What do I do..?

  • XxWorthlessxX
    13 years ago

    So I'm 19 years old and I have been with this guy for only 2 months.
    We're not really together right now cause I'm confused, but we're still talking .
    I need some advice. I need to know what you'd do or if you'd even trust it to keep it up.

    I met this guy in Jan, we hit it off right away. A few days later kinda rushed into it and got together. After almost two months he already claims to love me. Love is more then just a word to me, so I'm was a little worried about it. Most of the time he's a wonderful guy. But theres some problems..

    1. The day we met he told me he was 18. and his birthday was in march. So I thought he turned 19 in March. A few weeks after we started dating, he was talking to my dad and I found out he was actually 17 and not 18!! That he was turning 18 on his birthday.

    2. He told me he was attending the same school as I was. *thats where we met*. Well soon to find out he kinda lied about it too. He was only "going to that school" for 2 weeks.. but I dont even know whether or not to believe that. I then find out he dropped out of high school and has to go back.

    3. He told me he worked the full summer before with my best friend, I come to find out it was really only 2 weeks.

    4. He told me he had his drivers license. And it "expired" before he got his G. which I know your G2 doesn't expire for 5 years before you have to restart. Which I know it would have been impossible because he would have only got his G2 the year prior.

    AND THEN...

    5. He knows I'm bisexual, so he doesn't like me hanging out with guys OR girls.

    6. He doesn't like me going to parties.

    7. He doesn't like me going to the bar. *kinda understandable*

    I tried to tell him that I wasn't lik that, and if I really wanted to get with any one of my friends I would have before I even met him. Which I didn't so there was obviously a reason. And Yes I like girls too, but cheating is cheating, no matter who its with..

    So what would you do? Is it worth it?

  • Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    Well, I don't have a lot of time to go into detail, but this is what I think so far:

    The first four points you made are obviously that he's lied to you. His lies to me are superficial and shouldn't matter. Although, in my opinion, lying about small, superficial things can lead to bigger problems or at least become a bad habit. You have to wonder, what's the point of lying to you about it in the first place. Seems trivial to me. What I think you should be more concerned about is the last three points you made:

    "5. He knows I'm bisexual, so he doesn't like me hanging out with guys OR girls.

    6. He doesn't like me going to parties.

    7. He doesn't like me going to the bar. *kinda understandable*"

    ^ The last three points you made to me are the most important things you should be concerned about, it sounds like he's controlling or possessive. Those may be too strong a words or too quick to call, but regardless the fact still remains he has no right to tell you who you can and can't hang out with or that you can or can't go to parties or to the bar. "He doesn't like me going to the bar. *kinda understandable*" It's understandable if you live together or are married and have been together for 4 years (as an example) and your significant other doesn't like you going to the bar every night or every weekend for whatever reason. Even then, you're your own person and can do what you want. If you decide not to it's out of courtesy for that other person. It's NOT understandable that someone who's known you for only 2 months, and you him, is telling you what to do.

    Neither (lying or telling you what to do) sound like endearing qualities nor does it look promising for the beginning of a relationship. And if that's how he is after only 2 months I don't imagine it would get any better. Why would you even want to be with someone who barely know you, and whom you barely know, who after 2 months is trying to tell you what you can or can't do? I'm sure he's a nice guy as you said, but he has no right to tell you what to do. I would be concerned.

    If I were in your situation, and I've been there before, I would say it's not worth it and walk away. However, if you do decide to give him and give it a chance then you have to get on that right away. You have to let him know that you don't tolerate lying (define what you consider to be lying, it'll help him if he chooses to respect your wishes) and he has to know that he has no right to tell you what to do, you are your own person and can do as you wish (if he doesn't like it then he can choose to leave).

  • silvershoes
    13 years ago

    You sound like a rational, sane girl. This guy has lied to trick you into being with him, which is backfiring. It shows his immaturity, and no not due to age... I don't think you should concern yourself with how old he IS, but how old he ACTS. He certainly has some growing up to do before he can have a comfortable, honest relationship.

    I wouldn't waste any more of your time. It's nice having someone around to be romantic with, but why drag something out that already shows signs of ending in disaster? 2 months and he has expressed immense insecurity by lying about himself to keep your interest and restricting your social behaviors rather than trusting you.

  • Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    ^ She took the words right out of my mouth.

  • HisBlueEyedAngel
    13 years ago

    In my opinion I would end it with him because it seems he lied to you about a lot of small things and that means he probably will lie about all the big things too...

  • Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    ^ Exactly, that is why I mentioned she should be more concerned about his apparent controlling behavior more than anything. At least I would be anyway.

