Days without talking

  • believeinlove87
    13 years ago

    Personally, I'm one of those girls in relationships who hate going a single day without talking to the person I'm with. When others are fine with it.

    What do you do when you & your partner just got back together, & then he doesn't talk to you for 2 days and who knows when you will next?

  • Chaoticheart
    13 years ago

    You confront him and talk to him. Maybe hes going through a rough time in his life and he doesnt want you to be in the middle of it all or maybe he has alot on his mind and he doesnt know how to put it down in words. All in all just talk it through with him before you get really upset and it causes another argument or break up. Some guys find it really difficult to talk about their emotions or what theyre going through because theyre afraid of the outcome or afraid that the girl might not understand, little do they know right lol.

  • Lofallenve
    13 years ago

    I'm like that too. Where I like to hear from people I care about everyday. But sometimes people just need time apart. Time to miss each other. :)

  • believeinlove87
    13 years ago

    Thanks guys.

    But were no longer together. Stupid guys

  • BlueJay
    13 years ago

    I have been in a situation where I didn't talk to the person I was with for literally 2 months, then when I finally heard back from him, I found out awful things had been happening. He appoligised and since then even though we aren't together at this point we talk everyday...

    and yes, guys seem to be stupid if not anything else.

  • believeinlove87
    13 years ago

    Yeah like my ex messed up so bad!
    and i started talkin to his best friend when we WEREN'T together and hes all mad. well im not with him obviously and is being a complete jerk. so its chill he lost me :)

  • Chaoticheart
    13 years ago

    Yep his loss, just keep smiling and keep your head up high :) most guys dont know what they had and how good it was untill its gone and then its too late.

  • Liquid Grace
    13 years ago

    I just read you weren't together. So just take this for future advice.
    Perhaps this is a younger adult thing. However, I find that talking to a person every day does tend to be excessive. You have to remember guys normally don't like to talk. I could see talking every day if you were apart or in an LDR where you don't spend your days/nights together. That's a probability.

    However every night for a guy could actually be counter productive. Some guys don't like to talk every day and may end up translating that as being smothering. What you need to learn that many serious couples learn is compromise. You have to try to find something that you're ok with but also something that he's comfortable with. If a guy is pulling away and requesting not to speak for a bit take that as a hint. That you are pushing too much and he needs his space. A relationship isn't about all what YOU want but in the same right it's not ALL about what he wants. It's about compromise and learning to be ok with eachothers wants and needs.

    While I live with my husband we would talk once a day but that's because we were in an LDR relationship. We were able to fill eachother in on what happened in our lives at that time. When we were at college we would speak to eachother maybe 2 times during the weekdays and spent one weekend day together. Spacial issues are huge with teens. Girls get caught up in the love of things and want to be around their boyfriends all the time. So much so they tend to just get a bit pushy with 'time' together' or contact with one another.

    So from a young adult perspective give him his time. Being too pushy or wanting to speak every day may NOT be ok with him and you are going to have to learn to be OK with that. Because in the end it's not always what you want that matters. It's 2 people in a relationship and both parties feelings should be taken into account.

  • believeinlove87
    13 years ago

    Wanting to talk to the person you're with isn't being pushy. Its wanting to fill them in & see how they are doing.

    With my ex, It was a long distance thing. I hated not talking to him bcuz i missed him. Wanting to tell someone you love them and miss them isn't overdoing it. I never got mad at him for it bcuz I understood he gets busy with school & going back to see his family.

    I would email him, then let him reply instead of sending thousands of emails saying where are you, what are you doing. I know how to make a relationship work. I like talking to the person I'm with. Thats all i'm saying

    But thanks(:

  • Liquid Grace
    13 years ago

    "Wanting to talk to the person you're with isn't being pushy. Its wanting to fill them in & see how they are doing."

    Thing you must understand is that's your opinion and that's ok. But that's not how I perceive it, if it's a couple who are together or see eachother through out the day.

