Where is the originality?

  • ¤©h€€®ƒüll¥♥©¥ñ!c@l¤
    19 years ago

    I completely agree. It does get pretty boring reading poem after poem on the same subject.

    -©h€€®ƒüll¥ ©¥ñ!c@l

  • Chloe
    19 years ago

    Why not just let everyone write whatever they feel like writing. Don't like it? Don't read it. Problem solved. Ktnxbye.

  • Chloe
    19 years ago

    Friends~: Well if it's placed in the section for depressing poems, it's most likely about depression, don't you think?

  • Broken Hearted Immortal
    19 years ago

    i agree people need to be original and everything i mean i write poetry and some times i ty some of them together and stuff so yea i kno what you mean

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    No poem is original

    All the topics have been covered

    Get used to it...


    Just kidding. Really though, the sign of a good writer is when they can write the same topics as everyone else and they will still pull it off in a very appealing and original way. Thats how you seperate the talent from the... not-so talent.

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Did you think that perhaps there are so many similiar poems that either people are educated in similar manners or even possibly go through the same experiences...I love originality but when your writing about real life who hasn't been there and done that?

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    JPM, what topic has never been written about? I dont mean just on P&Q, I mean EVER. You cant get original about something that has been done forever, you can have your original style and you can have talent that seperates you from the rest, but you cant invent something new that sets you apart, like a new topic.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    I didnt say that there was a shortage of topics, I just bet everything has been written about a few times.

    And seriously, who wants to read about George Bush and his shoes???

  • Bret Higgins
    19 years ago

    I would... in fact that might be my next topic.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    lol. I stand corrected.

  • Jacklyn
    19 years ago

    i try to make new ways of writing things like "Inoccence" and nobody answered" but i guess you can judge that, but i think i try to do things not to ordanary

    ~lil slam~

  • Bret Higgins
    19 years ago

    Well, you have found a new way of writing innocence, that's for sure.

    ok, harsh... I just wanted to see what JPM gets out of it.

  • ~*^*~ longing to belong ~*^*~
    19 years ago

    lol, yeah that will be funny.

    erm, Amber, what can't we blame you for? (not saying I was going to)

  • Daniel J
    19 years ago

    Some people write when "they're in the mood" - so if i'm in a depressing mood, then i'll write depressing poems: nothing anyone can do about it. That's the way I work. It may happen that I have loads of poems on the same subject, but that, frankly, is because my poems are what's in my heart: what i'm thinking, and what i'm feeling.

    Sometimes, people write poetry to create a moment with words: the flight of birds. Snow falling on a still night. A flower on a summer's day, and so forth.

    Some people do both: "emotion driven poetry", and "subject driven poetry" and that's all very well and nice: but don't ask someone to stop writing, because it's repetative.

    That would be like asking people who write prose poetry, to stop it, and write one which rhymed. I mean...come on! Each have their merits. Try approaching a poem not as a continuation of the next one, but as a totally new one.

    Two more things, to end my crazed rambling:
    1) Try reading other sections of poetry: if you only go to the "love and romance" section, you're *obviously* going to get poems about love and romance ;-)

    2) I find it the height of irony that there are so many threads along the lines of this one in these forums :D

  • FTS Miles
    19 years ago

    Friends, you're killing me! Just reading that list has permanently twisted my brain! I've got to get to work on some of those....

  • Jacklyn
    19 years ago

    people at this site are so weird! i love this place!

    PLP ~lil slam~

  • Jacklyn
    19 years ago

    lol but i understand it! just it's kinda weird i think, don't really ask me why, cause i just think it is!

  • Bret Higgins
    19 years ago

    Hershesaideguitarygottareasilysatay hissherbrinahull wothingsbury.

    I'm pretty sure that's original.

  • Jacklyn
    19 years ago

    yay someone agrees,

    i like rhyming poems, lets stick with those.

    PLP ~lil slam~

  • little birdy
    19 years ago

    Wow, you're both reatards....

    a) That's completely un-original... it's another poem about suiside? How do you that wasn't the first poem about suiside? You don't know, so shut the fuck up.

    b) I've read many more of your comments... and what the hell is up with you and dissing people about their "immaturity"? I mean, sereously... c'mon... you have poems called "the baby in my butt cheeks" "i fucked your mom in the butt, it was grainy" "i smoke too much weed" "is there a fucking dick on my forehead?" and what about "stop bringing me down"? what about you? why don't you stop bringing everyone else down? Yea, why don't you think about that one...

