• Kevin McNulty
    20 years ago

    no......fat people have enough stones already, you should try helping them lose a few. Throw some stones at the skinny people, they need them more.

    Who's best at singing and song-writing, John Lennon or Paul McCartney?

  • Lisa Reed
    20 years ago

    Paul Mc Cartney definetly he writes from the heart.

    Whats your one wish?

  • Timothy r
    20 years ago

    That love comes my way once again...I would love to show someone that I care.

    Please help me here.....Why are all the GREAT ones taken?

  • Timothy r
    20 years ago

    Don`t leave Josh, you are a cool kid, man! and Yes, i meant females, wise guy! lol..i dont ever have problems with tomatoes, hahahaha. thanx for your honesty though. if you have to leave, I wish you only the best, but i hope you don`t.

    Can josh answer Yik Yak`s question? hmmmmm......

  • Lisa Reed
    20 years ago

    Im not sure about that Tim lol you'll have to ask em.

    Can you read my new poem ? lol

  • Timothy r
    20 years ago

    I already did, and I`m telling everyone here, there, and everywhere that this is the greatest, I promise that no one will be sorry after they read this, its the stuff legends are made of......

    Where does your inner most creativity come from?

  • Lisa Reed
    20 years ago

    From your heart, your soul and all thats within.

    Whats the biggest miracle that has ever happened in your life?

  • Lisa Reed
    20 years ago

    The person that is most close to your heart....cause its a desert Island and well there is'nt exactly a lot to do there lol....so take the person that you relate to more lol.

    Why does love hurt so much?

  • sophie boone
    20 years ago

    cos guys and girls r really diffrent and none of us can choose the right one 4 us !

    what was the most happiest moment in ur life?

  • Lisa Reed
    20 years ago

    Meeting the one person i truely care about....i never though i could feel so deeply for someone. Its the best feeling in the world:)

    what do you do if your somewhere in life but you wanna be in a totally different place?....(does that make sense i hope it does lol)

  • Timothy r
    20 years ago

    You do everything you can to get to the other place, if you stay where you don`t want to be, you can never be truly happy.

    what one thing is most important to you when you find your true soulmate?

  • Lisa Reed
    20 years ago

    The most important thing to me is that .....well it means a lot to me that they know how im feeling when im feeling it and exactly what it is im feeling about them..........and to know that they are always okay that that they will never be alone ever cause i will always be by their side. ( I hope i answered that right lol)

    Is smoking bad for you lol?

  • Timothy r
    20 years ago

    Only if you smoke like a chimney, like I do! My lung feels terrific!!!! hhahahah

    Who do you most respect on this site? and why?

  • hayley williams
    20 years ago

    i think probably yik yak, lisa or yourself! all for different reasons!

    who annoys you most on this site?
    (dont say me i will cry) lol

  • Timothy r
    20 years ago

    11..because of the great friends I have made. true friends ..and maybe even a true love some day.

    What other subcategories need to be added to the poems site?

  • hayley williams
    20 years ago

    im in two minds about this question, i believe that woman should have a chance of a career and to be be more than just a mom! I think too many woman today believe that having achild has to be the end of any career or social life! but i also believe that it is crucial to have a part in your childs up-bringing and a part of their day to day life. In england you either get moms (or mums) who either do the whole stay at home thing and those that go the other wayand only see there kids at weekends. i think a fair balance is needed!

    question: if you could solve one world issue what would if be?

  • Kevin McNulty
    20 years ago

    Deport the men from UK, bring in more women and leave me behind! I believe in that strongly.

    Sorry Hayley.
    Answer Hayley's question;
    if you could solve one world issue what would it be?

  • hayley williams
    20 years ago

    My perfect day would be a day in which every child in the whole has a reason to smile!

    question: what is your fave poem on the site?

  • Lisa Reed
    20 years ago

    The best one i think for me is "The Prayer For You" by Timothy r snyder. He's an amazing writer, and an amazing person and a real true friend to me.....that poem touched me deeply.

    Whats the best feature on the site?

  • hayley williams
    20 years ago

    I would have to say the forums as it allowed me to meet some great people, obviously chat is good for that too but often the standard of people isnt quite the same!

    What poem of yours are you most proud of and why?