    A controlling nature brings about many other things, such as lying as we know, and can become very dangerous not just for a relationship but someone's well-being. It's only been several months into you relationship and he's already displayed this controlling behavior, telling you what to do and who you can't see. That's a huge red flag as to what you can expect later on and as to the state of mind of this person. It's not a good sign. It is not a good sign at ANY time in a relationship, be it 2 months, 6 months, a year, 3 years, etc. I can't imagine it's going to get any better. I completely agree with Liquid Grace, you should cut all ties all together. Right now, he's already attempted to isolate you from your friends, from going out, having fun and meeting people. What's next? You can't see your family? You can't go to school? You can't work? He starts to belittle you (an attempt to break your confidence and you as a person down)? He physically puts his hands on you? Do you want to stick around to find out?

    I was in a situation once when I was around 13 with someone I had been "dating" for around 4 weeks. He and his friends (some who were mine) came by my house to see if I would hang out with them. At the time I had homework to do and had chores my parents asked me to do, so I said not today. For half an hour, every five minutes, they'd either come knocking on my door or call my house trying to get me to come out. The last time they called they told me this guy I was seeing was so depressed I wouldn't come out that he "drank the stuff under the sink" (nothing specific) in an attempt to commit suicide... You want to know how I knew they were lying and trying to manipulate me? Because I could see them and see him outside my house on the corner of the street talking from a cell phone. I told them, "Well, if he did just do that then why are you calling me, you should call 911." What kind of person does that? A controlling, sick person who has issues if you ask me and as far as I was concerned he was a threat to my me. Needless to say I dumped him right there. There was also the fact that his friends would send me messages telling me I should be doing "my job", as in having sex with him. Not to mention after I broke up with him his friends would send me messages saying that they'd kick my blank. I'm glad that I used my common sense and that I was a more secure person in myself to be able to walk away and say it's not worth it.

    You sound like smart girl, I think you know what you should do. You're not his property. You're 18, you're your own person and a grown woman capable of looking after herself and making her own decisions in life. It's not worth it.


    Ps. You should change your profile name from XxWorthlessxX, because you are far from it. :)

  • Dark Secrets
    13 years ago

    I agree with everyone here... Lies like the ones you mentioned I could live with, but it may lead to bigger lies which is why I'd question that part. And the controlling behavior is unacceptable... I would never be in a relationship with a controlling personality. Not only because I don't like being controlled and that it's restricting to my freedom, but also because controlling people are often violent. If you don't listen to what they tell you to do, they may hit or curse you... So, I'd say be careful when you break up with him, but definitely break up with him. Stop the relationship now before it becomes worse.

  • XxXxSleeping BeautyxXxX
    13 years ago

    Wow...hun...you should wait a littel while.....see if he sticks around...adn if he means the "L" word..then hes worth it:D

  • Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    If he loves you, then it's worth it to continue to be in relationship with another person who lies and is controlling or is somehow okay that he does so? Sorry, but that's just messed up and I respectfully disagree.

    Saying "I love you" is merely but of small importance. It's showing that person you love them through your affection, words and actions that's most important. It speaks louder than words alone. Sorry to burst your bubble, but lying, whether it's one big thing or many small things, and trying to control another person is not a way to 'show' ones love. If anything, it shows the opposite of.

    To me, whether he really loves you or not, there is obviously something not right about him. You shouldn't be with a person who is unstable and not in a right state of mind first and foremost for your own well-being and safety, but also for him as well. He needs help with his inability to be completely truthful, with his controlling behavior and if he believes that's the way to show ones love. Why? You enter a relationship with someone unstable or otherwise not it a right state of mind at that time and your relationship will be much the same.

    Love is not the only important thing in a relationship and isn't the only thing needed to sustain one. There are many other things just as equally important, if not more so important, such as respect, honesty, trust and among other things. Check it: http://www.poems-and-quotes.com/discussion/topic.html?topic_id=124606

  • XxWorthlessxX
    13 years ago

    Thank you everyone you've helped me soooo much!!
    You have NO idea.
    I was really into him yes.. and I'm still not completely over him, but I ended it. I had to.
    He kept getting worse..
    And I just couldn't take it anymore!
    He started FIGHTING with my friends.
    So I broke up with him.
    Then the next night you'll never believe what he did!!!
    Got with another girl!!!
    Had a picture on his FB of him kissing her.
    So maybe his real concern about me "cheating on him" was really HIS concern of me finding out he was cheating on me.
    He's so immature and im so glad I listened to you all before it was to late.
    A Few nights ago I get this random text.
    From some guy named "Dug"
    I knew his middle name was "Duglas"
    But it never dawned on me.
    Well he was trying to find everything out from me and I'm like listen I just want to know who you are.
    THey refused to tell me.
    Well I blocked and deleted him from everything but my friend went onto her facebook and we found out it was HIS number!!
    He's sooo low.
    I can't believe him.
    thank you sooo much everyone.
    You opened my eyes so much!!

  • Dark Secrets
    13 years ago

    OMG!!! It's good you left the guy... You'll find love, just wait, it'll come in the right time. :)

  • Mello193
    13 years ago

    Pretty much