
  • BlueJay
    13 years ago

    Though I have been on this site for a bit, I am just now finding my way around enough to say that, if anyone is up for a new friend I'm up for it... Also if anyone wants me to read or rate their poems it'd be awesome for them to let me know, cause hopefully it'll help me improve...

    I am 13, and what I like to hope is creative. Also I always looking to help improve anything, but especially the skills people have in the areas that interest them...

  • girl
    13 years ago

    I'm always up for new friends :) Nice to meet you, i'll make sure to check out your poems!

  • BlueJay
    13 years ago

    Awesome!!! 1 new person!!! :D

  • Ebony Hope
    13 years ago

    Hello. I am Ayla, it's nice to know I'm not the only new and lost person around. So how are you guys? And is there anyone else out there who is new?

    Now you have 2 new people, butterfly girl

  • BlueJay
    13 years ago

    It's Adreamer, or madison. Not butterfly girl, but yay!! A new person!! And welcome to the site.

  • Lofallenve
    13 years ago

    I guess I'm not so "new" anymore. :)
    But hello anyways. :D

  • BlueJay
    13 years ago

    It doesn't matter if you are new or not! HELLO!!! XD