Angel Tears
15 years ago
When I first joined this site over a year ago, it was with one purpose: To share my story step by step with others who I thought might be helped through my experiences. I keep a "poetic" diary when I can detailing how I am feeling and my past experiences. I was wondering if you, or someone you knew, did anything like this? I was also wondering if it helped at all.. I know it is helping me a bit, though it is still hard to express myself. |
15 years ago
Doing things like keeping diaries, writing poetry, or even writing songs really do help. It's a way to get out the things that you feel, without actually telling someone, because if you're like me you don't like to open up much. I had a diary that I used to write in where I would talk about main things in my life and it was on my computer and I typed in it like I was talking to someone in the future who might find it and read it. Might seem a little silly or stupid, but it actually helped me feel better about things. :) |
15 years ago
I have a couple of things, |
15 years ago
Pretty much every poem I've ever written begun as a poem about a person in my life or an experience I had or was having. Writing poems, especially as a young teenager, is pretty much what saved me. That plus painting and music. But really getting stuff out in words through poems was an essential form of self expression for me since I am not a talking person and will not talk about what's bothering me with people. |
15 years ago
I dont delete my poetry, no matter how much my feeling change, also, there is poetry that I dont post ever. It helps me to hold on to thsee becouse I can look back on my Journals, Poetry books, my page on this site, and know, ok, this is what I was going through at this time in my life and this is how I delt with it then, what can I do better to deal with this situation that I didnt do last time. also, some memories are just pleasent and remind you of a hapier place and time in your life. |
15 years ago
Defenatly writing keeps me sane. : ) its really good to keep a journel and i beleave that yes it has helped me |
15 years ago
I like to keep a diary, because i dont remember things very well. actually, i remember some things really well- like, facts and gossip and song lyrics- but i dont remember my life very well. so i write it down as i live it, and then i can go back and read if i want to. im afraid that if i dont, some day when i'm old, i realize i cant remember a thing i've done and my life will seem like its been so short. |