not really worried about anymore because we dont talk anymore