Have you ever slept on the floor with someone you liked?
Haha, it was a big room lmao.
Do you still talk to the person you fell the hardest for?
No, not really. Depends
Who is your last text from?
Sha-waddy waddy :D *ahem* Ryan :D
Which movie did you last see in theaters?
Twilight, or was it Yes Man? Can't remember lol
Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Haven't kissed anybody
Are you crushing on someone?
If you could go back in time and change things, would you?
Probably not, I'm pretty happy as it is :)
Have you ever slept in the same bed with the last person you kissed?
Haven't kissed anybody lol
Is there someone who you can spend every minute with and be happy?
Who's thinking about you right now?
I don't know, no one knowing my luck :/
Do you like to cuddle?
Are you keeping a secret right now?
Err, P&Q is a secret lmao
Was it a boy or a girl to text you first today?
Erm, a boy :D
What is your current annoyance?
My sister's stupid attitude
What do you current hear at the moment?
Erm the keyboard keys tapping and Supermassive Black Hole by Muse playing rather loudly :D
Are you easily scared by horror movies?
Nah, they're predictable
Do you know anyone who's been in jail?
Don't think so.
Does someone like you right now?
I hope so haha. I don't know, probably not :(
Are you friends with any of your ex bf/gf?
Don't have any.
Are you a risk taker?
Hell no lol
Are you anyone's first love?
Don't think so :/
If the year consisted of only one season, which would you choose?
Erm, Autumn
What was your worst mistake in your life?
Errr, I don't know
What's something you really want right now, be honest!
The guy that I like to be sitting here talking to me. Oh and some money :D
Have you ever woken up next to someone and were freaked out?
Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with the letter A?
No lol
Are you looking forward to anything?
Hell yes! 13th November here I come :D (if you care, ask lol)
Who was the last person of the opposite sex you had a conversation with?
Erm, my dad last night properly or Ryan through texting lol
Plans for tomorrow?
Revision >.<
Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing?
No lol... oooh wait, all cadet clothing is made for males so I guess so lmao
Is the last person you hugged older than you?
Have you ever liked someone you didn't expect to?
Have you ever cried during a movie?
I think so, Armageddon when the dad leaves :'(
Are you comfortable with your height?
I'd like to be a bit taller
Whats your favorite thing to eat?
Last text received?
From sha-waddy-waddy lmao. He wants new speakers for his car :)
What is sitting next to you?
My phone, a memory stick and empty food wrappers lol
Do you have a bad temper?
Ever been so drunk someone else had to carry you?
Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
A little bit, I guess.
Are you easily amused?
Yes :D
Do you miss someone?
Who was your last received call from?
Err *checks phone* dad
Are you doing anything tonight?
Meeting thing :/
Do you speak more than 6 languages?
I'd love to though lol
Who else is in the room with you?
No one
Do you think you will be married in 5 years?
Hell no lol
Do you watch MTV anymore?
I don't get it :(
How do you feel about your hair?
It's a pain in the...
Do you sleep with a fan on?
What is bothering you?
The fact that I have so much to do but I can't be bothered.
Did you get anything off your chest today?
I told my mum about a job thing
Were you happy when you woke up?
I 'spose
When someone says "we need to talk," what runs through your mind?
What we need to talk about lol
Do you mind being cold?
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
Almost lol
If you could go back 8 months and change something would you?
Errr, I'd choose a different quote :D
Do you drink coffee?
Have you ever liked someone older than you?
Do you find piercings attractive?
When is your birthday?
Sometime in July lol
Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
Ever made someone cry?
Don't think so
Are you mad at your best friend?
Whose bed did you sleep in last night?
Did you sleep in past noon today?
Noo :(
Is this year the best year of your life?
Hopefully, but 07 was pretty good.
Are you trying to avoid liking/loving somebody at the moment?
Nopee :)