100 ways to annoy people

  • Hollow Emotion
    15 years ago

    Everybody gets annoyed, some more than others, but what really make YOU tick?

    List anything that annoys you, or that you have done to purposly annoy people.

    This could give you some new ideas...

    I'll start...

    This one annoys the crap outta me!!

    Pay for your meal in change. or even worse, all pennies!

  • Lauren
    15 years ago

    When you ask your friends what they want to do and they say "I don't care." so when you suggest something they roll their eyes and look disappointed.

  • AJ
    15 years ago

    It annoys people when i mow the lawn naked.

    Jk i couldn't do that lol.

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    15 years ago

    It annoys me when...well i have several..

    1) people chew with their mouth open
    2) people pop their gum.
    3) people who ask questions with obvious answers
    4) people who take a long time to reply to text messages.

  • Lauren
    15 years ago

    *Repeat your questions a trillion times

    *Not listening when you know you really should be

    *Blowing smoke in non-smoker's faces or breathing on you when drunk

    *Talk about personal things fifty decimals too loud.

  • Krista
    15 years ago

    -Putting dirty ice cream scoops in the drip sink. It's nasty!

    -When people crack their knuckles.

    -When people make a huge mess, then expect you to clean it up for them.

  • Lauren
    15 years ago

    When people just sit on their butts and watch you as you clean the whole fricken house yourself

  • your love is mine
    15 years ago

    ~when some one lies about being sick just so that they don't have to go some where.

    ~when some one thinks that they are right even after you have all the evidence to prove them wrong (there are exceptions)

  • Captivat3d
    15 years ago

    - People who can never admit there wrong when they obviously are.

    - People who always complain about how they don't have money and yet never show up to work..

    - People who are always loud and obnoxious because they want attention.

    - When people lie and then you catch them, and they deny that they were lying.

    - People who tickle you/poke you and never stop when you tell them to.

    - People who complain about there life when there are obvious solutions right in front of them.

  • KemistryKia
    15 years ago

    -ppl who cry and dont tell meh wats up
    -ppl who cut themselves
    -ppl who jump on muh back
    -ppl who act crazy during church(its over n ur still jumping around? y)
    -ppl who stare at meh eating
    i talk and laugh too damn loud ;)

  • BitterXSweetness
    15 years ago

    Ppl that talk 2 much

    15 years ago

    *People that dont know how to spell something that they should of learned long ago.

    *People that talk slow...

    *People that eat slow...

    (I work in the medical field and talk to alot of people all day and this is what annoys me from them)

    *They dont know their childrens date of birth

    * They dont know how to spell their own childrens last name

    * Or when they have more than one last name and dont know what order they go in

    15 years ago

    Just do one of those things to me, and you will annoy me... lol

  • veeda
    15 years ago

    1. people who drag their feet.
    2. my friends taking their dear ol' sweet time when they know i'm in a friggen hurry.
    3. my family.
    4. annoying kids.
    5. rap. country. if you play any of that in front of me, i'll scissor kick you in the face for making my ears bleed. :D
    6. lazy people.
    7. people who always try to make other people feel sorry for them.
    8. people who walk sooo slow.
    9. people who judge other people by what they look like/wear.
    10. stupid girls.

    ...mainly, people annoy the crap out of me. xD

    [[my list WOULD be longer...but i don't want to annoy anybody with long lists. bwaha.]]

  • Katie Makena
    15 years ago

    Gum chewers
    Slow walkers
    Rap music
    Ghetto Girls/Gangsters

  • Captivat3d
    15 years ago

    - People who try to be something they're not.

    - People who don't type correctly LiKE THis

    - People who just do everything slow.

    - People who are so negative about life which makes their life negative -_-

    - People who drag others down with them.

  • Lauren
    15 years ago

    People who don't use their blinkers when driving

    When someone gets stupid songs stuck in your head

    People who never shut up about themselves

  • meliLOVE
    15 years ago

    Sticking ur finger out and pointing at me and say """im not touching u.. im not touching u""" over and over again... lol naw but that use to annoy me when i was younger tho...

