Confession #93 HATORI!(:

  • Something Diabolical
    13 years ago

    Confession: i ate faaar too much chinese food tonight... but its sooo good!

  • believeinlove87
    13 years ago

    Confession: I miss the crap out of my boyfriend && want to see him more then anything in this world.

  • Hatori
    13 years ago

    Confession: I am so very very sleepy... but I have so much to do! :( I should stop checking the internet!

  • BlueJay
    13 years ago

    Confession: You are the one who creates your own life, and all that happens during it. So I guess I am to blame for my crappy life, but I am not alone!!

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    13 years ago

    Confession: I haven't posted on the discussion boards in over a year, and this is the only thread still barely hanging on out of the ones I knew. It's rather sad they've all died off.

  • believeinlove87
    13 years ago

    Confession: I'm having a miscarriage, & I'm so glad that I won't be having my exs baby.

  • Kayla
    13 years ago

    Confession:: The truth is; I miss laying in those arms of his. But I don't ever let it show.. I laugh and act like I'm having the time of my life. As far as he knows.. it's easy going out on a Friday night. I smile, live it up; forget about the way it was. But he doesn't know that it's hard to make it look so easy.</3

  • Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    Thread is being locked because it has reached 100 posts. Feel free to start a new thread.