
  • Tara Kay
    13 years ago

    This is my new website which i set up in order to help those being bullied, please feel free to visit this site, post your own stories of bullying.
    For those in need of a friendly person to listen, PM me for my website email address.

    your friend,

    [Please refrain from using personal/business emails in the forums. Thank you]. - Joe

  • Kevin
    13 years ago

    Kudos to you for trying to help.

    Couple of suggestions.

    1. Lose the ads, they ruin any decent website, especially one about a sensitive subject.

    2. The text is very hard to read and the background is distracting. I'd suggest a soft colour background with clear black text.

    3. You should state the aims of the website. Is it just a message place, or will you have researched links and support options?

  • silvershoes
    13 years ago

    I like the ads, they make the site more professional. The text is difficult to read, I would take it off bold and maybe lose the red and use white against that particular background. I agree there should be more filler information to illustrate the purpose of the website.

    This is a great idea.