15 years ago
Okay, long story short... |
15 years ago
He lives abit away from me...does that effect anything? he wants me to still talk to him so we can be friends but also so he can "observe", if you will. so i can prolly change by how i talk or something. |
15 years ago
Firstly i am unsure wether you really want to change. you may have convinced yourself logically that you want to change. but logic alone is not enough. because if you truly realised, not only logicaly but also in the core of your being that you didnt want to drink anymore, that your drinking was only hurting you and messing things up then you would change in a second. to give an over simplified analogy- if you have you hand in water that is getting hotter and is starting to hurt you and you realize this and you really want the pain to stop, then you simply take you hand out of the water. you dont need other people to convince you to do it, you dont do it to prove anything to someone else, you dont need a 1000 logical reasons why you should do it, you dont need a support group to help you do it . you do it simply because not doing it would be unthinkable. and dont try telling me that stoping drinking is more complicated than that because it is not. the only difficult part is realising and confronting the cause of why you feel you should get pissed all the time. change what is causing your problem and you no longer have a problem, as drinking to much isnt the cause, it is merely a symptom. trust me i know. i also used to drink all the time and take a multitude of drugs. but the alcohol and drugs werent the problem they were merely a misguided attempt for me to escape my real problems |
15 years ago
Its prolly a spur of the moment "oh wow... i want to change to get back with him" kinda thing. But in the end, your right. Changeing for myself is what will really make a statement to ME. Him... is just a guess a bonus? not the main reason though.. thats when i feel ill truly know to change. I dont think its horribly hard. I just feel acceptence is the hard part, but anything is in fact possible. |
Beautiful Chaos
15 years ago
I can't really say much more than Rocky or Britt, if drinking is truly a problem for you, change it, sometimes in order to do that we have to change our whole lives and that can be scary, so we put it off, but you never know what can happen in your life until you at least try. |
15 years ago
Thank you.. i am terrfied, but im not letting him go.. i cant yet.. we are just friends for now. but i do need to strighten myself out before i can trully get what i want. |
15 years ago
Silent i am going to give you a bit of insight and advice, you might think i have no clue what is really going on but i dare you to atleast think about it and give it a try |
15 years ago
It wouldn't hurt to try. But I'll be honest when I say I can't just let him go. Not yet. If I must later on. Then I must. But now.. I just can't see that. But I can try your advice. To forget it all and see how I feel after |
15 years ago
You misunderstood me . i am not telling you to stop loving him. or forget him. no , if you do love him then love him with your whole mind and soul but free your love from any desire of purpose or lust of reason. if you can do that you will free yourself from all the fear and pain and confusion that love is creating within you and then that love will be a thing of beauty, not something that is only creating problems and heartache. it will make you feel good about yourself, not leave you lying in your bed at night, unable to sleep and wishing you were dead |
15 years ago
How exactly did you come across doing that? your a huge help by the way.. i just want to truly understand what exactly your saying and how to come acorss doing that. It makes pefect sence, its just knowng HOW is what i'm confused on.. but i suppose there isent a real "action" one can do to realize things... |
15 years ago
I have been staring at this for the last hour trying to figure out where to beging. the whole problem is just so convoluted that it is hard to sort any handfull of reasons out of the mess. but i will try |
15 years ago
This has serisouly helped me out. I did in fact quiestion myself.. I do belive i love him for no reason, i just made myself belive evetything you just said. "what if he doesnt love me back?" "what if he falls for his gf?" all those little petty issues and they eventually drove me to my knees. taking your adivce, and suddenly feeling the love for him, simply b.c i feel love for him, i do suddenly feel better. I know i cant let him go, but for the fact that i love him. and to want him so badly for purpose, almost makes the love seem as if its a lie. if all i wanted was him to be my boyfriend, i could find someone else, closer, there are so many fish. but.. its just him. I just love him. sure, id love to be his girlfriend. but if i take these steps youve explained to me, i truly feel my own emotion will be settled. even if he choses not to love me back. I will know in my heart i do love him, and my own heart wont be harmed. |
15 years ago
Im glad that you have found my advice useful. i know what i have said is the opposite of the usual way. but it is not hard to see that the usual way nearly never works for long. and even when it does it works for the wrong reasons. but again i will warnyou not to take what i have said on faith. treat it is an experiment. try it and discover the truth for yourself. but it would seem as if you have taken the first steps and already found it useful. now there are 2 major pitfalls along this path i should tell you about. the first is that i know i have said that the fear and pain and confussion etc are bs and there is no reson why you should feel them. but you still will feel them at points and it is very important that you dont try to deny them or ignore them or simply tell yourself i refuse to feel this way, as by doing that you only give them more power. but what i have found works is that if you feel these emotions you should close your eyes and accept them. that alone robs them of alot of their power. then once you have accepted these feelings then explore them and find the cause of them. once you have found the cause they are easy to deal with. and will dissapear without a fight |
15 years ago
I couldnt imagine too. i mean, no love is set in stone. there is still many chances i will get hurt and i will find this advice very usful in the end. |