Did you ever cheat ??

  • BeautifOol
    13 years ago

    I hate cheating but to be honest I did it once. Because my bf didn't care enough to me, then I met another man who is more caring and treated me like a princess. Finally i broke up with my bf and i'm still with this "another man" for almost 2 years.
    Conclusion, cheating is not a good thing. But sometimes it could be a way to find the
    right person. Its just my opinion though.
    So, tell me your story. Did you ever cheating ??

  • Liquid Grace
    13 years ago

    This may not be helpful in any way.

    1. No I've never cheated.

    2. I think the number one cause of cheating is lack of communication. If you aren't feeling love from your spouse or significant other, then you should communicate how you are feeling. How are they supposed to know if you don't tell them how you're feeling? Even then if you tell them and nothing is solved then it's time to move on. There is always another way other than cheating. To me there's just no excuse under the sun why it's ok to cheat on someone. If they treat you like crap then leave, but how they treat you isn't justified by cheating on them. If things are truly that bad then get out and g ofind someone else. Not the other way around, find someone else then get out.

    That to me kind of signifies that there's an actual discomfort in the 'thought' of being alone. So the cheater justifies what they've done in whatever way they can. "Oh they didn't love me enough." "I didn't like how they treated me."

    To find the right person honestly I think people need to start being a bit more honest with themselves. All too many times people say "I'm in love so it's ok that he treats me" or even possibly "He loves me he just has anger issues and is verbally/physically abusive.". To find the right person you have to be open minded but also you have to know when to fold'em. There is no one specific right person or a definition for the right person. There's the right person for you, and finding him starts with you and knowing exactly what you'd like in a man. Knowing your absolute deal breakers and things you're flexible on.

    Knowing your deal breakers, usually there's at least 4 of them. Mine are 1. Cheating 2.Physical Abuse 3. Smoker. 4. A workaholic.

    Cheating is not a way or means to find the right person. I think that's a cop out excuse for why you may feel cheating was ok in yoru circumstance. to perhaps make you feel less guilty and justified in what you did to yoru x bf. You could have found that person just as easily if you did the right thing and broke up first. Cheating didn't lead you to your new found love. Nor is it really a great way to start a new relationship off. Essentially you started it off in a lie that's poisons to a relationship. Perhaps not now but it has a huge potential to take a big blow out of your relationship core (= trust).

    When it comes to cheating it should never be an option. If your not happy COMMUNICATE that and if things are still bad do the right thing and break things off.

  • Dark Secrets
    13 years ago

    I've never cheated, but then again I've never been in a real relationship. Usually we don't break up it just falls apart which makes it easier to move on.

    I agree with the above, nothing justifies cheating. and I also don't agree with you about that it may help you find the right person when you can't because you're already with someone. If you ever find yourself in the position where you're considering others, you should end the relationship you're in.

  • Nikki
    13 years ago

    No i haven't cheated but i have been cheated on and been the person they cheat with. it is kinda a funny story my boyfriend of 2 years broke up with me because he cheated....he is dating someone else and is cheating on her with me...because they are not in a serious relationship. i know it is not a good thing to do but i still love him more than anything.

  • Xionide
    13 years ago

    Im a good boy

  • Rihanna
    13 years ago

    So true, grow balls n admit it

    I have never cheated, but the 1 I loved did n tore me apart
    It hurts to be betrayed by ur love 1

  • Captivat3d
    13 years ago

    No, I find it pointless.

  • Jess
    12 years ago

    No, Well, Kinda.

    It's Okay To Have A Close "Guy Friend", But Just Don't Let Him Get To Close Like I Did.

    My Ex Boyfriend Was Very Jealous, And I Never Kissed Him Or Anything.

    He Considered Me Talking To Him All The Time, Cheating.

    But I Knew Who I Loved, And He Was Not The Best Boyfriend For Me.

    I Still Love Him, But I Don't Like Who He Became.

    I Made My Choice, And I Don't Regret Anything That Once Made Me Happy.

    He Said I Was Heartless, So Maybe I Was.
    If That Was The Case, Then So Was He.

  • hisxgurl
    12 years ago

    M with rihanna

  • ArtistrySoul
    12 years ago

    I think logical it doesn't really make any sense to cheat on one. Why would you cheat on some one you have been searching for and you can't explain how much they mean to you, you wouldn't like it if he/she cheated on you so why hurt the one that's got you thinking about them everyday as well as there attributes

  • BeautifOol
    12 years ago

    @all : Thanks for ur comment. U guys r so kind.. Yeh i admit i was wrong to cheat on the person i loved. I won't do the same mistakes again for any reason. @Liquid Grace n Dark Secrets : love ur comment ^^

  • Rihanna
    12 years ago

    If a guy did ever cheat and say "it was a mistake"
    His bullshiting it's not a mistake its a choice and u choose to cheat so man up about it!!!!

  • Angel
    12 years ago

    I'm with captivat3d. i've never cheated but i think my ex did...

