15 years ago
It is quiet at the school today. No one is yelling in the hallways or has a smile upon their faces. No one is laughing aloud and making mischeif with other students. It is quiet at the school today... There is a reason. Depression. It has come to us by a death of a person well known. Got drunk and sat on the highway. Hit so suddenly by a car upon that now blood stained road. R.I.P. [.J.R.] It is quiet at the school today. |
15 years ago
I don't go to college... I haven't graduated yet. I still remain in high school. It is sad the way his life was taken.. thanks. |
Indian Comma Bean
15 years ago
Sorry to hear about this, but colleague refers to a peer, someone who attends school with you. All the same J.R. is in my thoughts. |