The reason..

  • AJ
    13 years ago

    ..I stepped down, was because I saw things that filled my life with unnecessary drama, making me believe one side or another. I saw people getting blamed for things that made no sense, and other people breaking rules that were essentially ignored.

    I have received information anonymously that shows proof of which people were doing what, and who was really breaking the rules. I had no part in gathering some of the information, it was given to me anonymously.

    If I were to post this, some member's of this site would have a lot of explaining to do.. and possible suspensions will occur. I wish not to put a black mark on somebody's name.

    The way things are currently being handled needs to change.. Things are not what they seem, and I wished to have no part in it.. Those people involved know exactly who you are, and you best stop what you are doing and tell the truth as to what you are saying "behind closed doors" because remember, nothing on this site is safe.

    If you decide not to explain, I will post this information and good luck trying to cover that up too.

  • Ingrid
    13 years ago

    My guess is that you are a really honest person AJ. I don't know exactly what is going on, but I will give you this advice: move on hun, it's not worth it;)

  • AJ
    13 years ago

    I plan to move on, but I will stress time and time again, things are not what they seem.

  • abracadabra
    13 years ago

    Welp, that info served to do nothing but add more confusion.

    It appears that everytime I sneeze, a mod disappears.

  • Michael D Nalley
    13 years ago

    I don't see this as causing drama....NOT!

    'I plan to move on, but I will stress time and time again, things are not what they seem."

    I can imagine someone said that before the Salem trials

  • silvershoes
    13 years ago

    AJ, I feel like I should know what you're talking about but I'm lost. This sounds serious. If I'm not one of the culprits and you think I can help, please send me a message via Facebook.

  • abracadabra
    13 years ago

    So people can hack into PMs here now?


  • Sunshine
    13 years ago

    I have to admit AJ,
    you are not who I thought to be in a way and another,
    your post showed a mature side, and an honest one.

    I too have no idea like Ingrid,
    but I am not sure you leaving as well was a good step,
    like maybe you should have stayed to deal with these people?
    but since it's your wish

    On a side note, I hope you mods stop stepping down, cause that's enough.. we lost brit, joe and now AJ. I dont know how the site will work..

  • Edward D Zurovec
    13 years ago

    With no Mods, it'll be a Ghost ship;
    drifting on endless days and nights
    of hapless peril. Drifting upon waters
    of tainted memories and friendships.
    Pointless, on the brink of sinking!
    Poetry will still the air and Life
    will go on without them. There
    will be Survivors in this Holocaust!

  • Michael D Nalley
    13 years ago

    Liquid Grace I am happy that you don't use pandora's box anymore as a screen name seeing as how one may have been opened. It does stand to reason the private message system is called that for a reason .This is one time I would not mind seeing a thread removed . If the charges are that serious this should be reported to an appropriate law enforcement agency otherwise I don't want to read something the author did not intend me to read. I can't imagine anything more offensive that has already been shared in these public messaging systems

  • Michael D Nalley
    13 years ago

    "Micheal, This has been explained before as to what can and can't be seen. I'm not sharing anything I shouldn't. THis has been said a few times about the PM system."

    The members have a right to know all that you have revealed It was meant to be funny this is the internet as you so kindly pointed out to britt before you pissed her off more than Emily Litella ever did . Bob suspended accounts for a lot less but I would like to see everyone as light headed/ hearted as me lol I agree this is going to scare what is left of active members away

    Nothing AJ could post could shock me

    Oops...double d's
    the hell with the pm system

    mike you suck, wanna fight.....Lmao"

    bring it bro JUST KIDDING LMAO

  • Michael D Nalley
    13 years ago

    I tried to use my asperger symtom symptoms as an excuse and someone informed me that they were closely related to some one who had asperger syptoms and they were not as misunderstood

    I never met a muture person that did not like me though anna stephens may beg to differ lmao

    "I'm scared, you'd probably beat me with a u-tube....lmao"
    Why do you think Donald avoids me?

  • Larry Chamberlin
    13 years ago

    Other than disclosure of a total invasion of privacy, there's nothing here in this thread to substantiate AJ's initial statement.

