
  • Roxy
    14 years ago

    Mann, how long has it been? Ages.
    Looking back on this site its so nostalgic and it feels weird to be honest. The good old days with the chats...regardless of the fights and drama that was caused I still miss loads of people on this site that I cant seem to find anymore. People know me on here as Roxy but my name is Emily (called roxy cause I was obsessed with the brand XD) If any of you remember me...please write back it would be nice :) x

  • Roxy
    14 years ago

    And no one replies...

  • Sunshine
    14 years ago

    I dont

    i will make sure now to remember u tho :D

  • Kuro
    14 years ago

    Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

    those you knew may also have moved on. i'm sure they have not forgotten you. but you don't have to leave because they are not here. you can make new friends and make new memories. not to replace them, but add to your happiness.

  • AngelDust
    14 years ago

    Emily dear, of course I remember you. You're amazing and I often feel the way you do. The site just isn't the same anymore and hasn't been for some time. I even deleted my account and made a new one..

  • Brix Ambray
    14 years ago

    I'm alive and active

  • Brix Ambray
    14 years ago

    I'm here

  • Brix Ambray
    14 years ago

    Thanks p&q

  • Brix Ambray
    14 years ago

    Rate my poems

  • Shellaine shelli
    13 years ago

    Hey Roxy (aka Emily =P) ha ha i don't think we ever actually spoke but i do remember you from the discussions and i am so sure I've read (and maybe even commented on a couple of your poems) I'm not sure. i hadn't come online in almost a year so its been pretty depressing now that TJ and danny are gone. i miss those two. anyway, if you ever feel like chatting or anything feel free to drop me a line. okay take care:)

  • Chelsea Sprite
    13 years ago

    I remember you, Roxy.

  • Chelsea Sprite
    13 years ago

    O.o I need to change my profile pic... LMFAO!!!!