  • Timothy r
    20 years ago

    Wow Lisa, you have no idea how much your comment means to me, you have definitely given my ego a boost, thats for sure. The poem I`m most proud of is, "Even Though We Have Never Met". The reason? Well, because it took me one week to write it, I had to change it over 5 times and when I was done, I felt everything was right where I wanted it to be.

    What do you want written on your tombstone? ( sorry, someone had to ask it!)

  • Todd Geatz
    20 years ago

    People come and people go, Although I'm gone I just want you all to know, That I loved you all, And that I tried my best, But now it is my time to sit this next one out and rest

    What was your most embarassing moment with the opp. sex?

  • hayley williams
    20 years ago

    umm i think prob when my exs mum saw a lot more then she should of done, the worst thing was she didnt leave the room she just stood there for like 5 mins!

    question: whats the worst thing youve ever done to a partner?

  • Timothy r
    20 years ago



  • Lisa Reed
    20 years ago

    Its not a question of how? its a question of why. Sometimes things happen to us and as much as it hurts us and as much as we dont agree with it we still have to get on with things. Things always work out for the best in the end its just we dont realise why when they first happen. Well thats what i think anyway.

    Are you happy with your life?

  • Lisa Reed
    20 years ago

    Oooooops sorry everyone lol looks like someone posted an answer just as i was lol. (says red faced)

  • Timothy r
    20 years ago


    why do we answer questions with questions, huh? anybody?

  • Timothy r
    20 years ago

    bleach, lots of bleach....hey ,sorry to break up the thread gang,... no, i never acted dramatic when I was happy, but know people who do..

    what doesG.O.P. mean anyway?

  • Timothy r
    20 years ago

    You take a deeeeeppppppp breath, take evrything slower than usual, try to fix YOUR problems first, if there is any, then try to tackle each problem one by one, you cannot fix everything at once. just relax....breatheeeeeeee.

    I bought some powdered water, but dont no what add, any suggestions?

  • Timothy r
    20 years ago

    sorry again, folks, its been nice, but i`am leaving 4 ever, im tired of breaking the chain. love ya`s , bye

  • hayley williams
    20 years ago

    I suppose it does you lesbian lol les be friends jackie? lol No wonder i never see you in chat anymore your always in strip clubs.

    question: Dont you think dwayne is the worst name ever?

  • Timothy r
    20 years ago

    No, i don`t actually,,,how about Dweezil? that just sucks.

    Jackie, e-mail me pleaseeeee! Thanx for getting me back here.

    Why is it a penny for your thoughts? but you have to put your 2 cents in?

  • Lisa Reed
    20 years ago

    Well i think if it were me, I would realise that there was some sort of feeling or emotion that i was feeling at the time, and i would take a step back to think of why it happened. Once you do that talk to your friend. You'll work things out.

    If you had fallen out with not a close friend just a freind or aquaintance as such, would you suddenly start rating their poems low? Would you be hurt if they done that to you?

  • Timothy r
    20 years ago

    Damn straight I would! Even if you have personal differences,that shouldn`t mean you destroy another persons` art, or feelings.I wouldn`t rate their poems low, but I would definitely be hurt.

    How would you tell a friend you are not interested in them romantically without hurting them?

  • hayley williams
    20 years ago

    I would just let them know thats a friend then rate so highly to me that i would never risk losing them by getting involved it that way!

    Everytime i write poetry it always turns out to be so depressing, can anyone give me any tips on producing a happy poem?

  • Timothy r
    20 years ago

    Yeah, I do, in fact its my favorite show.

    This dedicated to Josh......
    Ice cream..chocolate, Vanilla, or strawberry? ( only one of these 3 please)

  • AI
    20 years ago

    Yes you are. lol

    Does anyone else like shrek and in his gween?
    (I refuse to spell that colour properly) LOL

  • hayley williams
    20 years ago

    Hell yeah i would, 7 of each all naked except from a geen leaf covering there rude parts! (the green leaf would have to come off at sometime tho)

    Could you love shrek unconditionally despite the fact i am an ogre?

  • Lisa Reed
    20 years ago

    I hate to break the chain lol, but I have'nt even watched Shrek.......(Goes very very red). Sorry Hayley hehe.

    If any of you had the chance to publish your poems in a book of poetry would you do it? (consider the fact that when you do it people will be able to read you from inside out lol)

  • hayley williams
    20 years ago

    Yeah i think i would, i could have the least bought book in the world yay!

    If you could have any singer sing one of there songs to you, who would it be and which song?