
  • March Azel
    15 years ago

    If the person u only trust...
    lied to you...
    and the 2nd time he lied to you
    was very much the same
    on the first time he did dat..
    would u still try to accept hes apology
    and trust him again..

  • BeatsMe
    15 years ago

    Crap Im kinda curious what he lied about. Would kinda help out if you want some answers. He could lie a billion times but if your willing to forgive them then everything should be peachy, right? In the end, it doesnt matter what would we do. What do you want to do?

  • Captivat3d
    15 years ago

    I wouldn't be able to trust him again. He has to earn back his trust and it'll probably take some time. If he lied to you once and did again, doesn't that show you that you're not that important to him if he's able to do that to you and hurt you on purpose?

    I think you should step back and forget about how you feel and remember what you deserve. Just look at the relationship and ask yourself if it's worth it.

  • BraidhairCutie
    15 years ago

    I think it depends on what he lied about. How worse it was. It was simple and didn't effect you that much then i'll just be mad at him for a while. If it was horrible then i'll be mad at him for a couple of days. let my friends harrass then jud=st deal with it.

  • Elizabeth
    15 years ago

    It'd be nice to know what he'd lied about. Some people lie out of habit and others lie because they don't trust the other person enough to be honest with them.

    Generally I agree, a lie is a lie, no matter how trivial or sever the lie may be and no matter what the excuse is. If it is something that was trivial, why the need for him to lie in the first place? It doesn't make sense. He should be honest with you, regardless. Someone you trust; a family member, friend, boyfriend or other, shouldn't be lying to you. Period. It isn't acceptable. Although, that doesn't mean you can't forgive them. Everyone deserves a second chance. However, if they've lied to you a second time they're taking your forgiveness and trust for granted. You gave them an opportunity to prove themselves; to earn you trust back, but they failed. You deserve better.

    "It shouldn't matter if he stole piece of gum and then lied..."

    ^ Haha, that actually happened to me before when I was around 9yrs old. I'd invited this "friend" over for the first time to my house. I'd offered her some gum. No more than 5mins later I found out that she'd taken more gum from me when I was out of the room behind my back, some other candy and some jewelry. I confronted her about it. She lied to my face for the most part, but I continued to question her and she eventually caved. I didn't care that she took more gum from me or other candy, it's perishable, or even the jewelry, what I did care about was why she had to be so secretive about it and lie to me. In my mind, stealing was obviously a habit for her as well as could possibly escalate and there was no need to lie. I told her to go home an since then hadn't invited her back to my house. A year or so later she ended up moving, and I haven't heard from her since.

  • Captivat3d
    15 years ago

    Obviously, whatever he lied about is severe if she has to post this up and ask for advice...

  • Elizabeth
    15 years ago

    ^ Don't be so sensitive. No one said it wasn't... But just because she's posted her problems here doesn't mean it is either. You've been a member long enough, as long as I have, to know that. All anyone has said was that a lie is a lie, no matter if the lie was trivial; as simple as stealing a piece of gum and lying about it, or severe; as complicated as him cheating on her and lying about that. No one directly said that her problem was trivial. How could we? We don't even know what he'd lied about. Think about it.

  • March Azel
    15 years ago

    ^_^ thankz.. its a simple lie though.. yet wat i hate most he lied to me twice ... i gave him another chance though..
    maybe because the relationship between us WOrth it..

    thanks for the HELP gUyz...

  • Elizabeth
    15 years ago

    It's very generous of you to give him a third chance. Like you said in a later post. You can't spend your whole life blaming him. But forgiving him is only half of the solution. It takes two. You're not the only one who has to do something about it. He's still got a ways to go... Remember, you need to put your foot down sometime, on something. He needs to know how being lied to twice has made you feel, that it is not acceptable and what the consequences will be. Otherwise you're only giving him the impression that what he'd done is tolerable and that he will get away with it. Basically your enabling him to do it again. You need to talk to him, not just forgive him; hide your problem. The two of you won't be able so solve anything that way.

  • Hopeless Romantic
    15 years ago

    I'm sorry trust of mine is very hard to come by... but if he keeps doing it over and over again then he really isn't sorry like he saids...

  • Lori
    15 years ago

    If he lies about a small, insignificant thing, and you forgive him easily, he will think it's okay. He will lie about things that are not so significant. If he tells one lie, how many other things will he continue to lie about? Get on his case. And tell him that lying to you is NOT okay.

  • Malboros pipe
    15 years ago

    A lie is lie, no arguing that. But in some cases it depends on the situation. Many people have lied to me, lovers and friends, but its only yourself you can decide to forgive them.