  • little birdy
    19 years ago

    JPM: just before you try to insult me and give me your shit, I will say that I misspelled "retards".... it's called a typo... everyone has one.... I'm sure you've pressed your "back space" button many times...

  • little birdy
    19 years ago

    Wow, you're both retards....

    a) That's completely un-original... it's another poem about suicide? How do you know that wasn't the first poem about suicide? You don't know, so shut the fuck up.

    b) I've read many more of your comments... and what the hell is up with you and bringing people down about their "immaturity"? I mean, seriously... c'mon... you have poems called "the baby in my butt cheeks" "I fucked your mom in the butt, it was grainy" "I smoke too much weed" "is there a fucking dick on my forehead?" and what about "stop bringing me down"? What about you? Why don't you stop bringing everyone else down? Yea, why don't you think about that one...?


  • **Just Her**
    19 years ago

    some poeople just write for the sake of expressing emotion. and they may feel something they felt when they wrote another poem!

  • **Just Her**
    19 years ago

    some poeople just write for the sake of expressing emotion. and they may feel something they felt when they wrote another poem!

  • Mel
    19 years ago


    You posted that twice. Could you post it another hundred or so times, cos i aint a clue what you're getting at on that one

  • pinkalias
    19 years ago

    What do you define as original?

    All poetry topics that you could ever possibly write about have been covered. Try to prove me wrong, bring in a topic and tell me it hasn't been written about, go on, I dare you

    ok, I'm just being myself

    Anyway, point is if you think of originality in that prospect then there is no such thing as an original piece. However, if you see it in my definition of a work with diverse symbols, detailed and unique metaphors with an undefined/ heartfelt message, then there's plenty of it. you just have to know the authors

  • NK
    19 years ago

    well as mentioned before everything has been covered atleast once by someone and atleast one person on the site will have seen somthing similar to every piece of work on this site... so i say write what u want just try to vary how u write

  • pinkalias
    19 years ago

    ...thanks for the "don't make your brain finite" advice. i must remember that. In time to come I shall pass that genius advice down to children, and them to theirs 'till every generation has received this enlightening knowledge.

    What I mean by topics JPM are the basics: love, hate, society, fear, religion etc;

    "I have some cool topics if you are up for the challenge:

    a) The love story of a camel and a penguin

    b) The rabbit with wings

    c) The mobile phone who could talk

    d) George W Bush and a pair of Nike shoes

    e) The alarm clock who could write poems

    f) The hen who laid a coconut

    g) Joe Di Maggio and Julius Caesar watching Mickey Mouse on T.V while holding hands

    h) the survival story of a crow who was swallowed by a whale

    i) the violin who thought itself to be a ceiling fan


    Each of those relates to a main theme: #1-love poem (or humorous, wtv)
    #2-fictional story
    (along with most of what friend's posted)
    annnnnnnnnnnd so forth.

    If you want to go into further detail and define topics as the main storyline, then fine. Write one about squishing big fat green caterpillars (cough-georgi-cough)
    but if you want to look at the general topic, it's already been covered.


  • BaybeBlew
    19 years ago


    I think I'll write a humorous poem today.

    Oh no, I can't.

    Someone took my idea.

    Too bad the general topic has already been covered.

  • BaybeBlew
    19 years ago

    Sounds a little closed minded.

  • pinkalias
    19 years ago

    point taken.

  • Nicholle
    19 years ago

    point taken

  • Nicholle
    19 years ago

    point taken

  • BaybeBlew
    19 years ago

    Any poem written about any topic can have an emotional input. You need to create meaning with everyone poem you write, not just with those topics.

    You've probably never read a poem written about one of those topics, so how would you know if it invokes mood or reaction?

    Not all poetry is moving and expressive. Not all of it has to be.

  • Jacklyn
    19 years ago

    i agree with what bob just said

  • Tammy
    19 years ago

    Bob, I have read your poems....they are very good.
    Don't sell yourself short.

  • Amanda Bee
    19 years ago

    Some of the responses to this post literally blew me away. LOL! C-O-M-E-D-Y!!!! But, I agree with the original statement about being original. I love it when I click on a poem and the poet did or said something that I haven't read a thousand times before. Or used different words and made them rhyme in an interesting way. Rather than reading the same ol': "There was a cat....he had a bat...it was fat..." and so on. You know what I mean? The type of poetry where you can just predict what the next line will say. I know it is not always easy to be original, since we all have had the same feelings from time to time...but I just love being surprised after reading a poem and left wanting more.