I am worried about P&Q.

  • Boy
    15 years ago

    Hi everbody! good afternoon!

    i dont know am i right or not? but im noticing from few months that the member of poems-and-quotes are decreasing. i see it by online option. maybe its just a time when i come. and find very few people i.e 12 ,7 ,16 not more than 20.

    so i was just wondering is that true that most people left visiting this website. if yes!! then why?

  • Italian Stallion
    15 years ago

    You have to realize it is summer in most places, different time zones, etc. People work, go on vacations, and simply just don't get on the computer as much during the summer. And vise versa for winter, a lot of people ski, snowboard, etc.

    It is possible that not as many people are visiting the site, but I think a huge majority of it is because it is summer and people just don't get on as much.

  • Boy
    15 years ago

    HMMM. WELL I HOPE SO. wish that people keep in touch with this site.

  • john
    15 years ago

    I've been on and off this site for about 5 years and this is definitely the worst i've seen it. Most of the old interesting members have been driven off. i almost feel weird still kicking around, it seems like the site has become mostly for tweens now.

  • Boy
    15 years ago

    Why old members are moving? and is new memebers are regestring? tell me mod the ratio of regestering new members? can mod tell this?

  • Italian Stallion
    15 years ago

    Personally I recieve aprox. 2-6 emails a week from people whom are newly registering need their accounts activated. I'm not sure about the other mods, but that is aprox. how many I get that come to me weekly.

    Why are old member moving/leaving? Pretty simple really, they are fed-up with the system of this site. The Admin don't really care, and it shows. There have been no developments incoporated lately and any suggestions are basically thrown aside due to the fact that no one can do anything unless the Admin are here. At least those are my thoughts on it...

  • Boy
    15 years ago

    Hmm. that was the point in my mind that why old memebers are leaving but i just wanted to listen it by any mod.. as far i met to so many nice people in this web. and im happy. but on another side its realy irony about the great writers.

    itallion, i got your point and i am totaly agree with this no one can do anything unless the admin are here.. your thoughts are absoulty right. and i also know there is no new stuff in this website. and i think at the moment any suggestion is useless becasue of admin..

    but here a new questions.

    1)Admin responisibilties
    2) this website income (i.e through advertisment or by anything eles)

    these two questions are related with each other.
    is it true that there is no development for this site becoasue the income is so low? might be so low admin knows better.

  • Italian Stallion
    15 years ago

    Janis is the owner of this site. As far as income, the only income this site gets is via the advertisments; however, it isn't enough to make a profit. The money made from the advertisments is just enough money to keep this site running. He doesn't have this site to make money, he has this site for others like you and me to share our poetry for FREE. A lot of sites will ask for donations, hold contests were you have to pay, etc etc. You all should be thankful that he gives you a site in which is free of charge.

    And no, that is not the reason there has been no development. Janis has a life outside this site, just like you, me, and everyone else. You can't expect him to be here 24/7, granted he is almost never here, but that is his choice. When you own a site, then you can lash out whatever you when members come to you with thousands of emails.

    Please remember, we (The mods/admin) don't get paid, this is all voluntary.

  • Boy
    15 years ago

    "i never thought ever that MOD ARE PAID". but i was just thinking about admin. i thought about admin income about this website. i thought it becasue i wanted to know why there is no implmented new things.. and i wish for new things implement just to convince and make stay those people who are leaving this website...

    **long live poems and quotes** :)

    15 years ago

    I know, its really sad to see less and less people here... when I first signed up I would see at least 50 people online, but now, no more than 20...
    I kept wondering myself what was going on...
    But the few that are left have to keep this running, because I like the people here...
    And poetry is shared with others for free, which is great, because alot of places do charge you to post something, or ask for a donation...

    I really hope the people that sign on and keep posting up poetry keep doing so...
    But sometimes its hard, becuse I used to be in here all the time, but if you look in my latest poem, its been months... but mostly because Ive been so busy doing other things...

    It just really sucks....

  • Boy
    15 years ago

    I ask to all members and mods.. what possible new features that can make stay and attract people to keep in touch with this site..
    remember i dont want to know old fix erorrs.. or fix bugs..

    i need something new in this site really and i expect to others aswell.

  • Obscura
    15 years ago

    Try avertising on the net

    i know it might seem unrealistic but i think it will work

  • Boy
    15 years ago

    So itz mean they wont come back ever. Where admin are now and days. And is there any contact to talk them directly.

