Life of a PnQ Poet - Beautiful Chaos

  • silvershoes
    13 years ago

    Life of a PnQ Poet allows members of PnQ to interview the poet of the week. Please keep your questions respectful and if the PnQ poet wishes to abstain from any questions, remember they may do so without explanation. Have fun and ask away!


    Say hello to this fortnight's PnQ Poet, Beautiful Chaos, a dedicated member of our beloved (oh come on, it's true!) site since late '06.

    Here's her most recent poem -

    by Beautiful Chaos

    Weaponry of the tongue
    Such vile, venom filled words
    But they made me want you more
    Or maybe I just felt there was something to prove

    We watched each other with skeptical eyes
    It was not the heat we doubted
    The electricity was undeniable
    It was the boundaries

    How far could we go before one of us gave in?
    What would it take to sate or kill the beasts?
    The wanton monsters we've become
    Cruelly sucking lust from life

    You called it love one day
    I had to stop and laugh to myself
    This infection hurts too much to be love
    We are merely deviants

    Emotional masochists
    Inspired by resentment
    Hungry for weakness
    Lost in burning flesh

  • Beautiful Chaos
    13 years ago

    Only 5 years, feels more like centuries some days lol None the less I am an open book.

  • silvershoes
    13 years ago

    How did you find PnQ?
    Do you ever think about leaving?
    Do you think you'll be a member for as long as PnQ exists?
    Would you change the dull pink color of the site or alter the layout in any way?

  • The Queen
    13 years ago

    Jen :) Nor's definitely missing something here, lol.

    Ok, questions:

    If you could be granted 3 wishes, what would they be and why?
    Which is the best book you have ever read?
    What can totally impress you?
    What do you expect from life? Where do you see yourself, say, ten years from now?
    Why did you pick "Beautiful Chaos" as your screen name?

  • Colm
    13 years ago

    If you were in a fancy resturant would you get a meal you had before that you know is nice or would you try something new?

    When did you start to write?

    What would be your ideal job?

  • Beautiful Chaos
    13 years ago


    I found PnQ just randomly seeking out a poetry site.
    I have considered leaving before, but I always end up sticking it out and probably always will as long as I write.
    I am okay with the site layout, it is more the content and people that matter to me.

  • Beautiful Chaos
    13 years ago

    Lol Myryn, yes, her natural inquistitive nature would go wild

    3 wishes? Hmmmm....This is always so hard lol I would wish to never have financial worries for the rest of my life, I don't need to be filthy rich. With finances out of the way my second wish would be for Kennedy to find success in whatever she does in life and my 3rd< i guess I would reserve for my friends happiness.

    Hmmm...I love to read, I have many favorites, Night by Elie Weisel or Light My Fire by Ray Manzerek would def be at the top of the list.

    What can impress me, honesty and confidence, just being who you are.

    I don't know what I expect from life, it is full of good and bad, in 10 years I just hope to be happy and in a good place, surrounded by the people I love.

    I chose Beautiful Chaos because I think it not only sums up me, but life, it is beautiful and chaotic.

  • Beautiful Chaos
    13 years ago


    I would definetely try something new, I love food and I am always open to exploring.

    I started writing when I was about 11 or 12

    My ideal job? oh that's hard, I have had so many dreams lol Writer or Chef would top the list these days.

  • Beautiful Chaos
    13 years ago


    God~comfort, an explanation for the unexplainable, I believe we are all God if I have any belief at all

    Love~A deep emotional bond

    Family~people who love and accept you for who you are

    I discovered my passion for writing when i started around 12, it was a great outlet for expressing myself when I felt i had no other way.

    Oh fave poet of all time, that's hard, there are so many that I love, Leonard Cohen, Poe, Baudelaire

    hmmmm....4 PnQ poets....let me think...Auzy...Danny....FTS Miles....Tom Swart

  • Beautiful Chaos
    13 years ago

    Lol I was actually wondering where you were bobbers :p

  • The Princess
    13 years ago

    Don't tell me, Jenn, you wouldn't free the genie. tsk tsk. xD and here I am! *dances around* The smell of the food in this thread was calling to me *winks*

    so, Jenn, do tell us your favorite recipe?

    Ever wrote a poem about food or cooking in general?

    Tell us about one kitchen disaster you've been through.

    Would you wish to be a writer someday, as in take writing as a profession, or is it just a hobby?

    Dearest poem (by you) to your heart?

  • The Queen
    13 years ago

    Interesting answers, Jen :)

    If you think no one is looking what is the one thing you would do? lol
    If you could marry a cartoon character who would it be? Why?
    What was your first tattoo and where is it? What does it stand for?
    What does love mean to you?

  • Beautiful Chaos
    13 years ago

    Lol Nor all about food, how did I know?

    My fave recipe would probably be cheesecake, i can morph it into anything I like and it is delicious, peach, apple crisp cheesecake being one of the top ones.

