
  • Broken Masquerade
    14 years ago

    I can't control my head. I'm getting so suicidal and want nothing more than to just get away from everything... i really dont know what to do...

  • Broken Masquerade
    14 years ago

    Thanks :)

  • Natalie84
    14 years ago

    If you meant that you wouldn't have posted it here. You don't mean it and are seeking some sort of attention. For your sake I pray that it's help.

    Be positive and remember what ever you think is so bad will CERTAINLY pass with time. Tomorrow is a new day...keep on keeping on my friend! Tomorrow surely is worth it! :)

  • Broken Masquerade
    14 years ago

    "If you meant that you wouldn't have posted it here. "

    what are you trying to imply by that

  • Broken Masquerade
    14 years ago

    Actually don't reply i don't want to hear it

    thanks for your advice britt

  • 4 track demo
    14 years ago

    Many people, way more than will admit, have fantasies or daydreams of such actions when all seems hopeless, from the psychocrap i've studied there really isn't anything wrong with that, as long as you admit it to someone, and most importantly DONT ACT ON IT, i'm not saying everything is gonna change POOF! and everything will be alright, but eventually, things do seem to even out a little bit, and even that "little" bit can be staggering enough to help you make it through the next day. good luck

  • Natalie84
    14 years ago

    Funny, you don't want my reply but everyone else is well heard. I'm not going to sit here and say all is well, you should go ahead and sulk. That will get you no where. Suicide isn't a simple solution and I'm pretty sure you're smart enough to know that. I'm not some psycho chick that wishes harm on you...or even one who doesn't care. I'm quite the opposite. I wish you could see something that could make you smile and feel true happiness. You'll never find that if you relish in a pool of unhappiness. Get up, get out, and move on. Life will never be simple...are you going to threaten your life every time life gets you down? If so, you'll spend your entire life with a pistol to your head. Just put the threat to bed and role with life...that's all any of us can do. Life has good times and bad times, that's a fact...we have no choice but to roll with what comes our way. Good or bad we have to be ready to get it, handle it, and move on.

  • Natalie84
    14 years ago

    After work today I was thinking about this post. There is a poster in the kitchen at my office. It's a picture of a little girl with no legs. She sits atop a horse with a giant smile on her face. The poem beneath explains how a child with no legs can find something in the world that makes her truly happy. I'm not suggesting your problems are less troublesome or couldn't be hard on you...I know life can be hard...but if a little girl like her can find something to smile about then I think maybe you can too. Life can seem unbearable but there is always a silver lining. Hope it all works out for you.

  • Elizabeth
    14 years ago

    "What will killing yourself accomplish, but bring on problems for other people? Do you want to be known as a 'quitter', or do you want to look back in 10 years and say 'Wow, look how strong I was to overcome what I was going through'"

    ^ Britt, that's inspiring! I sure could have used someone like you around when I was depressed. I didn't have anyone around to give me advise like that, I had only but myself to lean on. :)

    Masquerade, I don't think Natalie had any, ulterior, implicit meaning for what she said or as to what she said. I know very little about her but, just from reading through her recent replies, I honestly don't think she's the type. I'm sure what she was simply stating is that if you really meant that you wanted to end your life you wouldn't have bothered to make a post, to read our replies or comment on what we have to say, because it wouldn't have made a difference to you. But obviously, because you're here, it makes all the difference.

    You seem focused on one ["negative" (you assumed)] aspect of her reply, but did you even bother to finish reading the rest of it or are you just nitpicking? Don't waste energy or time on insignificant details, focus on the bigger picture.

    "Actually don't reply i don't want to hear it"

    ^ To me, this is more of a cry for help than you ever having to ask.

    When I reply to posts by other members seeking advice or even someone to just say that "I understand", I try to look for those posts that take initiative and that inspire me. Masquerade, I want nothing more than to give you advice and share my experience with you, but you've got to take that first step and give me a reason. And that [said comment above] is not the way to go about it. Honestly, what kind of incentive does that give anyone to want to help you? I give Natalie credit, even after you ~rudely~ dismiss her she still took the time to politely and honestly reply.

    There is one thing that I will leave you with. A quote:

    "The human capacity for burden is like bamboo--[it's] far more flexible than you'd ever believe at first glance." --Jodi Picoult

  • Broken Masquerade
    14 years ago

    I never said i was going to, i just said it was always on my mind. she took that and attacked it that's all and made me feel even worse just like you did by doing stuff like highlighting rudely and whatever. please dont attack me, im sorry if im coming across rude im just really upset and i just want help, like i do wanna get through this and not just kill myself like so many other people in my life have.

    and i really appreciate some of the suggestions about being positive, I really do need to do that and try to tell myself that things will get better. how did you guys train your brains to do that? like when i get down my head just focuses on all the negative stuff and it becomes unbearable. like i mean i have mental disorders that contribute to that but like im sure one of you have experienced depression, where your mind feels like its uncontrollable and everything feels completely hopeless and you just think about all the bad stuff that's happened to you... how did you stop all those thoughts and think positively?

  • Natalie84
    14 years ago

    Life will never be fact at times things may go from bad to worse and then to rock bottom! However, no matter how bad it may seem it always gets better. People in Haiti had nothing a few months ago. Their houses were ripped apart and their families were killed...did you see people shooting themselves or cutting themselves? No, they got back up and carried on. Though Haiti's current situation may not be "normal" yet it is progressing and those people are progressing as well. Think with a more open mind. Think more into the future than your right now, think more positive. Your right now might suck but imagine yourself in a few a few years. With determination and faith you can do anything. Cliche you say... know...but it's true. If you think you can, you can. If you think it will get will. If you think you can' can't and you won't. If you think life will always suck...then guess what? It will always suck!

    When life is troubling to me, I write. Sometimes laying in bed in the dark and talking to my husband is just what I need to release stress upon my shoulders. Sometimes, I get in my car and blast the music as loud as the car will allow and no where, I just drive. When I'm ready to, I go home refreshed. Silly, I know but it works for me. You have to find something that works for you. What ever it is, find it quick because living in a cesspool of sorrow will seriously screw up your future.

    My intent was not to attack you. Sometimes I forget that some people are more sensitive and maybe some may not understand my reasoning. For that I am sorry. I can't apologize for what I said or for what I feel but I am sorry if you took it any other way than how I meant it. I'm not a counselor and don't pretend to be but I love to encourage. That's all I am trying to do here. I love to see people happy and smiling. After finding friends within people like you I've come to find that some people just need to be encouraged. Some people just need to know that somebody...ANYBODY...cares. Just so you know, I'm not one of those people from the "Wolf Pack" (HAHA...I suppose that could now be an inside joke Britt lol) who don't care about your feelings...I do and really do hope you can work it out. Life is so worth living and I want everyone to feel that.

    There was a time in my life a few years back when I would have thought you were an idiot. But after becoming friends with several girls with stories similar to yours I think I understand a little better. I won't say that I get it... but I can sympathize. My understanding is limited though; don't take me for a supporter because I am far from it.

    There is always a reason to smile...breathing is a reason to smile. Seeing, hearing, material things, feelings, nature, people...all things to smile about. Find one and remember it.......

  • Natalie84
    14 years ago

    HAHAHA ok I'm caught! HA!

    it's not what you's how you say it...we've grown...and we've definitely learned that! The hard way! HAHAHA