Who says I can't be free? [Contest]

  • Jess
    13 years ago

    Girl, Chill Out.

    Who Do You Think You Are Copying My Poem As Your Own?
    -- And The Profanity In Your Other Two Are Just Descusting.
    Please Remove My Work From You Poems, And Anyone Elses Whom You May Have "Stolen".

    Good Night.

  • dollwithafrown
    13 years ago

    Woah.. yeah this entire thread has got completely out of hand. I'm going to PM a mod and ask them to close it.

    Thank you, The Poetess (no worries about not being able to submit your poem) and Tara Kay for your comments. I appreciate it.

    I will PM the winner about their prizes.

  • Jessie
    13 years ago

    Thank you for the win:) everyone submitted great poems