  • Love Panda
    15 years ago

    To the mods and any personal friends of the admin - is there no way of contact, i mean besides email??


  • Dante
    15 years ago

    Yes, you can meet Janis in parks of Riga drinking beer or in woods eating mushrooms :)

  • Boy
    15 years ago

    Lol.. Well how janis looks? I wana see..

  • Love Panda
    15 years ago

    Me to me to!

  • Love Panda
    15 years ago

    Can mods deletes accounts??

    i was thinking - if deleting accounts of people who arnt active for a year would help at all?? im not sure - i feel theres an idea here but im not sure..

    could you tell us how many active accounts there actually are??


  • Boy
    15 years ago

    My question dissappear . i want to contact with janis.. any email plzz...

  • Boy
    15 years ago

    Lol. U r saying 30 or 40.. One year ago There was a time when i saw more than 150 online...

  • Obscura
    15 years ago

    Christ ive never seen numbers like that ever

    most i have ever seen is 40

  • Italian Stallion
    15 years ago

    A very longtime ago we used to reach numbers such as 100+

  • Boy
    15 years ago

    Yeh... agreed. maybe u r right.. its a long time.. but im sure oneday it wil more than 100+ again.

  • abracadabra
    15 years ago

    Not only have online member numbers decreased, there is a noticeable inactivity within the main forums, especially the Members Message forum. This place was a retreat, a pub, a boxing match, a philosphy class, an amusement park, a schoolyard. The forum was where the best poetry of the site resided, hot, alive, and real.

    Face it, the lack of proper admin had nothing to do with the passion once present in the forums. It's disappointing to see it like this now.

    When I was active here in ye olde days, a dispute took place between the Mods and the regular members, an event to record in PnQ history books and paint upon the cave walls. Some members, including myself, were not happy with the way Mods edited/locked/deleted threads and penalised/suspended members without any uniform guidelines for both parties to follow. This resulted in the "Forum Rules" being stickied everywhere, which was supposed to be a great advancement. I'm not sure if this made things easier, or produced any positive effect. I'm sure the resulting barrenness of the forum has given the Mods some peace though! But stale and barren it remains- not a good environment for poets, or even pseudo-poets.

    As Bob says, many of the active members are now dwelling in their clubs- some by choice, some by necessity. It's nice, though, to emerge and check out new members, reunite with old ones, and invite and participate in discussions outside the walls of your group.

    Even if, at times, it is a little frustrating.

  • abracadabra
    15 years ago

    Amen, Donald.

    Illuminati, good question. I find that Donald has sort of answered it, and I've already discussed it in this thread (though it feels repetitive now): http://www.poems-and-quotes.com/discussion/topic.html?topic_id=121936

  • Nicko
    15 years ago

    Now i know where the man in the Moon comes from........ha

    Not a nice visual though..............

  • abracadabra
    15 years ago

    BAHAHA! Hmmm....interesting. I didn't know that they called policemen Bobbies in those days. In fact, why are they called Bobbies at all?

    Getting back to the topic: Yes, people, the state of PnQ is worrying. But there are other things to worry about as well. Such as being late for work, climate change, catching herpes, etc.

  • Boy
    15 years ago

    We all people will write poems. And we all poets and potess both will show and impress newcomers to write and stay with the site. Offcourse evry1 has talent in this world.. Poems-and-quotes will never never end. It wil remain with us. And we are all itz children. We wil make it best.

  • Love Panda
    15 years ago

    Wow wow wow, i logged on and there was 30 people online, tahts the most ive seen in months, i was that happy i didnt know who to talk to 1st! :)

    i miss some of the old poets, not old as in age, the ones that havnt visited in a while that i used to really get on with. :(

    oh well...


  • Boy
    15 years ago

    Ahan. well everyone wants the best for this site. sometimes it seems that its now impossible. it is really dispointed. but i hope it is just the best than other poetry site.. so simple to operate.. so i hope people will keep in touch with this site.

    sometimes i talk on msn with the poets. ages ago we aded emails in our msn to talk. i talked to so many people in the past. i recalled them that im frpm pnq. they said ok but "we left pnq".
    if they online again i will ask to them then i will tell here why they all left.

