Thank you Britt & Joe

  • silvershoes
    13 years ago

    Britt was a valuable asset for her entire mod tenure and Joe was indeed a great mod for many years. I would like to thank them for the time and effort they put into our website, PnQ. It isn't an easy job, as Britt will tell you. We have to deal with a bunch of fiery, arrogant poets daily, who never look you in the eye because they're somewhere else in the world sitting down with a computer in front of them :)

    At some point every mod will no longer be a mod. It is sometimes difficult to accept that a rock of PnQ has moved or been moved, but that is the way of things. Change is inevitable.

    For ex mods -
    "What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others."

  • silvershoes
    13 years ago

    Glad you like it. I was going to explain what it means to me, but decided to leave it open-ended for individual interpretation.

    I would like to address the comment that my heart is "cold" in the other thread that Joe made.
    My heart is not cold. If it was, I would not like any of you for all the horrible words you sling at me, and so easily, without a second thought. Instead, I forgive you and I understand your anger, hurt, and frustration. I wish I could make everyone happy... boy would that make me happy! But that's just not possible. My heart is a big tub and each one of you has a place in it.

    Joe, you are a great friend and I have a lot of love for you. I hope you forgive me for keeping work and friendship separate.
    I hope not being a mod gives you the proper time (without stress) to dedicate to your life outside PnQ.

  • Sherry Lynn
    13 years ago

    Britt, you put in a lot of hours and work, for that I thank you.

    Joe, What counts to me is that you were there when needed... thick and thin... no questions asked! That is what is important as a mod... not posting every day on stuff that is irrelevant.

    How many times did you step up when crap hit the fan on the boards? How many times did you step in and manage everything when no other mod was on?

    Plenty... more than I can count and yet you were casted aside and thrown under the bus because you were not active enough and did not post enough.... for that I am truly sorry.

    Thank you, both of you, for all your work and dedication.

  • Michael D Nalley
    13 years ago

    Quote Janis Krumins
    "You can't own things,
    You can't do without,
    They end up owning you,
    So, please, watch out

    Joe, Britt and anyone who has activated an account. It is a good time to reflect on the thousands of man hours that has made this creation take on a life of its own.

    Thank you

  • silvershoes
    13 years ago

    What an interesting way of looking at it, Mike.

  • silvershoes
    13 years ago

    I did not ignore the input of Mike, Ingrid, Nana, Beautiful Chaos, or Dixiedaisy, and I'm sorry if any of them felt ignored. I heard you guys loud and clear and I understand your opinions.
    For some reason, ex mods seem to think their opinions are above those of members who have never been mods, but why that high and mighty mindset possesses them bewilders me. Fact of the matter is, no one but current mods can properly assess how active other current mods are. Past experience on the squad with a different group in different times is not relevant to the present group in the present times.

    With that said, I'm positive none of the current mods wanted Britt or Joe to step down. Britt made the decision entirely on her own, and Joe chose not to be more active after being given encouragement on countless occasions over the span of more than half a year. We wanted Joe to step up, not step down... but one of the two needed to happen eventually.

    The dirty laundry does not need to be aired, and I apologize to the members for being subjected to it.

    Bob, what I did in the past is warped even further from the truth every time you bring it up. I exaggerated your words to friends 8 months ago on one occasion and you've condemned me indefinitely as a heartless, dishonest liar. If that's the type of person YOU are, to make judgments as harsh and unforgiving as that... so be it. For the sake of everyone else's sanity, stop bringing it up.

  • silvershoes
    13 years ago

    I hope you are not as hard on yourself as you are on others. How could you ever be happy? Lighten up, this is a poetry site... I said I'm sorry too many times to count and I didn't do it again. That's as good as it gets.

  • PnQ Mod Account
    13 years ago

    It's a public thread, please don't tell members to butt out when they have as much right to post in here as you do. Enough with patronizing new mods or new members as if being older makes you untouchable. It doesn't. There isn't a hierarchy.
    Also, nobody is a worthless cause. Fighting fire with fire doesn't work...

    I'm posting in this account because I'm using it to do activations.


  • Daisy if you do
    13 years ago

    Thanks Britt and Joe for the services you provided while you were here as Mods.

    I would like to say that it seems a little cold hearted that some of the members are distantly saying thank you to Britt in passive manner while elaborating in depth on Joes previous services. I don't know Britt anymore than I do Joe, but based on what I have experienced on this site in the last 5 years Britt has been active everywhere on the boards, in all forums prior to and during her moderating. She was one of the most active social mods there was. I am not saying Joe wasn't, I have seen him active also, though it has been a while. I am not speaking on what goes on behind the scenes as far as moderating. Just stating what I see here that it is childish and selfish for one to point out more qualites of one former mod than another because of a personal biased opinion. Which seems to be what has taken place.

  • Michael D Nalley
    13 years ago

    If I remember correctly it was a dear poet that shared this with me in one of my dark hours

    "Peace is the merging of 5 paths:
    Knowledge, understanding, respect, fairness and love"

    It seems we cannot blend without stirring the spirit

    We still have a great deal of quality members here
    Bob brought up a great point technically there is not a limit on the amount of moderators this site can have. There will be at best dead weight in any group whether in is non essential gov or administration

  • silvershoes
    13 years ago

    Is there a point to dead weight other than satiating egos?

  • Michael D Nalley
    13 years ago

    I used to be a civilian employee for the Airforce and spent most of my life trying to fly lead balloons, but how much do we have to lose here is the question. It could be compared to mining gold how many boulders do you have to stir to get a nugget?

  • Ingrid
    13 years ago

    To the people who are only are able to see what goes on in the front( us, members) Britt has been a very valuable moderator. Very commited to this site and the members. I know Joe was active too, because I always got a reply from him when I messaged the site about a friends request for activating his/ her account. I think they both will be missed much.

    A very sad turn of events and a sad day for P&Q.

  • Italian Stallion
    13 years ago

    Thanks but no thanks Jane, I don't want a "I'm sorry, thank you for your time as a mod." thread that you made solely to show you aren't a "cold-hearted" person.

    But thanks for all those whom have posted...

  • The Queen
    13 years ago

    Thanks Joe and Britt for your effort and contribution to this site. I also want to thank you both for all the help you've given me, answering my previous queries and patiently replying to my pm's.