Just a hello :)

  • effervescence
    15 years ago

    Hey there everyone!

    I just thought I should post a hello, since I'm pretty new to
    the community.

    Some facts about me?

    Some of my friends say I have a hilarious sense of humor. I don't know if I agree... O_O To myself, I'm just a regular girl in a regular world. I enjoy a variety of sports, activities and literature. :)

    I'm an aspiring novelist, not a poet. However, over time, I have come to enjoy reading poetry, and thought I'd try my hand here.

    I'm still learning the basics of this craft, so bear with me! I have posted my first poem and I'll appreciate all the new friends and comments that the PnQ community will offer.

    Thank you!

    -Athena :)

  • Starlight
    15 years ago

    Hey, Athena. Nice to meet you. You have a very attractive name, lol!

  • Jay Perry Jr
    15 years ago


    Welcome to the site

  • Captivat3d
    15 years ago

    Hello! Nice to meet you (:

    I'm sure you'll enjoy this site!

  • Jennifer RIP Lesthat Hayden
    15 years ago

    Hello. ^_^

  • Jennifer RIP Lesthat Hayden
    15 years ago

    Hello. ^_^

  • StillxBreathing
    15 years ago


  • Indian Comma Bean
    15 years ago

    Welcome to P&Q!

  • SolemnWish
    15 years ago

    Hope you have some fun with this!!
    Im Cris