13 years ago
I have to say first of all what a wonderful site this is, i have been writing over the last year or so but have never shown my writing to anyone, and i have found this platform really helpful in understanding how i can become a better writer, i come from the uk and in my home town guy's are usually busy being idiots and fighting and drinking e.t.c. - don't get me wrong i've been no angle in the past but like the saying goes when you're no longer a child you have to put away childish toys. |
Just a Voice
13 years ago
Krumbell (PAUL) here, |
13 years ago
Hello and welcome. I am somewhat new here too, but I can say this site is a lot of fun and it makes learning and improving a whole lot easier. There is no limit to how much you will improve and I wish you the best of luck in writing. Once again, welcome. |
Paul Gondwe
13 years ago are welcome. I am 2 weeks old on this site but i dont feel new anymore,this is a great site |