    As you'll notice in my post I did say LDR's are different (Long distance relationships). Relationships aren't about knowing how to make them work. It's about knowing your partner and what they want/like. Knowing how relationships work doesn't help you when it comes to individuals as everyone is different and handles situations differently. That's a very blanketed statement. I highly doubt every person knows exactly how to handle situations regarding the opposite sex. I don't know everything when it comes to relationships but I do know a thing or two about guys and how they tick. Most men are simple and are pretty relaxed about things. Some teenage boys do tend to feel a bit more smothered easily.

    I guess I'm very confused with why you posted this then? If in fact you didn't want opinions on 'talking every day.' or 'going days without talking.' I just shared my general knowledge on things and the question at hand.

    I don't think couples need to talk every day. I think it's ok if you talk every other day etc. But in cases of an LDR it's different and I agree that talking every day is ok. However some days it's ok to call and say "I missed you just wanted to hear your voice. Have a good night." There were some nights where I'd call my then boyfriend, now husband. Just to say goodnight, for us it was our little cute thing we did while apart. Some nights we'd talk while others we'd just say goodnight.

    I too also know a little bit on relationships. Not how to make them work but how to read your partner, and understanding what they like/dislike to ensure that THAT relationship does work. Once you figure them out then the relationship part just naturally IS. I should state even knowing them well doesn't mean a relationship will work there are other components, compromises, trust (especially in an LDR), love, respect etc. But knowing who you're with is a very very big component to being together. My husband is my best friend, I know him very very well. I know what upsets him and what kind of love he responds to (Some people are quality time, others are praise, and some are physical touch (Hugs, kisses etc) My husband reacts great to love when he is praised, He feels far more loved when that is given over gifts, quality time, physical touch etc. At the same time he gets very down if there's any disappointment involved. Knowing that about him, helps me show him love in a way that he understands and receives well. Just as he knows about me, what my quirks are, where my boundaries are and what upsets me.

    Very sorry to hear you guys broke up.

  • believeinlove87
    13 years ago

    I posted this before we broke up.

    I'm just one of those girls who like talking to the person I'm with, alot of ppl i know are that way. When you love someone and don't hear from them it usually bothers you. thats all.

  • Rihanna
    12 years ago

    Awww I also hate this feeling where he doesn't text or call u for days..worst feeling ever.

    Well what I do is I wait I dont text him I wait until he texts me even if it kills to go without days of talking to him

  • believeinlove87
    12 years ago

    This was about my ex lmao

    & yeah play the same game :)

  • Rihanna
    12 years ago

    Ya yeah
    Even thou it kills inside fight the urge to not text him till he texts u..if he really did wanna talk he would so yeahhh play the same gamee

  • believeinlove87
    12 years ago

    What I would do with guys when they did that, is I'd change the number to a completely different name. I'd cover the screen and randomly type looking away so i wasnt able to find the name.

  • Rihanna
    12 years ago

    Haha really I should try that sumtime lol

  • sibyllene
    12 years ago

    Don't you gals want to be with someone that you don't have to play "the game" for? I definitely get not wanting to smother your fellow, just be careful that all the effort is for the right guy.

  • Rihanna
    12 years ago

    I understand what your saying.
    But I just sometimes think that why should I always be the one to text him all the time...I just fight the urge of texting him and just wait till he makes an effort to text me like I text I feel if he did wanna talk he would
    Soo jus leave Him hanging

  • believeinlove87
    12 years ago

    Oh I was talking about this with my ex. My current boyfriend is amazing and always texts me first & never misses a day without texting me hehe :)

    & Yeah Girl..
    Some guys don't & some guys just don't truly care enough too. But eventually you'll find a good guy who won't wait for you to text :). Took me a few bad guys to get a good one :)

  • Lori
    12 years ago

    That's so not cool....I would totally confront him

  • Girl of Conviction
    12 years ago

    I would go crazy missing them :[ lol