Broken Masquerade
14 years ago
So i'm completely infatuated with this guy, think about him all the time etc. We're not "together" but we're physical and talk a fair bit and like i do really care for him and my hearts trying to tell me i "love" him but i know i don't. |
XxBabii GirlxX
14 years ago
Try talking to other guys or even dating someone else. what i did when i find myself like that is i started to focuse on the negative things about him and if we were to date and it slowly made me stop liken him like that.. |
14 years ago
For starters, try not talking to him as much. Slowly drift away and focus on other things. |
14 years ago
"...he's already showed signs that he's well... not very nice..." |
Broken Masquerade
14 years ago
He's not abusive, he just makes really horrible comments to me occasionally. and um with the comment that you "truly don't believe that if someone loved you that they would abuse you in any way".. i respect thats your personal opinion, but my last boyfriend abused me and i know he loved me. he didnt see he's actions as wrong, and never really realised the effects they had on me. but we both loved eachother a hell of alot, and the fact that he made mistakes doesnt change that at all. |
Broken Masquerade
14 years ago
What im saying is people make mistakes, im not saying abuse is right or anything, but just because you make mistakes doesn't mean you cant love someone. |
Broken Masquerade
14 years ago
No ones actually answering my question now. |
Broken Masquerade
14 years ago
Because I tried that before and it ended up turning so bad that he killed himself so i dont want to cut it all off straight away and make the same mistake. im just asking for help, suggestions thats all i wanted, i really dont want to argue... |
Broken Masquerade
14 years ago
Yeah, I agree. Thankyou very much for not personally attacking me with that answer either :) I really do want to learn how to change the way i act in relationships, do you have any ideas on how i can? |
Broken Masquerade
14 years ago
Wow, thanks, will do :) |
14 years ago
There's a lot I'd like to comment on regarding your latest replies, but for the moment all I want to say is that I agree with everything Kiko has said (especially about how love isn't enough because that is what I had told you). As well as, in regards to what BabyGurl said about "talking to other guys or even dating someone else", I would not even bother with guys for now. Go out with your friends and with family, meet new people and make new friendships, and have fun. Focus on you, because it seems that you have issues regarding your past, have trouble communicating your needs, setting healthy boundaries, etc. that should be addressed first. Seek out and make use of the many therapies available to you, such as group. You can also do your own homework, as Britt and Kiko have said, and read self-help books on how to deal with and overcome abuse, how to forgive yourself, etc. |
14 years ago
Being 16 and feeling like you "know" what you're talking about can be a disaster. Take what the people in here are telling you seriously...there really was some great advsie that you should be utilizing. |
14 years ago
I Liked this guy so much like it hurt to be away from him becasue we were always together. But after awhile of all the hanging out and talking a lot he started showing me his true self. Everytime I went to his house we would make out and hold one another then again he would try to get me to smoke with him and I did not want to. Well there was this one day he beat me up like I mean fists hitting me. But the thing is he only hit my thighs I didnt cry I didnt say anything until I got home. When I got home I told a few friends who all tried to convince me that I should tell my dad and his gf but I thought that no I cant 'cause I like him to much. But I thought about it all the next day at school and like I realized that I did like him until he hit me. I liked him until he showed me that I do not like him. I convinced myself in that day that he does not deserve a person like me. That I am to nice for this abusive stuff. At first I was sticking up for him and he beat me. that was not right so I went home and told my dads gf about what happened showed her my legs and she called the police and once my dad came home and saw the police and my thighs he cried. They told me that this all could have been delt with the right way. It's weird but an abusive person starts off with all of the signs like verbal and things like that then one day they are not going to like something you said or did and they are going to do something to you that you are not going to like. I am not saying every guy is like this some men cannot show their softer side but I cannot trust many guys anymore. My new bf plays around with the hitting but I take it seriously. I say to get over him is to just not think about him. Do not text him, have sex with him, do not look at him. Have your friends and or family consume al of your time and you will end up one day thinking who the heck is this guy. I mean it may be hard at first but after awhile then it all just comes easily. |