• Ashleigh Skye
    19 years ago

    I have nothing to write about :S:S:S

    if anyone can give me a topic that would be great.. thanx a bunch

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    Get yourself on a public transport bus that goes to a poor part of town and just watch people...see the stories.

    If that don't get you writing...then fall in love.

  • SweetDreamer
    19 years ago

    If your own feelings and emotions don't inspire you, take Kevin's advice and go out and experience something about life that's different from your own.


  • Heather M Craig
    19 years ago

    take a look around you...a new perspective of things, that should inspire you. Look beyond the big picture of your life...you'll find something
    Love Heather......and btw good luck!

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    Light a candle and watch it burn.
    Write everything about it and equate it to life.

    Take the most simple thing and dissect everything about it. Be objective, use metaphors,

    Watch a sunset...
    Look at the stars....
    Watch your girlfriend/ boyfriend sleep and write a poem about them....

    The simplest things can inspire the best poetry.

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    LoL Justplainme - too funny gross but funny all the same


    -The Colour White
    -The Sound Of Night
    -I like the Sunset Idea too :o)
    -The Iraqi Olympians

    Just a few ideas hopefully you can work with to overcome your writers block my friend :o)

  • Bret Higgins
    19 years ago

    Why do men have nipples?
    Bus timetables.
    Women who like football.
    Queen Victoria.
    Where JustPlainMe gets his ideas from.

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    HA HA

  • Bret Higgins
    19 years ago

    Ok, having a little block on my novella... so I wrote about a block....

    How much does a breeze block weigh?
    I never knew before.
    How I wonder every day
    Could it be a score?

    Why are breeze blocks all made grey?
    Convenience or more?
    Mr. Sampson used to say
    “Bert don’t be a bore.”

    Breeze blocks keeping me at bay.
    But saves me from the shore
    When can I know what today?
    The answer is outdoors.

    Not that good but so much fun writing.


  • Kylie
    19 years ago

    The falling in love part works...well, when you fall out anyways. Thats almost all I can write about now...

  • Ashleigh Skye
    19 years ago

    good ideas thanx a bunch ppl

  • gasping for air
    19 years ago

    listen to some sad music, depressing music, happy music... whatever mood you want to write about... and listen to the lyrics... what the songs about... and write what you feel.... or you can get yourself head over heels in love with someone.. that worked for me.... :)

  • -
    19 years ago

    like another old saying goes, "if you don't have something nice to say, then just don't say anything at all"

  • Annie
    19 years ago

    That is so often true.... I would even call it "fact" if I believed in such a thing!
    Yeah, you guys aren't being very efficient with the comments.. I mean, kiddos, - If a poem sucks it sucks- tell them that
    Yeah, and only boring people are bored. Here this always cures writer's block- Get as many things as you can with five bucks at the dollar store and see how many times you can break the law with just those items.
    Note: Chances are, If you've had a frontal lobotomy (like many of you, evidently) you aren't going to be able to write poetry.

  • cant sleep
    19 years ago

    think about death. think about all the things that you will miss. think about everything you take advantage of. and think about the reflection of the sunset over a lake in the middle of the mountains. good luck. -nancy

  • Anne Conner
    19 years ago

    Sometimes I write about nothing or being out of ideas.

  • xxangelchicxx2000
    19 years ago

    write about my stupid math teacher. i wrote a poem about him that he is so stpid and all and we were passing it arond the class~!!~ and my teacher took it read it and now i am in trouble for doing some thing i luv.

  • dezie
    19 years ago

    write what is in your heart and mind