Movie Ratings

  • Ari
    15 years ago

    So I'm going to give this a go. I want to see a few movies, but I want to know what others have thought about it first. so the first person will post a movie, the next person rates it on a scale of 1-5 (1 being aweful 5 being the best movie ever). I hope that made sense.

    I guess I'll start with...

    the Hangover.

  • The Queen
    15 years ago

    I have not seen this one so i dunno..

    Transformers 2??

  • Obscura
    15 years ago

    Havent seen it

    drag me to hell

  • Poet on the Piano
    15 years ago

    Not seen it.

    Star Trek?

  • Fluffy
    15 years ago

    Not seen it, although I may get around to it evenutally.

    Transformers 2 was brilliant, in my opinion. However, it'll probably only go down well with people who can keep up with action-packed mayhem.

  • The Prince
    15 years ago

    Transformers 2 was AWFUL.
    The Hangover was excellent and surprisingly, so was Star Trek.

  • David Dork
    15 years ago


  • Nobodys Hero
    15 years ago

    I work in a cinema I can rate them all XD

    Tranformers 2 3/5
    Star Trek 5/5 my opinion my mate says 4 ^^
    Hangover 5/5
    Termintor 4/5
    Ice age 3 4/5
    Drag me to hell 4/5
    N.A.T.M.2 3/5

  • The Prince
    15 years ago

    I'd give Transformers 2/5
    Star Trek 4/5
    Hangover 5/5
    Terminator 3/5
    Ice age 3 2/5

  • Nobodys Hero
    15 years ago

    Awww no i thought ice age 3 was great lol, really funny maybe 5/5 was a bit high but it was atleast a 4

  • Fluffy
    15 years ago

    Optimus Prime is a hottie and you couldn't take it, Daniel :]

    I honestly thought it was a good watch. The film had its dip in humour and I found it entertaining on the whole. I didn't so much like the CGI when Megatron returned to Cybertron, looked a little fake. The only thing I pretty much hated was Megan Fox. They couldn't have chosen a dirtier girl, ugh.

  • Italian Stallion
    15 years ago

    I'd give Transformers: The Revenge of the Fallen a 3/5

    It really didn't have a story line/plot, it was just pure action pretty much, the story didn't really develop much, I knew what was going to take place before it even happened, it was just a mess in my opinion. I felt the action sence was tooo long at the end. I didn't like what they did with Megan Fox in this one. etc. etc.

    The graphics and audio were at the top of their game as far as I am concerned. I'd give the Video (as in quality of the film, crisp, sharp, etc.) a 4.5/5 and I'd give audio a 5/5

    Overall just an okay movie in my opinion. Worth a rent, but not worth the buy unless your a fan.

    Can't really rate the others since I haven't seen them yet.

  • The Prince
    15 years ago

    The first Transformers film had a human touch and being a film about toys, you cannot expect to take it too seriously. I liked the first one because it offered a bit of tension, and it wasn't as predictable as the second. The second is just an example of what Hollywood does to film. It's basically a visual and audio fest which lasts too long, is stereotyped and relies on stupid gags to fill the holes where there's no robots being flung through skyscrapers. There are more plotholes than wasted dialogue, and Megan Fox is an overly pouty, miscast piece of eye candy who can apparently run away from explosions in slow motion. It shouldn't be boring, but it is. It's clumsy, loud, frantic and a waste of money. I didn't expect to see a serious action film, just something a little escapist and entertaining but it wasn't even the latter.

  • Ari
    15 years ago

    So I just saw Public Enemy (is it plural?) and though it was a good film, it was such a downer. and way long! it was a bit hard to sit through. I'd give it about a 3/5 just because it was such a depressing movie. lol. anyway, my sister wants to see the proposal, anyone seen it?

  • The Queen
    15 years ago

    I havent seen it as well...

    ^^Ok, let's not be too harsh people..XD..I saw Transformers 2 and as for me, it was least i dint fall asleep in the theater..

    Ok..Kinda old movie..what did you think about Freedom Writers?

  • The Prince
    15 years ago

    It's not harsh, it's honest. The proposal (from the trailers) looks awful.

  • Ari
    15 years ago

    Hahaha that's because it's a chick flick. Guys don't go see those movies unless their girlfriends drag them to them. hahaha. but yeah, it looks a little, you know...

    freedom writers was amazing but I hate the woman it was based off of. my cousin had her as a teacher but she wasn't in one of the classes she favored so she got a really bad education that year,

  • Fluffy
    15 years ago

    Freedom Writers was just a cheaper version of Dangerous Minds, which in my opinion, was actually pretty good. I also have a strange dislike for Hillary Swank; she looks like a fish. Michelle Pfeiffer definitely made a better teacher trying to turn around a class of lunatics obsessed or by one way or another associated with gun crime.

  • Nobodys Hero
    15 years ago

    Public Enemies is ok but it could have been better

    It was like watching cloverfield again with some of the camera work

  • E <3
    15 years ago

    Public Enemies was amazing. Yes, it was long, but worth it. Johnny Depp is a very good actor. *shruigs* I liked it.

    15 years ago

    I honetly loved Transformers 2...
    5/5.... my opinion... it was really good...

    The hangover
    omg! my new fav comedy movie

    5/5.... It was so funny!!

  • AJ
    15 years ago

    Anyone want to see "Funny People" with adam sandler?

  • Captivat3d
    15 years ago

    No, I haven't but I wanna!

    Ice Age, the dawn of the dinosaurs.

  • Ari
    15 years ago

    Can't say I've seen it yet. sorry.


    anyone for a midnight showing? I'm SOOO going to be there. I'm the biggest nerd I know but COME ON! It's HARRY POTTER!!!!

  • The Queen
    15 years ago

    Waiting for the 16th of July..:)

  • Nobodys Hero
    15 years ago

    Im watching harry potter tomorrow for a staff showing i hope its going to be good XD I'm all excited

  • chind
    15 years ago

    Harry potter was bloody awesome !
    i loved it , and there were some parts that were HILARIOUS !

    :) would soo go and see it again

  • Nobodys Hero
    15 years ago

    Lol yea it was good, I laughed the most when Ron sat inbetween Harry and Ginny then offerd them a pie pml

    Hmm any1 seen the proposal?

  • chind
    15 years ago

    Lolol that was funny i loved the part when slughorn was like 'harry !' and then harry was like 'sir !' bahahaha funniest part evs .

    hm i havent seen the proposal but thats on my list to see of movies ! :)

  • The Queen
    15 years ago

    I dint like how Harry Potter ended and how it started...and how Dumbuldore died..

  • Nobodys Hero
    15 years ago

    Well i suppose they had to follow the book lol

  • The Queen
    15 years ago

    I couldn't agree with you more..

  • Ari
    15 years ago

    I loved it, even though it wasn't perfect to the book, it will lead excellently up to the next movie. SO STOKED!

  • Krista
    15 years ago

    I wanna see Orphan.

  • Ari
    15 years ago

    Ah that doesn't look like my cup of tea. I'd probably cry. haha... I get scared really easily.

  • Krista
    15 years ago

    I love scary/horror movies, but not the ones where stuff is always popping out at you, like Haunting in Connecticut. I like the deeper, psychological ones that make you think, like The Butterfly Effect..

  • Ari
    15 years ago

    Yeah I prefer those ones too. but still, they make me scream a lot. hahaha