Italian Stallion
13 years ago
Hello fellow members, I am starting something new called the, "Ask Joe Column" you can ask me any questions pertaining to myself, to you, advice seeking, love, friendship, etc. Ask me about almost anything at all, as long as it applies to the rules and regulations of the site. |
Italian Stallion
13 years ago
Bob: Because I was taught by the greatest teacher of them! lmao |
Italian Stallion
13 years ago
Kevin: I'm not one to judge myself on any scale, I let others do that... |
Italian Stallion
13 years ago
Kevin: And vise versa... |
Italian Stallion
13 years ago
Kevin: Yeah most likely when I was with a group of fellow students in High School in a club called U.S. F.I.R.S.T. Robotics... |
Italian Stallion
13 years ago
Dave: Billy Roberts is an amazing well known writer from the time period of the 60's and 70's. He's best know for writing, "Hey Joe" which is best known by Jimi Hendrix's version. |
Miss Lonely Teacher
13 years ago
Do any of the questions/ people tend to...bother(annoy) you? not naming names... ^.^ |
Italian Stallion
13 years ago
MoonRose: It depends on the question/seriousness, but often times, no people don't annoy or bother me with their questions. |
Italian Stallion
13 years ago
Dave: Perhaps! |
Italian Stallion
13 years ago
Does anyone have anymore questions? :) |
Italian Stallion
13 years ago
Bob: I've been coding since I was aprox. 5 years old. I know plenty about it, but there is always room for learning. If for instance I had access, yes, I could 'revamp' this entire site. |
Italian Stallion
13 years ago
Anyone else have any questions? |
Italian Stallion
13 years ago
Sibs.: Yes, for the most part. My father had his own company that design and built machines for ultra-sonic welding (for welding plastics) that was until he got really sick and had to close the business down. My brother and I both built our own computers. My brother went to school for programing and web design. I just like learning and trying new things in the technology world. :) |
Italian Stallion
13 years ago
Anyone else have any questions? :) |
13 years ago
I have a 2 parter for you about the sand man, the folklore one, not the comic one. |
Italian Stallion
13 years ago
TSI25: To be honest, I haven't the slightest idea, if you know and would like to enlighten me, feel free to send me a PM. |
PnQ Mod Account
13 years ago
I've found a couple of things about the Sandman. (I'm a fairy tale junkie, so had to take a stab at it) |
Paul Gondwe
13 years ago
When you vision Africa, what do u see? |
Italian Stallion
13 years ago
Sibs: Thank you for your insight :) |
Italian Stallion
13 years ago, updated 7 years ago
Any more questions??? :) |
Italian Stallion
7 years ago
Anyone have any questions, feel free to ask and I will try to get to them in a timely manor. :) |
7 years ago
Hey, Joe! |
Italian Stallion
replied to mossgirl19
4 years ago
Wow, okay can't believe it's been two years, but I'll answer that question. |
Larry Chamberlin
3 years ago
Hey, Joe, what do you think of Ron Perlman? |
Italian Stallion
replied to Larry Chamberlin
3 years ago
Honestly, I don't know much about him, other than the fact that he is an actor and most know for his role as hellboy. Do unfortunately can't really give an opinion of what I think of the guy. |