Mod talk continued...

  • Italian Stallion
    13 years ago

    So do I Sher, so do I.

  • Sherry Lynn
    13 years ago

    Kind of Amanda LOL....

  • Sunshine
    13 years ago

    Ya but Joe also left by his own will..
    so he too can get back without the majority voting..since they only released their voices..
    he was the one who demoted his ownself..

    or am i wrong ?

  • Sherry Lynn
    13 years ago

    Right now Ann is dealing with a death in the family and grieving. I could not ask her to come back at this time.... Though I do love her dearly.

  • Italian Stallion
    13 years ago

    "he was the one who demoted his ownself..
    or am i wrong ?"

    Yes, I demoted myself...


    Anna, if you have no opinion on such a 'big' subject that concerns the site. Then why exactly are you a mod? Just wondering...

  • AJ
    13 years ago

    Joe, there is no reason as to why Anna should have to voice her opinion.. and don't give her the crap of "Then why exactly are you a mod?"

  • Sherry Lynn
    13 years ago


    You are upset and have every right to be, but you and I both know that Anna has done a lot of behind the scenes work.

    You know how I feel, but let's play fair please.

    I have also sent a message to Dante Test on facebook in hopes that he will get Janis back here, but I am not holding my breath. Maybe everyone should facebook Dante

  • Italian Stallion
    13 years ago

    All Mods should view their opinions AJ, this is a matter not just concerning myself, Britt., or anyone else, it is a matter concerning the site.

    If a mod shouldn't be entitled to view an opinion on site matters, then like before when you said you were all waiting for my opinions on site issues should be thrown out the window and disregarded, since now it is an invalid excuse (and was to begin with).

  • Italian Stallion
    13 years ago

    Sher, in no way at all am I saying she has not done anything 'behind the scenes'. She's done a fair share, I'm just asking for her opinion, that's all it's not hard.

  • AJ
    13 years ago

    Her opinion has been rendered, and it is at her discretion whether the entire site should see it.

  • Sunshine
    13 years ago

    I also 2nd joe..and think that though the Mod is not obliged to cast her voice, should at least try to, so we know
    who's with or against the idea.

    However if joe just said he demoted his ownself.. so
    can someone tell me why he need votes to get back?

  • Italian Stallion
    13 years ago

    AJ, why don't you let her speak for her self, she's a big girl and can talk for her self...

  • Sherry Lynn
    13 years ago

    Ok guys, I have to log off for a bit and take my son to the dentist. You all play nice and be fair.

  • Italian Stallion
    13 years ago

    Ha, now with the references to 'It's a Beautiful Life'

    What's next? A reference to 'The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly' ?

  • Michael D Nalley
    13 years ago

    Sorry to rain on every bodies parade but all drama does not have to be a circus . We were warned by a club member that she would be leaving and we went into denial. It was so hard to let go of her. but her cousin having the same problem of letting go joined our club metaphorically
    I am not leaving any time soon and I can't believe Joe will because I believe his spirit is even stronger than his flesh

    Joe and Jane we know that belonging to two confidential groups present unique challenges. We would ask Liz to come back and settle our differences, but I believe we all love her too much to drag her back to earthly drama. She did leave a smile behind as she wished she could in the last contest poem

    "Only when you drink form the river of silence shall you indeed sing.
    And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb.
    And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance"
    From Gibran's "The Prophet"

    My heart goes out to all who are bereaved
    Love, yours truly

  • silvershoes
    13 years ago

    Why did leaving the mod squad turn you into one of the most active members, Joe? Why didn't asking you enthusiastically to be more active over 7 months not draw forth these results that have happened in 2 days? Joe, I thought you had things to take care of every single minute so you couldn't be here?

    "There you go, you said it if every mod makes mistakes, and they are 'let go' and forgot. Then why am I a different case?"

    Ummmm you were given a crap load of chances to start being more active, and you denied every single one.

