Post all site issues here

  • Hellon
    13 years ago

    Sometimes my humour is taken the wrong way that you have an Aussie mod maybe things will change...I'm not that bad really but...Joe? Where has my comment about your pony gone?..I just could not find it....

  • Lostlove1
    13 years ago

    Are the poems that are still gone, gone for good? The one I posted yesterday is gone but it still says I have 34 poems. Are they gonna reappear eventually or are they GONE GONE?

  • Hellon
    13 years ago's only 1st of December feels like Christmas has come early for me...the 1st pm I send to Janis regarding a centre feature I shared with you all...he will look into it. I pm'd him again asking for us to be able to delete send messages as well as received ones...once more he's looking into this but....tonight (when he was on ) I asked...since, it appears Dainz is no longer on the list....could I fill this elf shoes and...GUYS....he's seriousy considering it!!!!!

  • Lostlove1
    13 years ago


    Good for you Hellon... I imagine then it does feel like christmas to you. buttkiss. J/K

  • Sherry Lynn
    13 years ago

    The poems that are gone are gone for good. I am sorry for the bad news.

  • Lostlove1
    13 years ago

    Ok thanks for letting us know Sherry Lynn

  • Sylvia
    13 years ago

    Comments I made on poems have also disappeared and the votes I made. When I try to vote again, tells me I have already voted for the poem, although the total votes is showing zero.

  • A lonely soul
    13 years ago

    I suspect the poems, comments and votes posted yesterday are permanently gone, with the main poem server going down, as the back up server would not have captured them in time. Most back up site servers (other than banks and imp co.) do the back up late at night when traffic site is down. So, perhaps those who did not have a saved poem yesterday, would be out of luck. Only Janis (or Joe and mods) may be able to answer this better. The reason pm's, discussions, etc did not get affected, must have been because they were on a separate server.

  • Larry Chamberlin
    13 years ago

    Poems & related elements (comments, votes, etc) are on a common database which Janis backs up manually as he makes changes. PMs & forums are separate dbs. The poetry db became corrupted yesterday & Janis manually restored it from his backup copy when he got Sherry's email. Anything posted to that db between the backup & the restoration was wiped clean. The record of which poem you voted on is not on the poetry db, so it escaped the wipe-out.

    We appreciate the vigilance by members reporting glitches as they occur. Have patience, even though more will come, they are temporary.

    However, for your own protection, you should maintain a copy of all your poems.


  • Italian Stallion
    13 years ago

    Thanks for the update regarding that particular issue Larry.

  • Hellon
    13 years ago

    I'd like to apologise for my little post further up there ^^^^^

    I thought everyone would see it for what it was...a joke! Seems I was wrong. Janis has pm'd me asking that I stop spreading 'rumours' so I can only assume that some wally has taken my post seriously and questioned him because I think he's way to busy to be reading these threads himself.

    Merry Christmas everyone and....for those who need it....I hope Santa sends plenty of good cheer/humour your way!


    Apparently there was more than one wally who thought my post was for real. many times have I openly said I don't like committing myself to being a judge/entering contests/interested in being a mod? So what are the chances of my accepting an admin job...even if it had been offered.

    I'm sorry Janis that you had to reply to these ridiculous pm's when you could have been doing more improvements.

  • Hellon
    13 years ago

    Not an issue...just a suggestion. Would it be possible to have a search feature for our pms?

    At the moment, as you know, we cannot delete our sent messages. There is a poetry contest running that I think the host may have forgotten about and she requested we pm her with our poems so...they are not listed on the contest thread which means I have to mull through a lot of my sent messages to find it at the moment. Just an idea for Janis to consider....if it's not too difficult.

  • Larry Chamberlin
    13 years ago

    Great idea, and perhaps we could expand it to an advanced search, including more than one search term &/or field.

  • Hellon
    13 years ago

    No ...I really don't thing that would be necessary. Just something that would be simple all pm's to larry for example.

    And...please don't try to patronise me again.

  • sibyllene
    13 years ago

    I think I have that idea on our "master list" of wishes somewhere. I will double-check, though. It would be great if you could search for a keyword or even by name.

  • Britt
    13 years ago

    I think it would be great if we had an option to "lock" or select (like in email) what PM's we delete rather than a mass delete only. Trying to keep contest poems in my PM box but delete all the others not related can be confusing and time consuming!

  • Robert
    13 years ago

    Just wanted to say you guys are doing a great job. This site is getting back to something I enjoy...thanks for cleaning up the boards, mods...billyrob

  • A lonely soul
    13 years ago

    Can we remind Janis to have the spell checker working again, and if there is a way to have one with grammer check with it (like on Word).

    A very nice tool would be a "sitewide poll" column and a button to vote on, with a link perhaps above your "private messages", where mods can post questions to all PnQ members to answer, with a set deadline. This would be a very effective way to get consensus on issues from as many PnQ members as possible very quickly without posting a forum, in which only a few members participate. The poll could also help resolve heavily disputed issues in the forums. Poll results then could be posted in the same area, showing how many voted for, against or were neutral (in the middle).

  • Courageous Dreamer
    13 years ago

    I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed, but when you go to post in a forum, it always redirects you back to the TOP of the page, instead of the bottom (like it used to). Is this a glitch? Can it be fixed?

  • Italian Stallion
    13 years ago

    I'm going to update the list and start a new thread for this since this has reached 100 posts.

    Moderators, can you please lock this thread.

    Thanks, Joe