I love reading poems...

  • Daniel J
    19 years ago

    I try to rhyme as much as possible, when I write poems, and enjoy poems which rhyme more. Of course, there's nothing wrong with prose poems, it's just my personal preference.

    When I used to write poetry back in school, I used to write out the alphabet at the top of the page, because it helped me think of rhyming words.

    I recently discovered another, perhaps better way: write out single words which describe what i want to write about (such as my feelings) and get other words to rhyme. For example, I was feeling a bit down the other day, and came up with:

    rain, shame, drain, plain,
    thunder, wonder, asunder,
    fun, run, mun, come, some, shun, hun,
    sobbed, robbed,
    wept, crept, slept....

    Half the words didn't even make sense. Then, I translated those words into poetry, selecting the ones i liked:

    "Blessed art Thou"
    My lips said now,
    "Who caused them to plunder,
    Throw the people asunder,
    And plunge us into wonder..."
    And here i stopped,
    for it had begun to thunder,
    the rain had filled the air,
    and shame my heart,
    for this ungodly prayer.

    Thats one stanza of a poem i used that technique with.

    As the last post said...
    "Another thing is just write directly what you think.
    No matter how small, or insignificant. Sort it out later - but write it down!"

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    There are two things that make a poem:


    If a poem doesnt rhyme it must be deep (in a way, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, etc.), otherwise it is just a jumple of ideas that make hardly any sense. It has to make a statement.

    Now people are going to jump on me disputing what I mean by "deep," but if people understand what I mean they wont disagree.

    For instance here is a non rhyming poem:

    I open my window
    And the trees are out there
    The bus goes by
    My coffee is done now

    I have to be at work in 20 minutes,
    So I slam the window,
    And I leave.

    What makes that a poem??? Its not. Just because I referred to it as a POEM doesnt make it one. Its a whole bunch of random stuff thrown together. Now here is a real poem:

    I open my window,
    And I watch the birds flutter about,
    I oversee the clouds drifting,
    And I smell the sweet flowers,

    I would sit here forever,
    Doing nothing.
    But my coffee is now done,
    And getting colder with each moment that I waste my time,
    Work calls,
    So "nothing," must wait.

    This is a poem because it has a POINT that it conveys. That was my little rant about what defines a poem *carry on*

  • Matt Pyke
    19 years ago

    Not everyone has a gift for writing poetry, but try to play litle games ith yourself that can make your poetry writing easier. Like guesing the sylables of a line of a song or poem or trying to make a slew of words that rhyme to improve your vocabulary.

  • Essence of Blight
    19 years ago

    I usually just use closely spelled words that rhym to begin. It doesn't have to rhyme but do put emotion into the words. Share your emotions through your poetry. It usualyl works if you're stressed or somethin. But keep in mind it doesnt ahve to rhyme just a lot of emotion.

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    I agree with justplainme there is no set definition for poetry...

    Keep reading and you'll learn alot happy to help you out if you want to email me...

    As rude and obnoxious as justplainme can be you will also learn alot from him just don't take his words to heart


  • Natalie84
    19 years ago


    Watch out for those teeny boppers JPM! They're dangerous!!

  • no1important
    19 years ago

    Wow u guys are really funny. And what does JPM standed for?

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    Ah, this post was from a long time ago. I dont even remember this one.

    The first poem proved nothing, the second poem got at something, it came to a conclusion with a purpose. That was all.

    Anything can be defined as poetry, anyone can slap the label on it like anyone can slap a label that says "art" on a first graders self portrait, but to define a masterpiece it must stand out.

    Those were both POEMS, but neither one were masterpieces. Each person has their own standard.

  • Tiller
    19 years ago

    She has a point lol

  • Mandy
    19 years ago

    i agree kaitlyn kristina. good points