
  • xoxShorteexox
    13 years ago

    Eh, my answers about this have been answered, sorry to ask about it. I was unaware of what happened. But I understand the reasoning behind it.

  • BlueJay
    13 years ago

    I haven't been on long enough to experience the old chat, but I've heard a lot about it. From what I've heard 9 out of every 10 that ever used it missed it. Personally, I think the idea is pretty cool, especially with there being so many interesting people on this site. I know that me saying this won't mean much to many people, but I am aloud to voice my own opinion still, right?

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    13 years ago

    If you want to know about the chat room here is a thread that explains why it hasn't been reinstated, and isn't very likely to be coming back, if you read through the posts and discussion it has a decent bit of information.

    Also on this thread

    it has this posted.

    1. CHAT ROOM: There is no more chat room and it will not be coming back per Janis. Please do not ask or start threads about it.

    i recommend you make due with PMs, or get to know people through the threads, and then use another program to chat with them such as msn, aim, ebuddy ect.

  • xoxShorteexox
    13 years ago

    I didn't know that many people used ebuddy anymore, but thank you for the suggestion and the links, Silently. I was really curious as to why it was shut down. I've heard so many different stories behind why it was closed down.

  • Britt
    13 years ago

    It was closed down because it couldn't be moderated and there were too many trouble makers. There was a lot of issues with spamming in there, grown men soliciting children, arguing, rule breaking etc.

  • Lioness
    13 years ago

    Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww @ grown men soliciting children.

    There's some screwed up people around :|

  • xoxShorteexox
    13 years ago

    Eww is right....

  • Britt
    13 years ago

    Unfortunately it still happens :(

    Definitely eww... x3!

  • xoxShorteexox
    13 years ago

    Yeah, it definitely does still happen. It's very sad and disgusting. It's sad that people feel the need to do this to innocent children.

    Totally ewwwwwwwwwwwww.

  • Lioness
    13 years ago

    It is shocking :|

    I am glad there are people out there trying to stop it!!!

  • xoxShorteexox
    13 years ago

    Very true, Lioness! That's great that someone is trying to stop it.