    I do not think I have ever written a poem about cooking actually, maybe i will have to do that now lol

    Kitchen disaster oh my, I almost set the house on fire once making perogies lol We used to deep fry them and my sis had me distratcted and they started popping in the oil and a fire ensued.

    I would love it as a profession, writing that is, I have a novel in the works but it is more slow going than my poetry.

    Dearest poem....hmmmm...


    The first was written for my mother and the second for Kennedy, I also have another for my mom but could not find it, they are special to me.

  • Beautiful Chaos
    13 years ago


    if no one is looking.....I'd probably have sex somewhere prominent lol Just so I could say I did it

    Hmmmm...a cartoon character....I would say Roger Rabbit off the top of my head because he was pretty loyal and dedicated to Jessica.

    My first tattoo was a butterfly, I drew it myself it is on my left shoulder, I got it after I had Kennedy, beauty and freedom.

    Love means accepting someone for everything they are, flaws and all.

  • Sincuna
    13 years ago

    Who's your top 3 favorite poets (published)?

    Please share why if you don't mind. :)

  • Beautiful Chaos
    13 years ago


    Leonard Cohen~I have been reading a lot of him lately, I enjoy the raw sensuality behind many of his pieces.

    Poe~The darkness, his flow, I have loved Poe since I was a kid.

    Charles Baudelaire~I randomly picked up The Flowers Of Evil one day and fell in love with him, I found him even more interesting when I looked into his background. I love his themes and his fire. I also recently learned he was a translator of Poe.

  • Beautiful Chaos
    13 years ago

    Bob :) You have actually inspired me so much, I am kinda shocked and humbled that you have returned it lol It is no secret that I have great admiration for you.

    I think Kennedy has boosted my self esteem, we have always had a great relationship, she is my pride and joy. Being a mother is the best job I've ever had.

    I do see chances to right the wrongs of my own upbringing and I believe I have done so in many ways. We are very open and honest with one another and she will come talk to me about anything.

    Honestly I write better now, than before I had her.

    My own childhood...I would probably go with a 5, I kind of feel right in the middle, yes some bad things happened to me, but they could have been worse and though my relationship with my parents could have been better, they've always loved me and tried to do their best.

    As for Kennedy's I find it hard to pick a number, in ways it has been better than mine, but I also know she has seen and heard some messed up things, but we always work together to process it all, I think I would go with a 3.

    As for my site participation, it really started to dwindle for me when the drama became flagrant, it just seemed easier to avoid the boards most days and bite my tongue, especially with all I had going on in my own life. Nowdays I have been trying to get back into it, but honestly life has been great and turning around and I have someone new, so I have been dedicating a lot of time to that.

  • The Princess
    13 years ago

    Cheese cake? don't tell me. I can't eat the stuff. to me a cake is either chocolate, or, well chocolate. no fruit or creme cakes for me either. and I like them dripping chocolate and ice cream and heavy to the point that I can no longer breathe after two bites xD. those too light cakes almost floating cakes frustrate me. oh well, blabberblabberblabber, silly me. back to questions.

    Favorite band and song?

    Other hobbies than writing?

    what kind of Novel would you like to write (romance, suspense, horror..etc)?

    Tell me the bigger dream of yours (something to do with you and not family and friends).

    Are you satisfied with live so far? if no, then why not? if yes, then in what ways?

  • Beautiful Chaos
    13 years ago

    Oh Nor, you don't know what you're missing lol I make a chocolate, carmel brownie cheesecake that is to die for <3

    Fave band and song...gosh...I am a music whore lol I have soooo many....Kings of Leon~Sex on Fire is on the top of the list at the moment

    Other hobbies...I love to paint and garden

    Novel, probably something dramatic, I am not a romance girl

    A dream of mine, just for me, to travel the world, there are so many places, people and things I want to see.

    I am not completely satisified with life, my finances could be better, but that is all that is dragging me down for the most part, I have great friends and family, someone new to share my time with, life is good and all of the hardships have led me here, I can live with them.

  • Edward D Zurovec
    13 years ago

    Oh My! a chocolate, caramel brownie cheesecake,mmm,mmm, to die for? Beautiful, I would have to have a 1/2 gallon of milk to wash that down.
    What do you grow in your garden?
    What is your favorite Season?
    Favorite seasoning?
    Favorite smell?
    Favorite Wine?

  • Beautiful Chaos
    13 years ago

    Lol edward, I always have milk

    I grow flowers, herbs, tomatoes, jalepenos

    My favorite season is fall, I love all the colours.

    Oh fave seasoning...hmmmm....salt, pepper, thyme and garlic are usual suspects, but always depends on what I am making

    Fave smell...fresh cut grass

    fave wine, I am not a big wine fan, but good ol knock off strawberry wine always hits the spot