Confused feelings

  • Blackstar
    13 years ago


  • Dark Secrets
    13 years ago

    First thing I tell anybody with negative feelings which don't have a reason is to let them out... Talk about them, tell someone how you feel, or write them down, draw, sing, play music, anything, just express them.

    Next thing to do is to keep yourself occupied with things you enjoy doing and being with people you like to be around, doing things that cheer you up. When you do this you can express your feelings on how they make you feel and also right them down to remember and to go back to when you feel sad or want to cry. Research says that if you spray perfume while you're happy and then spray it when your sad it triggers the happy feeling and you feel different... just because of the scent... its the same with food, clothes and almost everything, so, surround yourself with things that trigger positive feelings and link positive feelings with things you have.

    You can also change your mood by helping people, that also makes people feel more positive. Think about people around you who are in a worse condition than you are and be thankful for what you have.