Is it easy to fall out of love as to fall in?

  • Hopeless Romantic
    15 years ago

    I think me and my boyfriend are opposites but that is what attracts us to each other but lately it's been....not well cuz he and I have been going through a lot.....

  • Elizabeth
    15 years ago

    If you could easily "fall out of love" with someone then it wasn't truly love to begin with.

    Can you be more specific about what you mean by you've "been going through a lot"?

  • Hopeless Romantic
    15 years ago

    Well his family has been going through a lot and it's like everything is weighed on his back. He's stressed and i'm there for him all the time...that's not a problem to me because i'm supposed to be. But it's been taking a toll on our relationship and he feel that i've been getting a way I have because he snaps at me at times and i'm not the one who will keep taking it.....

  • Elizabeth
    15 years ago

    So what is it you want to know? If you're "falling out of love" with him or that he's "falling out of love"? You're very unclear.

  • Hopeless Romantic
    15 years ago

    I feel that its possibly me

  • Captivat3d
    15 years ago

    Well, he probably 'snaps' at you all the time because like you said, he's been stressed out. If he's been going through a lot I think you should be there for him but because he's been concentrating on his problems, I think you feel like things have been different because he hasn't been focusing on the relationship. Is that right?

    But, if you really think you've fallin out of love that easily then I don't think you were IN love in the first place.

    You should talk to him about how you're feeling.

  • Hopeless Romantic
    15 years ago

    You've possibly gotten it on the has been a lot going on and i am trying to be patient.

  • Captivat3d
    15 years ago

    Well, being with someone means that you have to go through the ups and downs with them. If you don't want to be there for him then that's your choice but sometimes you can't have ALL his attention, you know? Maybe you should sleep on it for a couple days and talk to him about it and if you still feel the same, then move on if you must.

    But, I have to add that I don't think you really loved him if you don't want to be there for him when he really needs you.

  • Hopeless Romantic
    15 years ago

    Overall, you're's just things are hard because I go thru things on a daily bases as well.

  • Captivat3d
    15 years ago

    Everyone goes through things every day. You guys need to make time for each other and try to relieve each other's stress. Both of you should make each other happy and make each other forget for a moment the stress that you're going through.

    Just make the right time for each other and sit back and RELAX for a moment.

  • Hopeless Romantic
    15 years ago

    Sounds like a GREAT idea. The only thing is, is making time....

  • Captivat3d
    15 years ago

    You can always squeeze some time into your schedule! It doesn't matter if it's just 5 minutes. Everyone needs a breather here and there!

  • lonelyrider
    15 years ago

    Yah your right girl... but you we should also think twice eventhough our own heart is pumping to him... mind is better than heart, that is what i think,,

  • Hopeless Romantic
    15 years ago

    I think you're kinda right. Cause i think we have to love just not with our hearts but with our minds as well.

  • Elizabeth
    15 years ago

    "Everyone goes through things every day. You guys need to make time for each other and try to relieve each other's stress..."

    ^ I agree, especially about even taking just 5 minutes our of your time to spend with each other. But I think the real underlined issue here is that they haven't taken the time to spend it by themselves.

    It seems to me that you're feeling the way you do because he's not giving you the attention you want. But the thing is you can't always be the center of his attention, likewise, he can't always be yours either. In a relationship, you're not always going to get along with each other, especially if you usually spend all your time together and don't give yourselves any time for yourself. Everyone goes through that; my partner and I go through that. But just because we don't get along doesn't mean that we're "falling out of love". If we aren't getting along we talk about it and we also make sure we give ourselves time to our self (I might go to the gym, go for a walk or to our room to read, listen to music or talk to family and friends on the phone by myself, and he might go to the gym, out for a drive or to our room to read or talk to family on the phone by himself). When you've had your "me time" then you can work on making time for each other.

    If you're serious about him and the relationship, want to give it a chance, then you should talk to him about how you've been feeling and what the two of you can do to make things better. But if you're not serious about him or the relationship, if you don't even feel like trying or think there is no point, then you know what you need to do...

    I think you should at least give it a chance; talk to him about it and try to work it out, what do you have to lose by trying? Personally, it just sounds like you're going through a "thing" at the moment, like I said before because you're not getting the attention you want and because you can't keep yourself busy while he is. But that's just how it's played out for me. Besides, you can always just take a "break", nothing permanent, until you work things out for yourself or together.

  • Hopeless Romantic
    15 years ago

    I really like your advice Liz ...I am serious about him and this relationship. But between my working late and both of us going to school and rules he has to abide by at home and night school and making time for practice (his guitar and our swim). Not to complain, but it's kinda intense. It's a bit hard to talk to him because sometimes i get lost for words and i don't know how to strike up the convo. And i try not to complain so much so it doesn't start an arguement. And i don't want to break up with him or even have a "break" because it seems like i'm helping him more and more about alot and he does the same for me.

  • Hopeless Romantic
    15 years ago

    And Bad romance you have no idea how bad we try to squeeze in time for each other lol it can be exhausting and frustrating...