Playing Games With Me?

  • forevertobeart
    15 years ago

    My boyfriend of two years dumped me two weeks ago... for another girl... It hit me hard. Trying to make it through, a guy in my graphics class seemed to really cheer me up, and vulnerable me let him in. He eventually started flirting with me a lot, holding my hand in class and through the halls, hugging me with those long boyfriendy/girlfriendy hugs, kissed my hand, and gave a necklace. This friday after school was over he walked me to my truck and told me to text him later, so I did. He wasn't really responding much. Then I tried talking to him on saturday, and again, he wasn't really responding. So I decided to forget about it and wait until he talks to me. Well he ignored me sunday, and on tuesday he promised he would take me to the fair, so today (monday) I texted him asking if he was still going with me (six hours ago) and he never replied. Would someone please tell me why this guy would be nice to me, do all this sweet stuff to me, and then totally ignore me for three days? Maybe I'm just a stupid girl. Anyway, what better thing to do than search for answers from strangers. :/

  • Captivat3d
    15 years ago

    I know how you feel. I was in a similar situation except I broke up with him and then 5 days later he's with some other girl. That totally shocked me.

    Anyways, try not to be too desperate. It sounds like maybe he's just being nice to you. He might be interested in you but I think you're more interested in him than he is to you. I think you should take it slow. Your heart is tender right now, don't go out looking for a rebound. Let your heart heal and take some time for yourself to think about what you really want. I know it feels good to find someone that seems like they care about you, but take it slow. If he's not replying then who cares, that's what I think. You're trying too hard. Let him do the work, not you.

  • forevertobeart
    15 years ago

    OhmyGod... thank you so much. That is exactly what I needed to hear. I couldn't agree with you more, and I can't believe I'm just now getting it. Thank you!!

  • Captivat3d
    15 years ago

    Lol no problem ;]