    If there's collusion in contests, or double accounts since they were forbidden (I don't even know when that occurred) or potential pedophiles known & allowed to lurk, or anything as serious as these, it should be dealt with, not bandied around like "I know things."

    If people have an expectation of privacy in any on-line account, they are somewhat naive at best.

    As attributed to Claudius: Let all the poisons that lurk in the mud be hatched out.

  • Larry Chamberlin
    13 years ago

    "While others may shower you with affection and cover you with the cloak of honesty and thanks for a job well done, I'll say the exact opposite...You didn't do your job. Sorry, but didn't someone say being a mod is protecting the integrity of the site"
    -Bob "David" Shank

    There is a time for direct statements, and for once I think Bob is right on. This thread got diverted to issues of PMs being read. Get on with the issues to which you alluded, AJ

  • Larry Chamberlin
    13 years ago

    BTW regarding PMs, this seems ridiculously timely:

    "You never talk in a club, you never talk in a car, you never talk on a cell phone, you never talk on a phone, you never talk in your house. You go on a walk-talk - I don't know anybody who was ever locked up or arrested for a walk-talk." - - - Joseph C. Massino, the longtime boss of the Bonanno crime family, testifying in United States District Court in Brooklyn. New York Times 13 April 2011


  • Sherry Lynn
    13 years ago

    I am so sick of all the drama on this site. These are the times when I miss the ass that we once had to go in and shut it all down LOL.... Sorry, Boobie, but you were always an ass.... I love you, but you were and still are an ass. But to clarify I STILL LIKE THE NEW TEAM AS WELL, so don't run with the ass comment to far!

    With that said... This drama crap is going to stop and it will no longer be tolerated. AJ, if you have a problem with me or one of the other mods then you need to bring it to us and not the forums. You even have all our cell numbers so it is not like there is no way to "safely" communicate.

    I will not tolerate anymore and in the future any post that is started to be perceived and stirring up drama I will delete and penalize. If it has to be then I will step up and be the next ass because things are out of control here and need to come to a halt.

  • Sherry Lynn
    13 years ago

    I'm afraid you read the wrong pm because he would be the first to tell you I have no ass

  • Michael D Nalley
    13 years ago

    My ex used to have an ass before I set her free

  • Ingrid
    13 years ago

    Sickening know someone could have read my PRIVATE correspondence. I feel like punching someones lights out now:/

  • Sherry Lynn
    13 years ago

    Bob don't remember was amanda. we had a secret love affair going on and we were trying to get you to join us well joe work on the coding to protect our secret, ann was in the corner praying that we be forgiven, meanwhile Brit was rolling her eyes and screaming oh my gosh, and illu was reading all of us love poems

  • Ingrid
    13 years ago

    To be angry about a site violating privacy is something to be angry about indeed and my reaction is only normal.

    I can understand why you are not upset at all, I can 100%, because you probably knew all along.

    What a sick world...makes me want to vomit.

  • AJ
    13 years ago

    AJ, if you have a problem with me or one of the other mods then you need to bring it to us and not the forums. You even have all our cell numbers so it is not like there is no way to "safely" communicate.


    Kinda hard when they aren't replying.

  • AJ
    13 years ago


  • Sherry Lynn
    13 years ago

    I will reply when I get home on cell phones you can check my facebook status to see where I have checked in at.

  • The Princess
    13 years ago

    Oh wow. strange none denied having the ability to read pms and it's even stranger that it was Abby that guessed what was a miss.

    I thought we all wanted a more open approach so why is it that the mods are trying to hush hush this? and again under the name of ''drama'' when it's really not drama you're just hiding it to save faces.

    If it's something that concerns the members it should be out.

  • Sherry Lynn
    13 years ago

    It does not concerned the members and it is not our responsibility to inform the members of everything going on

  • The Princess
    13 years ago

    It does not concern the members, Sherry? I beg to differ. let me quote:

    ''I saw people getting blamed for things that made no sense, and other people breaking rules that were essentially ignored.''

