What do you guys think?

  • XxBrokenInsidexX
    15 years ago

    Im 16 and ive been through alot for my age and i think i suffer from some anxiety disorder...my mom wants me to see a therapist but i refuse....the offer is still open ...so should i take?

    ill give a brief passage on my life:

    i dont know my real dad...my stepdad and me hate eachother, i was pregnant at 15 and i lost the baby when i was 5 months along and i still cry about it...i cry over small things like about not going somewhere or leaving a place..i take everything very hard and im always nervous and anxious...my relationship with my bf isnt very healthy..i take my anger out on everyone around me...but i dont feel as if i need a therapist to talk to...but maybe im being stubborn like always...so what do you think?

  • forevertobeart
    15 years ago

    My mother offered me to see a therapist a couple years ago when an incident happened with me, but like you, I was very stubborn and refused. A couple of years later, I feel fine and content, it seems I didn't need a therapist after all. But then again, I didn't think I was suffering from anything like an axiety disorder. It's all up to you; do you think this therapist could really help? It couldn't hurt, could it? If it turns out you do suffer from anxiety, wouldn't it be better for you to be professionally diagnosed and get help for it? Like I said, it's all up to you and what you feel you need. Whichever decision you make, I wish you good luck.

  • Angel Tears
    15 years ago

    Therapy isn't a bad decision, but it does need to be an informed decision. If you do decide to go into therapy, you need to find a good therapist who will work with you and help you, not someone who feels like they just have to go to work to get paid.

    I've suffered with depression, anxiety disorders, and post traumatic stress disorder since I was 12 or 13. It got to the point of where I couldn't leave the house or be in large crowds without having a panic attack.

    After several years, I have just gotten to where I can work and be out in public without staring down at my feet while walking or trying to ignore the people around me.

    During this time, I would have given -anything- to see a therapist, but I was too afraid to, and we couldn't afford it If the option is available to you, it wouldn't hurt to try; if it doesn't help, or you don't like it, the option to quit is always there.

  • XxLastHopexX
    15 years ago

    I myself have gone through a lot in life to for my age...now that seems to happen more and more...i had anxiety and depression for a little...maybe still now.....im not sure...and like you im stubborn...i know what your talking about....but with my my ma didnt want me to see a counselor.....my pain was ingored and in the end i felt all alone...its up to you if you want to see a counselor...do it....its not a bad thing and it can be extremely helpful....maybe it would have saved some added sorrow of mine....if you chose not to...make sure that theres someone that you can at least talk to...feeling alone and like no understands is a heavy burden...its good to vent sometimes....and remember your not alone.....talk to soemone...anyone...youll see how much it helps...even if its with your mom...you might be surprised.....if you need to talk just pm me...good luck hun...

  • Katie Makena
    15 years ago

    Wow, well in my point of view I think counseling will be good..When I was your age, I refused to go to counseling until they forced to go because my depression got so bad. I think maybe you should try it, you never know because it might help you. Hope everything gets better for you!

  • DarkCrystalbtrfy
    15 years ago

    Get help but be sure whn you talk to this person that you feel comftorable with them. i understand where your comming from becasue 9 months before i had my break down my mom tried to get me to see someone and i did but she was such a total bitch so i stopped going. i alaways wonder that maby if i woudl have seen someone else and not fought it so much woudl i have still had all the problems that i had...

    Till then peace on the wings of a black dove

  • Em
    15 years ago

    I think seeing someone to help you through things would be of your best interest but before you do talk to them make sure you feel comfortable with them. I have been to a few councillors because I have also had a hard life but I didn't feel comfortable with the first few, I thought they were judging me. I hope things work out.