  • meliLOVE
    15 years ago

    People who think they know everything and can never admit to being wrong..

    people who answer a question b4 i ask it even if they dont even know wat im gonna say..

    people who dont do there fair share of work but still complain about other people...

    loud people annoy me i wanna just say please be quite but i know that would be rude...

    people that dont wash there hand after they use the bathroom..

    thats just somethings that annoy me.. lol

  • Fluffy
    15 years ago


  • KemistryKia
    15 years ago

    Ppl who [[pick]] thier nose
    ppl who walk with their [[sneakers]] untied

  • chind
    15 years ago

    1. when people you just met get really clingy and wont leave you alone !
    2. when people ask really stupid questions to get attention
    3. when people ask questions and answers their own questions
    4. when im trying to sleep and i can hear the ticking of the clock ! :@ drives me insane
    5. when someone lashes on you at the last minute
    6. the people who think they are top sh*t
    7. unable to attend a gathering you have been looking forward to all week !

  • Pesamenteiro
    15 years ago

    When people are obviously lying but everyone believes them

    Scene kids who look at you like /you're/ the poser

  • Captivat3d
    15 years ago

    . . . People who spend like over an hour a day just to look good EVERYDAY

    . . . People who pick there boogers in public lol

    . . . When a guy/girl wants to get to know you more and you try to get away from them but they follow and they don't get the hint that you don't wanna talk to them lol

    . . . When the guy/girl you like takes forever to text back

    . . . When your dating a guy and when he's around his friends, he acts like you don't exist.

  • AngelicDecadence
    15 years ago

    People who lie to you when you specifically ask them to be honest in the question.

    People who break promises.

    When people ask if you're okay and it's clear you're not.

    When people try and take advantage of you cos you just got out of a bad relationship.

    People who are really perky, like so much that it's overwhelming, I mean, they're insanely happy about cheese, or something like that ALL the time.

    People that never stop smiling to the point where it gets creepy.

    >.< I could go on, but I'll stop now.

  • Krista
    15 years ago

    "People that never stop smiling to the point where it gets creepy."

    Haha. My 5th grade teacher was like that. He listened to Weird Al all the time and totally creeped us all out. It's like he had a perma-smile smacked on his face. LOL.

  • Clown
    15 years ago

    People who think that theyre better them me cuz they have more rank on their chest or more money
    then me

  • DarkCrystalbtrfy
    15 years ago

    - my rents who start in on me right after ive come home from a 10 hr shift

    - boys who proclame to call you back but dont

    -ex boyfriends

    -people who make fun of you and say crap but they dont even know you


  • mckenzie
    15 years ago

    Compulsive liers
    People who judge you when they don't know anything about you.

  • DarkCrystalbtrfy
    15 years ago

    Beaing over relaxed due to a drug! (ie advil pm)

  • Captivat3d
    15 years ago

    Throw stuff at them lol

  • Love is a Beautiful Thing
    15 years ago

    Thinking of an answer for this question!!! lol

  • Obscura
    15 years ago

    There was a time i was going to hit a guy in the face i was in a super market and a guy came up to me after i kissed my gf and said in a stuck up voice "i dont think thats very appropreate here do you?" that arragant motherfu*ker i guess i hate it when people think there better than you

  • cici89
    15 years ago

    People who think they know everything. And ones who think they are better that everyone

  • Em
    15 years ago

    Arrogance and ignorance.

  • Captivat3d
    15 years ago

    When people sneeze on you or don't cover their sneeze...lol

  • cici89
    15 years ago

    That is gross. lol

    when guys leave the toilet seat up

  • Poetess Lana
    15 years ago

    When people type "lYk dis" or "LiKe ThIs" or "L1K3 TH1$". Seriously, come on. Numbers are numbers, letters are letters, and symbols are symbols. Keep it that way.

    When people use the wrong kind of there, their, or they're.

    The dog is over THERE.
    THEY'RE taking a nap.
    The car is THEIRS.

    (In case you couldn't tell, I'm an English major c:)

    When people put LOL after or before every single sentence, or when they put it a million times on one page. I do use lol, but not excessively.

  • Captivat3d
    15 years ago

    Omg, I hate when people type like that too!! XD

    When people ask for directions and they slowly walk away while your telling them. I get that all the time at work! it's so annoying, nobody has any patience!!

  • Kayla
    15 years ago

    I hate it when people talk like this...

    i h8 2da cez im en emo aite den.

    EEHHHH!! LEARN HOW TO SPEAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!