Really need advice

  • TragicRomance
    15 years ago

    There is just soo much going on right now.. In the last month, one of my best friends died in Iraq, my fiane and I have broken up.. And now... my dad is cheating on my mom..

    He has 5 kids and a grandson.. And a wife that will and has done everything for hi.. But now he's texting this other wonam Terri.. That hes been texting for a while now.. and he said "I love you to her" and last night he went out and never came home till this morning.. And he reaked of perfume.. My mom doesn't wear any.. So AND he got a text saying "I had fun last night baby"

    My mom's health is shot to hell, and this just might be the thing that breaks thae camels back.. I don't know what to do.. I'm trying to be strong for my mom, and family but it's just so hard.. I don't know how to deal with it all. I mean I act like nothing's wrong, but it's fucking killing me

    15 years ago

    1st of all I am really sorry all of this is happening to you....
    1st your friend, it must be really hard to lose a friend, especially if you two were close....
    Try to deal each thing at a time....
    and about your fiance, i can just imagine.... think that everything happens for a reason, and there is something better out there for you....
    or if you guys are meant to be, then you guys will get through it... and maybe later on in the future get back together...
    and about your mom, try to be there for your moms health and not for your moms relationship, if one thing i learned all these years that my parents fought and argued for even things like this, at the end its your moms decision if she is going to stay with him, i am telling you because i have lived through it... my dad cheated on my mom a few times the 38 years they have been married.... and she would always take him back... i mean, she is very insecure now of course... but she loves him very much and has dealt with all his drama these past 38 years....
    i understand how you feel, because i was like that defending my mom but she took him back... yes they were seperated for a few weeks, but like i said she took him back... so its really up to your mom on how she deals with your dad...
    have you told your dad how you feel about him doing that to your mom?
    maybe that will make him stop... i know when me and my brother found that out, we were devestated, because we were the only ones still living with them... and we didnt talk to my dad for almost a month ,and it really hurt him.
    i wish you the best of luck in all of this and i hope everything turns out good for your mom... just worry about her health...
    if you want to talk PM me ok!!
    Much love!!
    ***JAZZY J***

  • TragicRomance
    15 years ago

    Thank you so much.. HE just left.. He just walked out on his fammily.. Like he didnt even care

  • c 0 n f u s e d
    15 years ago

    I wish i would've told my dad when i found out that my mom was cheating, but i never had the guts to do it because i didnt want them to separate. I was so afraid of being like the other broken families but i guess me not saying anything made it worse because my mom just kept doing it.

    15 years ago

    Im really sorry to hear that hun.... if you need any advise PM me....

  • TragicRomance
    15 years ago
