Why PeoPLe are Too BUsy BLAming each one another?

  • March Azel
    15 years ago


  • BeatsMe
    15 years ago

    What are you trying to get at? =/

  • Captivat3d
    15 years ago

    Humans just have a tendency of behaving that way. We're blind by our actions and only see what we want to see. Even if it's actually the individual's fault, they might not see it in their eyes. A lot of people don't like admiting their wrong.

    It's not something easy to solve. People will always blame other people. Life can't be that easy...

  • Elizabeth
    15 years ago

    Some people would rather put the blame; weight, on others shoulders or on their hearts rather than carry that weight; blame, themselves. It makes them feel less guilty and less likely to have to be the one to change or solve the problem. However, that never usually works. Those kind of people are cowards. They can point the finger at someone else, but there will always be three more fingers pointing right back.

    By the way, what has this to do with Love and Romance?

  • forevertobeart
    15 years ago

    Whether it's putting blame on someone else, or judging someone else, it's all for the same reason. Humans do it so they won't have to take a hard look at their own pathetic lives and admit their faults. We all do it, I'm pretty sure of, even if it's just a small blame or judgment. It's just in our nature.

    Take a look at The Salem Witch Trials, if you know anything about it. Instead of admitting that the reason the girls were rebelling was because of the strict moral codes of the society, they blamed it on the devil and witchcraft.