Poem rating and comment as a one post by reader.

  • Boy
    13 years ago

    I think there should be an option in which we select a poem rating and down write comment and posted at once instead of refreshing the page again and rate again..

    because many times reader miss the rating in hurry to read loads of poem.. i found this because i read today few poems and i rate almost one poem.. because i wanted to read more and more poems..

    so my suggestions is this... that there should be a facility right after reading the poem we comment and rated the poem at once. our post should be in a single click. instead of one by one.. both things should be at once..

    think about it moderators. its not a bad.. i think its a good idea..

  • Decayed
    13 years ago

    ^ Yes, Hassan is right :)

  • Boy
    13 years ago

    Yeh... someone else plz

  • sibyllene
    13 years ago

    A more general (but related) complaint of mine is that there isn't a built in "back" or "return" button in the site. You can do it through your browser, but with varying results. It would be nice if this existed.

  • A lonely soul
    12 years ago

    This can be achieved by setting it to automatically programming the page to refresh to the rating/comment page, once you put in a score or comment, by Janis.

  • James Pike
    12 years ago

    I'm assuming this site is using PHP as the base programming, and if so, the refresh to the same page (minus the users submitted comment) would look something like this:

    "if (count($_POST)) {
    // process the POST data

    // redirect to the same page without the POST data
    header("Location: ".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);

  • Paul Gondwe
    12 years ago

    Something must indeed be done about this