Hello there i'm a bit new to all this!!

  • Naughtymouse
    13 years ago

    I have to say first of all what a wonderful site this is, i have been writing over the last year or so but have never shown my writing to anyone, and i have found this platform really helpful in understanding how i can become a better writer, i come from the uk and in my home town guy's are usually busy being idiots and fighting and drinking e.t.c. - don't get me wrong i've been no angle in the past but like the saying goes when you're no longer a child you have to put away childish toys.

    I have found you all to be very welcoming and i look forward to speaking to some more people from here but i would especially like to thank girl and LJRoodt for their advice and kind comments towards my writing :-)

    any way i have to pop off now but thanks for your time :-)

    Kindest Regards

  • LJ Roodt
    13 years ago

    It's a pleasure

    And remember keep writing :)

  • Just a Voice
    13 years ago

    Krumbell (PAUL) here,
    I joined the site in May but have just begun to post my poetry on site.
    I know that interaction is the key to sharing our work and this is my first step in that direction.
    So hello and feel free to chat or check out my words as I shall yours.
    Regards Paul

  • BlueJay
    13 years ago

    Hello and welcome. I am somewhat new here too, but I can say this site is a lot of fun and it makes learning and improving a whole lot easier. There is no limit to how much you will improve and I wish you the best of luck in writing. Once again, welcome.

  • Paul Gondwe
    13 years ago

    Hey..you are welcome. I am 2 weeks old on this site but i dont feel new anymore,this is a great site