    ''If I were to post this, some member's of this site would have a lot of explaining to do.. and possible suspensions will occur. I wish not to put a black mark on somebody's name.''

    ''The way things are currently being handled needs to change.. Things are not what they seem''

    It seems otherwise. and I disagree with you, the members should very well know what's going on, especially if it's foul as it sounds.

    Will it hurt you so much to be honest about it and say ''such and such'' happened or is happening?


    *waves to Connie* just in time? it seems I've missed a lot!

  • Italian Stallion
    13 years ago

    I concur, if it concerns the members and/or site, then spill the beans. But then again, I am no longer a moderator, so I can't 'dictate' what one should do. So for that reason, I'll respect the mods decisions and actions that they want taken.

    I also want to add, if it doesn't concern the members, then let it be handled privately...

    P.S. If this is about me (which I don't know if it is or not), then air it out. I have nothing to hide, everything I've ever done on here, I've done for a reason.

    Now if you excuse me, I am going to go eat some lunch, I'll be back shortly.

  • Melpomene
    13 years ago

    I also agree that members should know what is going on, wether it be by the hands of the mods, or the people behind the problem. The information must be quite problematic if AJ felt the need to step down as a mod.

  • Italian Stallion
    13 years ago

    Well obviously as Sher has a fore mentioned, it has nothing to do with or does not concern any of the members of the site. Therefore, as I previously mentioned, I see no need for it to be aired publicly. Let this matter be handled privately with the people it concerns.

    Please respect the wishes of the current moderators.

  • Melpomene
    13 years ago

    I wish not to repeat what Nor already said as she linked everything quite perfectly. AJ clearly states in his first post that it does concern members.

  • Courageous Dreamer
    13 years ago

    Joe, how come you were all for him bringing it out into the open, because you had 'nothing to hide' yet now it's not a good idea? That's pretty fishy I feel.

  • AJ
    13 years ago

    "I concur, if it concerns the members and/or site, then spill the beans. But then again, I am no longer a moderator, so I can't 'dictate' what one should do. So for that reason, I'll respect the mods decisions and actions that they want taken.

    I also want to add, if it doesn't concern the members, then let it be handled privately...

    P.S. If this is about me (which I don't know if it is or not), then air it out. I have nothing to hide, everything I've ever done on here, I've done for a reason."

    Didn't you just say that Joe?? You do realize that moderators are members... but I'm not the one who should explain what is going on, and that person knows who they are.

  • The Princess
    13 years ago

    ''but I'm not the one who should explain what is going on, and that person knows who they are.''

    Ok. Can we at least have a name to know who to address? who does it concern?

  • AJ
    13 years ago

    I will not put a black mark on anyone's name, so no, I will not give you the name(s) yet.

  • Italian Stallion
    13 years ago

    Jacey, like I've said, if it concerns me, I have nothing to hide. I am just merely stating that Sher said it does not concern the members, therefore it should be discussed privately not publicly.

  • Melpomene
    13 years ago

    Nor, I love the straight forwardness. You know if you ask you shall not receive. ;) It's all about the waiting game. Ends up exploding even bigger though the more we wait.

  • Italian Stallion
    13 years ago

    AJ, of course I know that.

    And if you don't want to voice what's going on, then why did you even bring it up in the first place? Just curious...

    Anyways, obviously neither Sher nor AJ want to discuss this matter publicly (as of yet), so that is that, and I respect their decision and will not create nor push the mater any further until it is publicly aired (if it is at all).

  • The Princess
    13 years ago

    Mel, I love you. and yes, I agree. It's just that some are more patient than others. I think Alan should tell, I did before, sure I didn't get any ''chocolate'' for it but at least people knew where they stand and what's happening. question is, is there any fear of him being suspended if he tells? is that what's holding him back? threats? it would be pretty nasty of the mod(s) if that's it.

  • Italian Stallion
    13 years ago

    ^ Now, I don't think there is any reason to put allegations out there just yet...let's wait and see what happens. Assumptions won't get you anywhere, it will just cause a bigger mess!