    I think everyone needs to cool off and realize what happened in the mod forums was a practical decision, not a spiteful one. We asked Joe to step up or step down, and he CHOSE the latter. It doesn't matter if a member forgets about PnQ for a long time. They don't have activations, mod tools, the weekly contest, etc., to handle. Mods do. I go out of my way to be here as often as possible so I can help out. The time Joe is making these past few days to be furious at the mods would have been ample time to step on PnQ in the past and help out.

  • Sherry Lynn
    13 years ago

    Wow Amanda.... I guess this does make me the head mod ..... But I think being a team that can trust each other and work together is more important.

  • Michael D Nalley
    13 years ago

    There is an old saying be careful what you wish/pray for you just might get it.

    Somehow it always seems too cliche to ponder on the connection between the heart, mind , and soul

    I just searched the poems dedicated to Elisabetta and I feel a bond with Jane and Joe though through no fault of our own we never really got to know eachother as well as we would have liked

    I still have faith that burdens become blessings and I would not stand in judgement of those who embrace burdens as if they were worth something

    by Z Michael D Nalley

    I have an obsession with the so called grim reaper
    The balance of the scales of the divine keeper
    The reaper of my heart, the reaper of my soul
    I need her like the bread of life to make me whole

    Though she is my destiny, in a phrase, my imminent fate
    Teasing me with serenity to let me know I must wait
    It is true I have not always desired her with each breath
    My thoughts will be eternally with her, past my own death

    For what is our life to forever, we are but a vapor in time
    We just come and go like the seasons in an endless rhyme
    Our lives are filled with poetry, but mine is a fair sentence
    Charity covers up a multitude of sins in a world of repentance

    We have rationalized, nationalized and realized it all ends the same
    We have respected rejected and expected to honor His name
    We have obsessed, regressed and confessed that we feel shame
    We have anointed, appointed and disappointed we cast blame

    The natural order, or so it seems, is to reap what we have sown
    Much of the finest wheat, right along side of weeds have grown
    Will we be laughing or weeping when the reaper comes reaping?
    Will we rise with the grain or remain in the ground just sleeping?

    I would like to dedicate this poem to Lizzy who gave it three points.3/3 In The Club
    We love you Elisabetta

  • Daisy if you do
    13 years ago

    Seeing how the site is not what it used to be because of the absence of admin. how can one compare the work that used to be done as far as coding goes to what is going on now, when it has been stated before that no one has coding rights with the exception of admin. Things are a lot different under the new mod team, as under the old mod team many of you would not have this chance to state your opinion without being deleted first. And if we are going to call apples apples then was Sher against Illum coming back as a mod also? Why is it that this is such a big deal because it is Joe and why didn't sher rush to Illums defense as she is on Joes.
    The report cards for mods which were put up about a month ago by Joe stated a lot of members opinions that Joe wasn't doing his share on the boards if all of this is based on what he did prior then that is ridiculous. A normal person in the work field can be reprimanded or even laid off after years on the job regardless of what they have done in the past.

  • silvershoes
    13 years ago

    Yes, a team that supports majority rule IS important. A team that shows a unanimous face to the boards has also been held with utmost importance for as long as I can remember.

    Amanda, thanks for totally building me up and suggesting I'm all powerful, but the Joe thing... I'm one of 6 mods who voted on it and I didn't even bring it up! I'm only one mod.
    I expect mods to be active. It's what we look for in new mods, why wouldn't we look for it in current mods? It's not a RULE. It's a... if you're not here, you're not here. Fact.
    For the record, Amanda, the old mod regime didn't work that well at all, but there was a restriction on freedom of speech. Mods moderated any posts from members who said too much against them. A post like yours would be deleted, penalized, and you'd probably be long gone by now with a pile of lovely penalty points. We allow members to speak their minds and maybe it's making us look worse, but I prefer freer boards, don't you all?

    See Dixiedaisy's post, she stole the words right out of my mouth.

