I am in love... && I need advice

  • ladiiie
    13 years ago

    I always told myself I wouldn't fall in love anymore cause I no longer believed in it. But I feel in love with my best friend. I known him for a little over a year. He is everything I never look for in a guy. We get along really well and I am always there for him. We argue but I can't stay mad at him for a long time caus he always makes me smile. I just talk to him and it brightens my day. He is all I think of all day long.. But he is in love with someone else. He tells me that I would only be his best girl friend. But it bothers me when he talks about her. It hurts cause I really really do like him. And all I will ever be to him is just his friend:( ... && i dont know what to do.

  • ladiiie
    13 years ago

    It's a really hard situation I hate it Because he means so much to me. Yea I have told him I love home more the. Just a friend and he also has told me that he knows I Am in love with him. But he says we can't date because he wouldn't want me to get hurt and he wouldnt our friendship to get ruin... Everyone tells me I should just put distance between him and I and hopefully I can get over him. I tried that before but it never works.

  • Xionide
    13 years ago

    It's easy, he's told you where you stand, and if you act upon anything your setting yourself up for a hurting. Let him come to you.

  • Britt
    13 years ago

    You either stop being friends with him and move on, or you suck it up and realize he doesn't want to be with you, he wants to be with this other girl. You can try and tell him to stop talking to you about her, but that's going to create awkwardness.

  • Captivat3d
    13 years ago

    You can't force anyone to love you. If you really love him, you would let him go and let him be happy with whoever he wants to be with.

  • ladiiie
    12 years ago

    Yea its true.. we decided to just stay as friends. because i know if we tried something i would loss him and yeah i still have feeling for him but now i know am seeing other guys and hopefully with one of them it works out. but i am pretty glad he is always gonna be there for me.

  • Moodii Evanescence
    12 years ago

    I think maybe u feel so cause he's so near from u and u discuss with him everything in your life as he's your best friend , I mean that the relation between you and him has developed from your side to be love , but if he truly loves his girl u may even lose him as a friend and that will hurt u more , try to be more realistic and think only that he's in love now and if u put this idea in your mind , with time your heart will accept it cause he's either your friend or your lover , it won't work to be the two in the same time , wish u the best

  • Pretty Punk Princess
    12 years ago

    I went through a relationship where we got along and everything but hings turned for the worst he has put my through heck and back but i'm still in love with him and i forgive him for eveything but when i try to talk to someone about it they say "its just a phse you don't know how u feel your only 16" its not a phase but i dont know if i should move one or just say good bye

  • ladiiie
    12 years ago

    @ Mahmoud
    Yeah I think i have fallen for him bcuz of that how he has always been there for me... But something amazing happen he finally told me that he feels the same ways as I feel for him... But then he told me eventhough though he has feeling for me more than a friend we can't date because he wouldnt want to loss me as a friend.:. And in a way I wouldnt want to date him either cause I wouldn't want to loss my best friend... But I sometimes do wish he ask me out only that we would be taking things to the next step... And i dont know what to do..


    @ Kayla
    All I can tell u hun. Is fallow ur heart.. But make sure u also listen to what your mind says... Heart can't sometimes mislead u and ur mind is sometimes to close minded. But write down all the things u love about him and All the things u don't like about him and if the things u love is longer than then the things you don't then give it another try but if the things u don't like about him is longer maybe its time to turn the page and try to forget about him.. But only u can decided on what is the best thing to do... Follow ur heart ALWAYS. And do the things u love because u only live once.:.

  • Angel
    12 years ago

    Been there done that its hard to fall for your best friend. personally i think its best to just be friends but then again i believe you should just follow your heart :)

  • ladiiie
    12 years ago

    Well I have dated other guys that were just my friends but it never worked... Eventhough we both have stronger feelings than just friends, we decided to just stay friends. I am currently starting to tAlk to someone I turn down a yr ago. N hopefully this time it works out.

  • Ronel McCarthy
    12 years ago

    Value the friendship -there's someone else out there for you .

  • ladiiie
    12 years ago

    It's hard just being his frIend... If we hug we hold on to each other forever... We stay up together on the phone Til 3am texting or talking.
    I think I need to be way from him for a while so I can not see him or talk to him...

  • Liquid Grace
    12 years ago

    "It's hard just being his frIend... If we hug we hold on to each other forever... We stay up together on the phone Til 3am texting or talking.
    I think I need to be way from him for a while so I can not see him or talk to him..."

