XxBabii GirlxX
14 years ago
Well my bf and i got back together after being apart for about a year. hes moving back in with me so he can help take care of our baby and be there for us. but we were talking and he told me that he found out that he has a two year old boy that he never meet or knew about.. the problem is that the reason he found out is that his kid was taken away from the mom cause she was doing drugs and other stuff so CPS called him and asked if he was willing to take him if not the grandmother is willing to. |
14 years ago
I agree with Amanda. |
XxBabii GirlxX
14 years ago
Well he contacted CPS ealier and we found out more info about the issue and she is not going to get him back this time i guess its been over 3 times that they toke him away from her so she will no longer have any of her kids. CPS is willing to set up a meeting with the boy and grandma so we can talk about stuff. |
14 years ago
Three times! Once is by far enough and should be all it takes to get a child taken away from that person and out of that kind of environment. The parent or other guardian should not be able to get custody of that child until they have gone through rehabilitation, and even then, slow steps should be taken to ensure they will not fall into a relapse as opposed to taking it in strides. When someone is doing drugs, and I highly doubt it matters what drug it is or the extent to which it is used, and has (a) dependent(s) I expect that there is, varying in degree, child neglect or abuse. Sometimes, even worse. It seems likely, but I hope that wasn't the case this time for this little boy. |
XxBabii GirlxX
14 years ago
Well today my bf, me and the baby went to go see the lilttle boy for easter. he was so happy when we gave him an easter basket full of stuff. |