  • Xionide
    12 years ago


  • Rihanna
    12 years ago

    Yea..if they cheat it's a choice they want to do it and they kno exactly what there doing.

    All I'm saying is that if someone cheated it's a choice that they have made they choose to play around and cheat on sum1 they love.

    And if they say it's a mistake they might mean it ..they where drunk Or tipsy and didn't kno what there were doing that's probably a resanable answer.but if they aren't drunk and choose to hook up I mean c'mon that's cheating and not a mistake it's a choice they choose to dooooo!!!

  • Xionide
    12 years ago

    A cheater doesnt have to be drunk for it to be justified as a mistake at all, by judging that to be fact is a silly thing to do. you could be the most clear headed person in the world, sober as a judge and still cheat, it becomes a mistake regardless of circomstances when it costs you more than you got out of the act of cheating in the first place, be it costing you someone you deeply love but didn't realise how much untill it's gone, or be it losing a husband/wife or even kids, a mistake is something you regret and would take back if you could. You dont need to be drunk, ever, and even if a person did knowingly hook up with someone else level headed, that doesnt mean it can never be called a mistake, like I said, its the aftermath of things that define what it is/becomes, it's only never a mistake when they show no remorse for the action in the first place.

  • Rihanna
    12 years ago

    What I'm trying to say is..
    That If sum1 wants to cheat there choosing to do it choosing to hurt there loved ones it's a choice it's not a mistake..and it's not bullshit and a holy load of crap its the truth.

    Sum1 choose to cheat and I don't call that a mistake they might feel angry or pissed but it's still not a good reason to cheat!!!!

  • Xionide
    12 years ago

    I know exactly what you're saying but your not listening lol, YES it is a choice at that moment in time, it becomes a mistake later on from whatever circomstances have come to push them to acnowlege it was the wrong thing to do, there is such a thing as choosing to cheat and it being a mistake, your saying if you choose to do it then you can't have remore for it later on, which is wrong, by choosing to cheat it could cost you everything, be it if your married with kids to just a simple gf, you could lose your wife/kids/home to a realisation that the gf you lost was the one you wanted to spend your life with hence that choice to cheat becomes a deep regret you can't take back, you'll understand someday but for now we'll just have to agree to disagree.

  • Rihanna
    12 years ago

    Yeah I kno where your coming from.
    And I do understand what your saying..
    But that's just what I think..
    If you think it's a holy load of bulshit you think that but that's just what I think...it's my opinion if sum1 chooses to cheat!!!

  • Rihanna
    12 years ago

    Cheating is a choice not a mistake !!!

  • Xionide
    12 years ago

    Cheating can be both. NOT defined as just one thing. the sooner you learn that the more educated you will be on the matter.

  • Rihanna
    12 years ago

    What do you mean that I don't understand what
    The difference between mistake an choice???

  • Rihanna
    12 years ago

    I'm pretty much aware of what cheating is.
    I've had it done to me and it feels like shit, I've never cheated on sum1 and don't tend to in the future.
    But I've had a lot of players in my life who cheated on me and said it was a mistake but it's not a mistake if you keep doing ittt repeating the same mistake!!!

  • Xionide
    12 years ago


  • Rihanna
    12 years ago

    Tbh I've never cheated and you saying that is pretty sad..
    I do understand..what your saying it's coming threw my head clearly..

    I do understand both concepts of mistake and choice and yes you loose everything if you cheat.

  • Xionide
    12 years ago

    Its not sad at all, it just makes you too inexperienced to be able to propely judge the sitation from both sides.

  • Rihanna
    12 years ago

    It is sad cos your here posting a comment saying that I've cheated and therefore I wanna deny it..

    But I'm not it's just what I think..and if you don't like my opinion than that's upto you but everyone has there own opinions and I get that cheating is both a choice and mistake..

  • Rihanna
    12 years ago

    Ahhhh I am experienced enough to judge both sides.. What makes you think I can't???

  • Xionide
    12 years ago

    Where have I stated that I don't like your opinion, stop jumping to your own conclusions please, and you clearly dont get it, else why would you be so adement that and quote cheating is a choice not a mistake. If you infact did understand and get it, you'd have realised this sooner without me writing a long paragraph explaining it all. this is why I said you don't understand and that your evidently either too young and too inexperienced to see any further than what your emotions have led you to believe, your failure to see a bigger picture isn't anyones fault but your own, and if ive offended you and by the sounds of it I have then maybe this ends here, Im tired of explaining things you clearly dont understand.

    and if you really do think your experienced enough your clearly younger than your age suggests, your only able to see one side of the cheating coin, look past the inside of the box to the outside, you'll see a lot more than your led to believe, like i said, you've never cheated, you can only have the oppinion of someone who's been cheated on, where as I have both, and lost a lot because of it.

    good day miss.

  • Rihanna
    12 years ago

    I do understand what your saying..
    You haven't stated anything but the way your talking to me gives me an idea that u don't like it..

    I might be young but it doesn't mean that I don't understand what it means..it doesn't need an idiot to figure it out..