  • Boy
    15 years ago

    "What is wrong if we try to enjoy ourselves on this site. Not everything has to be "High Brow" and intellectual.
    This should be a place where we can express ourselves in all forms of writing, be it funny, serious, fantasy, happy or sad"

    what if supose you are alone remain in this site. and nobody remains. and u want to discuss the forum. serious, fantasy happy or sad... then to who with u will discuss. the forum. so we cannot say this that we should enjoy only. we should make realize to others to join us. and should ask to people why they left. im sure they can tell us so many things. that why they left. so we can fix those all problems. atlest we can keep it in our list to fix them..

  • Boy
    15 years ago

    What the rules you are talking about? dear

  • Boy
    15 years ago

    Yeh... if some one does not come due to busyness or lack of time then its ok cuz its mean they will come oneday back. but if somone loss the intrest then its not good.. they can leave for forever.

  • stormingdance (Lessa)
    15 years ago

    The fact that it's a bit difficult to get your account activated may drive off some of the new members. =/

  • Kevin
    15 years ago

    I'd like to second Donalds idea about having a forum that is for the adults of this site, who we know are many and some of the most dedicated and long standing members.

    No mod rules at all in this new forum.

    Oh but kevin we can't do anything without Janis saying so.

    Nonsense. Waay back in the day when I was a mod (the good old days, har har) we got so sick of Janis not doing anything about the website, that we took action without him, heck I even banned him to see if that would get his attention. lol.

    The Mods rule P and Q, janis has nothing to do with it, and for that reason if the Mods wanted to change something, they could, they could do it easily...but they won't.

    How hard would it be to say from now on the "other" forum is a free for all no rules forum? Put a stickied message on every forum explaining why so no one can plead ignorance and just let people have open discussions that they know won't get closed down for questionable reasons.

    Then, and only then, when people know it's worth the effort of starting and contributing to an interesting and passionate debate, will people start to come back regularly.

    As it stands now, why would I or any other long standing member even bother to start a cool thread, when we know there is a very high chance it will get locked by rather zealous Mods.

    It's really that simple. if you build it, they will come.

  • Kevin
    15 years ago

    NO I understand all too well the limitations of the mods in terms fo changing things, it's not changed at all since the "old days".

    BUt you don't seem to see is that you don't really need the admin to change things anymore, not when what you'd be changing is an idea in poeples heads, you don't need coding for that.

    It seems many Mods are rather unhappy at how little the admin visit and contribute to the site, despite the fact we all acknowledge it's great that it's free and user friendly place.

    You are all in charge, by the very fact Janis is never here, you all make the decisions on what is right and wrong, not him. If he had any interest in that, in rules and rights etc he'd come back every few weeks and make some posts, advise on tricky situations.

    He doesn't.

    So we're left with you guys and gals and from what we understand none of you particularly enjoy debating with some of the more avid proponents of free speech etc. What are you gonna do? Moderate people left,right and center to back up rules set down by someone who doesn't care about the website he msde them for, nor has the time to regularly visit his Mod team who keep said website running smoothly etc, are you going to follow him?

    He has no cocenpt of the kinds of pople who would revitlize this website, he doesn't know or fathom the demographic so how could he accomadate them.

    He can't, you all can. Change a forum into an adult debate forum with no restrictions on subject matter or language. Here are the only two rules.

    1. no posting of you poetry in threads
    2. No rascist, zenophobic/sexual etc attacks made AT someone, you may attack their posts and idea's in debate, but not them as people for the colour of their skin etc etc.

    thats really all you need. I challenge you all to try it for a week. See what happens. LoL, if Janis wants to come in and shut it down, well be nice to see him.

  • Kevin
    15 years ago

    Can we be a member of more than one club?

    If notI don't think people could be bothered to join another club, it sounds too insular and cut off. I understand you don't have the coding to change a forum, officially.

    Well the idea is there to try, or not. I see it as something that would be very good for the website, get people out of their clubs and into the wider, richer population of the website and really spark some passion, with some hard work to get it going.

    Another club, I don't think it would work

  • Boy
    15 years ago

    Rock on kevin!!!!!!!!1

  • Kevin
    15 years ago

    So the club would be what, a trial run for the possibility of an actual proper adult forum on P and Q?

    Cause as it stands right now, I'm part of a club and we can say anything we want, and do you know what I've never seen one person be rude to anyone...we might swear like troopers and talk about things I'd get slapped by my Granny for, but it's exiting and interesting.

    So can we join 2 clubs or not?

  • Boy
    15 years ago

    Hey!! u said

    "I can pinpoint the downfall of P&Q with a series of 3 events".

    whts tht