  • silvershoes
    13 years ago

    Maybe I was shown the ropes wrong then, Amanda, but it wasn't ME who pushed this expectation. I'll be honest, Britt pushed it and Britt being in my opinion the best mod by pretty much all standards, I felt she was right and I supported her/it. It's not fair for mods like Britt to have to carry the weight of the entire mod force. We all had just as much crap going on in our lives as Joe, I assure you, but if we were all absent like him, we'd have no new members being activated, no congratulatory thread for the weekly winners, no change of judges at intervals, no regular revision of mod tools, no moderation of the boards, no suspension or regulation of spammers, no fun new threads hosted by mods, etc. Nothing would get done. Sure we are here to pick up the slack when a mod can't be around for a period of time, but there has to be a line somewhere. I'd be astonished if I sat back and barely did a thing for half a year and the mods kept me on because years ago I was more active. Like I keep saying, it's not a trophy.

    I'm getting most of the blame for Joe being gone because I'm actually here showing my face to you guys and explaining my reasons. It's the choice of the other mods who voted that Joe be gone to not voice their opinions on the main boards. Amanda - I could easily do the same, thank you very much, and avoid this finger of yours being pointed at whoever your warped perception deems.

    Why is Sher making us look bad when in the past we have always supported majority vote? It's not like we were all like "Joe, you suck, we want you out." It was more like "Joe, if you can't and won't be more active, why stay on the team?" to which Joe responded by demoting himself. I thought it was an honorable thing to do, but his actions taken afterward have boggled my brain.
    Hell if everyone wants Joe back on the team so he can have the title and carry on with his life outside PnQ, so be it!

  • Italian Stallion
    13 years ago

    "I could easily do the same, thank you very much, and avoid this finger of yours being pointed at whoever your warped perception deems."

    And so could I, but you don't see me doing that, do you.

    Anyways, I'm done arguing, it's getting old fast.

    I just want to mention/point out, that this is the most members/mods I've seen on the site at once in a long time. Interesting...

  • Italian Stallion
    13 years ago

    "It was more like "Joe, if you can't and won't be more active, why stay on the team?" to which Joe responded by demoting himself."

    Um, actually I decided to demote myself (not because I wasn't willing...) because ALL except one fellow Mod disagreed and felt I should leave. I can go back to that thread and pull exactly what was said, but I won't.

    I'm done, finished. Will say no more...have fun...the end!

    ^Hey look, you silenced me, YAY! jump up and down, celebrate, yata yata yata...

  • silvershoes
    13 years ago

    Your arrogance is suffocating, Amanda, and it's very difficult to reason with someone like you because arrogance creates a closed mind to the views of others. I'm trying very hard to see everything from your perspective however, and some of it makes sense. When you were a mod, mods weren't doing activations correct? So you can't know how tedious and time-consuming it is. As for coding, it is very difficult but AJ knows some coding it seems and more importantly, there is currently no purpose for coding. Janis and Dainz have to be around for coding to count, right? And they haven't been around for years.

    What I have done is old news and it's been discussed, debated, and spread like not enough butter on too much toast.

    You seem to be confused with doing something wrong and not doing anything at all. They're not comparable. Let's review this as its own case and maybe we can make headway rather than beating a dead horse. I'm up for discussing Joe's moderation openly as its own matter, but if you continue to berate me, I'm going to roll my eyes at you and walk away.
    When Joe made the post about mod report cards, he received the most negative reviews, all attributed to his inactivity. The mods felt the brunt of his inactivity. I doubt anyone will argue that when he was an active mod, he was an excellent mod.

    ***** If Joe wants to drop this, I am going to respect that. I'll back out of this thread now.

  • silvershoes
    13 years ago

    "I'll keep the record playing for however long it takes for you to actually pick up the lyrics instead of singing to your own song."

    You should take your own advice. I've listened to you carefully, now it's time to listen to someone we both respect... "I request to have this debacle no longer discussed, what's done is done."

  • silvershoes
    13 years ago

    I'd vote for you to leave the site and join another, Amanda, but no one asked me.

    Yes, that's really all I have. I'm not ashamed I don't love arguing as much as some here on PnQ.

    I will be locking this thread after giving you one minute out of courtesy to say the final word ;)

  • silvershoes
    13 years ago

    Active is not always a good thing if it means drama an chaos.

    I will lock this now.

  • sibyllene
    13 years ago

    Looks like that about does it for this thread.