A New Award!

  • Decayed
    13 years ago

    A suggestion: Alongside the FPCD awards, why not adding a new one, maybe, N ?

    N is for how many nominations someone gets.

  • Tara Kay
    13 years ago

    Great Idea
    Or W for how many wins maybe?

    Sounds a good idea Abed!!

  • Colm
    13 years ago

    Maybe a good idea in theory but in practice it'll just end up people nominating their friends poems more than usual. I think we probably have enough awards. Awards dont usually improve poetry, only egos!

  • Decayed
    13 years ago

    Who would nominate just to give the award?

    :O I haven't though of it that way...

    Colm, probably you're right about egos, but boosting egos can be very helpful in producing better pieces!

    and Tara :p

    haha I don't agree with the W.. because not so many people get to have the W, so it won't be fair, I guess.