Loosing my friends??? Please help!!!

  • BehindTheSmile
    13 years ago

    Ok, so my friends have been saying that i am turning emo ever since i dated someone that was 'emo'. i shook it off cause i thought they were kidding around. but they kept it up. again i shook it off. but recently i have been thinking about how much i have been changing. my group of friends are the happy upbeat loving life crazy kind. there is a few (including me) who are depressing but we fit in cause its our mask, to be the happy people. well, lately everything happy and upbeat or really just anything that isnt sad or depressing has been annoying me. my ex and his friends have sparked my interest and i feel like im being pulled in their direction. my friends have become really annoying to me to the point where i dont want to be around them (though it hurts deeply to admit). i have seriously been considering leaving them and it hurts. they are like family to me but im miserable when im around them now. i just dont know what to do. im talkiing to my ex about it right now and he says that people change and i have to just go with it. but im not sure.. please please please help me!!!

  • BehindTheSmile
    13 years ago

    They arnt telling me what to do, they, as i see it, are stating the obvious.. i want to leave them but it hurts

  • H. Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    Well, like you read what I posted in another forum: I had a great group of friends and we had been friends since pre-school...My friends and I were popular, and we were invincible! Lol.
    We'd have sleepovers all the time and we were always together........but then we got older. I had noticed things starting to change probably in 6th grade but it wasn't anything drastic and disregarded it as nothing...I just thought it was hormones...but nothing was really clear to me until the middle of 7th grade. The huge group of girls I was hangin out with were the preppy, cheerleader type and I am sooo not like that. Only a few of the girls were'nt cheerleaders, but the ones that weren't we either twirlers or wanting to be cheerleaders. But I didn't have any other friends because I'd stuck with the same friends the whole time I'd grown up. So I didn't know what to do...well I started drifting from them and eventually I found myself in a different group...a smaller one without cheerleaders and I'm not sure how it happend but I'm glad it did. My old friends and I still talk...so we're friendly but we're not BFFs anymore...and sometimes I miss being popular...now that i hang with other people, i'm different...the people i hang out with aren't emo or goth or punk, but they've changed me somehow. I am called emo and goth when I'm not. I'm somewhat of a punk style...

    To the point. If your "friends" are calling you emo, tell them you are not, that you have a different style. And just drift off from your friends. I know, it hurts like Hell because those couldv'e been the only friends you had your whole time growing up(Like me). Well, again, just don't talk to them anymore or consult them how they're feeling and how they are acting. Just try to start talking to other people.

    I still miss my old friends so much, but then I think "Why do I miss them? I have better friends." Just don't give in to being friends with them again if you leave them. Sure, still say 'hey' if you still want, but don't be so close to them anymore because if you do get close, you could get hurt. Trust me. I've been there.

    Hope this helps.

  • BehindTheSmile
    13 years ago

    It does help thanks you. a few questions though to help. what if who im becoming goes away and i fit better with them than anyone else? i just threw away the only friends i have. plus, where will i go. i dont see another group i could fit in with. my ex and his friends are the closest thing but i dont feel welcome there.

    plus i understand why they are calling me emo. im more into dark colors than pink like i used to, i dont smile and laugh as often, i painted my nails black! (i never paint my nails if anything i get french tips) all i wear now is dark colors, im getting in to all the eye makeup (black eye shadow) happiness really makes me want to gag. i have strong erges to cut and smoke, i think about suicide all the time.. i guess i do fit in with the emo category.. to bad i dont feel welcome into that group

  • H. Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    Well, don't throw your friends away completely...Just drift from them...so basically, don't tell your friends you hate them and leave. Just don't talk to them as much. And I don't know the people at your school to tell you where you belong...and you need to choose where you belong even though it's hard.

    I understand why people call me emo because I am also into dark colors now. I used to love pink but now...not so much lol... pink=blehh
    I still smile and laugh...sometimes. But right now not as much because of a certain issue. I always paint my nails black! In fact they are black right now! I wear dark colors, but also mix in brighter colors...so how bout you try doing that? Just add a tiny splash of color if possible...that way people will stop calling you emo. I wear a lot of black, purple, or dark blue eyeliner which is one of the reasons I'm called emo.
    And I have thought about suicide and I've tried cutting myself...but here me out when I say: Don't cut or smoke or be suicidal because it gets you NOWHERE. And you know, if you don't feel like you fit into the emo group, then don't become a part of it. I know I fit into the emo group sometimes...but most of the time no i don't...but I'm still friends with emo kids because some of them are really sweet and just need help...So maybe you could be friends with emos...just not a part of their 'clique'.
    And to me, emos aren't freaks...there emotionally disturbed kids with issues.

    Hope this helps too. PM me any time if you have questions.


  • BehindTheSmile
    13 years ago

    Thanks :) that helps

  • H. Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    No problem (:
    Just PM with questions you have (:

  • BehindTheSmile
    13 years ago

    I will