Help needed

  • BlueJay
    13 years ago

    I have a friend that I don't want to be my friend anymore. She is manipulitive and bossy, and anytime I try to tell her to get out of my life she thinks I am joking. I dont want to hurt her, but I hate her. Can someone please help me?

  • Tara Kay
    13 years ago

    Tactful is the best approach, yet if she isn't taken the hint and really can't see what you want, then tell her straight, don't be harsh, just honest, explain why you think she is bossy, why she manipulates you, just imagine you were her, maybe she doesnt realise she is like it, maybe she does and needs help herself.
    Let her know how you feel, make sure she is really listening, i know its not gonna be easy and she may be upset and may make things hard but just stick to your ground and let her know how you really feel.

    Good luck, hope this helped somewhat
    your friend, Tara-Kay

  • BlueJay
    13 years ago

    Okay, thats a good idea. Thank you so much! I hope it works...

  • nouriguess
    13 years ago

    In my opinion?
    Maddy, don't let harsh people affect on you, and YES hurt her, this may sound rude and awful but think of the times when she was hurtful, bossy and dunno what. She doesn't deserve your friendship nor your kindness because WHATEVER you should not pay attention to her feelings while she didn't pay attention for yours.

    Tell her to be kind and polite with you and that she should put bounds to herself or she must never talk to you again...simply.

  • BlueJay
    13 years ago

    Okay so two different views. thank you both for your help

  • Brix Ambray
    13 years ago

    Just be kind while others are not

  • Brix Ambray
    13 years ago

    Just be kind while others are not

  • Ms Happiness
    13 years ago

    Im my opinion telLl her how she is, and talk to her tell her that u'll give her time to think of wut she did, and tell her that if she changed u'll stay a frnd with her, but if she didnt then that was her choice:)

  • Britt
    13 years ago

    I'm with Tara Kay here. You should never want to hurt someone, no matter how much they hurt you. Revenge is a sign of immaturity. Rise above her manipulation and crap and be the bigger person here. I've had situations like this where I just keep my distance from that friend (every situation is different, but this friend would've just made things worse if we sat down and talked.. which it DID eventually, ugh). It all depends on the person you are dealing with, which only you really know. Treat her how you would like to be treated, and be polite :)

  • BlueJay
    13 years ago

    Thank you all for your help. This situation has been resolved.

  • Zara Baines
    13 years ago

    Try and find another group of friends,,, the nyou can jsut have less and less time for her