
  • BrokenVodkaBottle
    14 years ago

    If your depressed, society will never accept you!

  • BrokenVodkaBottle
    14 years ago

    Well none of my "friends" will accept me constantly talking behind my back.

    no one wants to be there for someone who is constantly sad

  • Elizabeth
    14 years ago

    "And [we're] part of society."

    ^ Yes, and we're a society that cares. If we didn't, why would anyone bother replying to your threads.

    You're specific group of "friends" can hardly be referred to as ~society~ nor should you infer that society will treat you much the same like your "friends" do. You need to get out more if you believe as such.

    I've read much of your posts on a similar topic: "He's happy with her... So why can't I be?", "Three years", "I lose everyone I love and it's all my fault...", "You know what... I realized no one actually cares.", etc. A lot of people, including myself, have tried to give you advise, but it doesn't seem that you take it seriously. You only look at the negatives of a situation, of others and of yourself and none of the positives. To me, you're very impatient, have a bad attitude and a lot of anger. If you don't want to feel the way you do anymore, then you have to make some changes. First, you need to be patient with yourself (your depression, and other concerns, will not dissipate overnight), change your attitude (stop feeling sorry for yourself and stop looking at everything from a negative light) and let that anger go (stop holding "the world", "society" and everyone else responsible). I think you should also let go a lot of other preconceived thoughts or feelings you have as well (such as of yourself or of "society"). If you don't and if you hold on to them you're only doing yourself more damage than good. Second, not to mention, if you want help you have to first help yourself, give people a reason to want to help you. And when someone wants to help you, give them the chance to help you and keep an open mind.

    If you ever need advise you can PM me, and anyone else who's taken the time to give you advise, many of us have been down this road before and you're not alone.

  • Captivat3d
    14 years ago

    That's how some teenagers are. You can deal with it or continue be sad about it. My advice, who cares. Let them have you at the center of their world, let them waste their time talking about you, their just making you famous :P Just care about yourself and there's ALWAYS going to be people that will try to push you down. Don't let them win.

  • Natalie84
    14 years ago

    Can you blame them? When you're sad all the time you become a downer...nobody wants to be or be around a downer. Smile my dear...all is well! :)

  • Beautiful Chaos
    14 years ago

    I think we should start redefining what a friend is then because I have suffered from depression from the time I was a kid and I have friendships that have been going on for over 20 years.

  • 4 track demo
    14 years ago

    So not true (to the original post), yes many and i dare say most people will NOT accept you, so why hold on to them, im old, and my life experience has taught me this about the subject, there are GREAT people out there that will support you and understand you to a point (everyone feels differently), and when you find those unconditional friends, that i promise are out there, cling to them like your life depends on it, cause it might!