  • Xionide
    12 years ago

    Im tired of trying to explain this to an evident child, when your grown up enough it'll sink in and you'll see that theres more to it than what your leading yourself to believe. and yes, you are too young to be able to properly see this as a whole picture, not everyone is, but you are, because your thinking cheating is a choice, nothing more. and you think thats being experienced? LMFAO. I have nothing more to say lol, because id only be repeating myself which has clearly not sunk into your skull.

    enjoy the rest of your day now.

  • Rihanna
    12 years ago

    What are you saying that my age is wrong that I'm younger than that...???

  • Rihanna
    12 years ago

    Wtf your so pathetic you know that...what your saying is kinda childish.. Im Not stupid to not understand what your saying...man you jus don't kno what your posting huh??

  • Rihanna
    12 years ago

    K me with a 2 digit iq
    Who the f posts that..see how your pathtic

  • Xionide
    12 years ago

    Its not my fault your too sensitive, thats your problem not mine, im not gonna hold back on my thoughts just because it might hurt someone on an internet forum. with all do respect, that makes you pathetic, not me lol.

    im not replying anymore, my job is done here. bye bye

  • Rihanna
    12 years ago

    Could care less if you did reply back or not

  • Sunshine
    12 years ago


    Okay! why the tension guys, everyone has his/her own way of judging things. That, doesn't make anyone right or wrong. there ain't no facts here, it all depends on ones experiences and back ground!

    However, who said cheating is in the physical action of being in bed with someone ? Who said bed, or sex represents cheating...unless you meant you fell for someone else ?

    Point is, the way people see love nowadays is so weird, when you talk about cheating it doesn't have to be a slip when being fully awake or being drunk.

    It's in your thoughts, it starts at that level, when you dedicate yourself for someone, and promise them to be theirs and to be loyal, then thinking about someone else, can be considered cheating! The idea of wanting someone else, is cheating by itself.

    When your feelings allow you to give yourself to someone else, that's cheating, when you want to fill the "void" Dead Soul talked about, with someone else, that Is cheating. when you go for someone else, to fill the emptiness your partner is leaving, that's when you can call yourself disloyal. when you want to feel better with someone ELSE, that's cheating, ofcourse. We can call it now a mistake, a slip, a choice, uumm was blinded..tired..bla bla bla who cares ? it's not in how we describe it, really. It is, what it is.

    BUT that doesn't represent what I believe in,as I don't believe in "cheating in the 1st place" I think there are just types of love and types of people.
    sometimes we are not mature enough to know what we want, and we follow instinct , instinct hence would carry you from one person to another, even if you have a partner.

    sometimes, your love and loyalty and your awareness of what you want, stops you from filling your needs with another person.

    but that's too much philosophy, even if true.

    You "cheated" okay, a plain truth, most people cheat, because most people aren't aware of what they want, since the world is so shallow and everyone is kind of lost andd selfish.

    The question that you need to ask yourself is, do you love the person you cheated on ?
    if yes, then you just go admit, ask forgiveness...if given, then great! If not, admit it anyway. We ain't saints, we all do wrongs and we all hurt others somehow, despite of "how"

    If you don't love them, then that explains why you were able to do such a thing, and hence you should find the person who you can never have the ability to cheat on, even if you were going through hell with them.

    I've loved the same person for a very long while, and believe or not (it won't change the fact) that I never ever thought of someone else, nor wanted to be with someone else nor felt like i need to, when I was with him. simple enough, the loved I felt was filling me, and I was content even when I felt empty! even when it was hard times, and even when it was a fight. It doesn't matter, this is life.

    To love, is to forgive, when the one you love gets lost, and mistreats you, to lead them back on the right road. And I don't care if others agree with me or not,, that's my opinion, I respect others, it depends on their experiences.

    So the whole aim of my post, is to remind everyone, that cheating starts by the level of thoughts, even if didn't go for action. And if you have thoughts for someone else, then you have to think again if you are really in love with that partner who you might be hurting...

    if you feel discontent with them, be honest, and try fix it. if they dont listen, try again...try as much as you think this love is worth it. Cause cheating doesn't represent a state you were in when you "cheated" it doubtlessly represents the way you deal with your problems. which is dangerous.

    Feel free to ignore me though, I'm also writing out of experiences, and as a side note, I never cheated, and I doubt I ever will.

  • sibyllene
    12 years ago

    Cool. It.

    Dead Soul and Rihanna, I've deleted at least one of each of your posts with penalties. There is no reason to perpetuate this argument. You are disagreeing on a subjective subject, and that's all it needs to be.

    Now. Take a breather. This is supposed to be the kumbaya section, for crying out loud.

  • Mz Casper
    12 years ago

    Nope, I have never cheated..

  • Rihanna
    12 years ago

    I'm jus putting my opinion out there..
    There's no need to say it's all bullshit..keep it too your self!!!
    Everyone has there own opinions on sumffing

    Your not here to go against someone elses opinion!!!!!