    I'll be honest with you, how your describing your relationship seems less like a 'best friendship' and more like something else. I had best guy friends growing up but I never held them forever or talked till the wee hours of the morning. But I did however do that with someone I was about to date.

    So what I'd actually suggest you do is kind of re-define your relationship. How you're expressing your friendship to me is a little more then that, so of course you'd start having feelings for him, or want to date him. You have the opportunity to talk to him for the normal amount of time, set limits yourself. Don't hug him for a long period of time etc.

  • ladiiie
    12 years ago

    Your right our friendship is developing into something else... Cause before we would just talk about stuff like school, friends and other suff but now we are growing deeper with each other... Like the other time I say him I just hugged him with one hand and he said why u wasn't using both so I told him once I hug someone with both hand is more intimate.. He said two hands would of been better.. I have strong feeling for him, I always want him around and of he isn't with me or texting me or on the phone with me I miss him, I can't go a day w/o thinking of him.
    But when we were friend we wouldnt be this close together as we are now...
    But I can feel he has feeling for me he just doesn't want to admit it.. It really sucks cause at times I feel like I am wasting my time trying to be with Someone who doesn't want a commitment

  • Liquid Grace
    12 years ago

    "But I can feel he has feeling for me he just doesn't want to admit it.. It really sucks cause at times I feel like I am wasting my time trying to be with Someone who doesn't want a commitment"

    This statement confuses me greatly. Why would you think you're wasting your time if you guys are just best friends? To me that statement is very loaded, and makes me think that in your mind you intend this to go further and you never intended your time spent together to just be as friends.

    This is why I'm going to say you need to sit and figure out what you really want. What are you ? Are you best friends or is that just a name your putting on what you're doing?

    Something to note, friendships are NEVER a waste of time.

  • ladiiie
    12 years ago

    Well it's not wasting time cause I enjoy spending time with him.. But sometimes we argue a lot, and he does thing that just make me mad, so we fight I get mad and say I dont want to be his friend anymore. But he always finds a way and say but "you are my best friend" and Everything get fix. But it's not that I don't want to be his friend is just that at that moment I am not thinking straight. & my friends call us that we act like if we are dating. What we feel for each other is pretty strong I think, I wish I can date him but then we both know we wouldn't work out. Yes we been friends for almost two yrs. but dating we are just two different.

    And it's not to be confussive but My heart is in love with him but in my mind I know it won't be good if we date. That's where I don't know what to do, should I risk our friendship and start dating or ignore my feeling for him and remain friends for who knows how long..

  • Mello193
    12 years ago

    I feel like you could complicate things. it always seems like its perfect, but you tend to become more boyfriend girlfriend, then actual friends, witch is the foundation of your affections. id say just let him come to you.

  • ladiiie
    12 years ago

    ^^^ well it's true Things between us are pretty complicated and I tend to wanna push him away because we could only be friends and it hurts not hving him as something more.. So last night I finally let my feelings out and put my heart on my sleeve I kinda felt bad for doing it. But I didn't wanted to keep getting Hurt because my feeling for him are pretty strong. So I told him its best if we take some time away from each other. He said I was stupid for even sayig something like that because he feels the same ways about me. Only that I deserve a much better guy. But I don't want any other guy I just wat him. We are gonna define our relationship and what we feel for each other face to face Monday.. So I am excited but nervous because what if he only want I stay as friends then I would just break down and cry.. Cause I wouldn't be able to hold my tears back. And I felt that if I wanted to him to say something he would never have.

  • Angel
    12 years ago

    Girl am in the same perdicament the only dif is now we are together. pouring your heart out was the right thing to do. if you ever need to talk to someone about it just PM me i know exactly what you're going through

  • ladiiie
    12 years ago

    Tnxs you so much. I am pretty happy for you that y'all are together I wish me and him were together to but we just arent but i am getting used to not having him around as much as before we difted apart. And it hurts

  • Pretty Punk Princess
    12 years ago

    It does hurt im starting to think the saying that love hurts is ACTUALLY TRUE

  • ladiiie
    12 years ago

    Well I think love does hurt. Because something inside you really wants to be with someone and it your not able to you feel sad and lonely and unhappy. But. When your With the special someone your happy and everything well mostly all the time is perfect..

  • Girl of Conviction
    12 years ago

    Love hurts but it doesnt have to :[
    if your in a relationship where your hurting you shouldnt be in it anymore
    'find someone who loves you and would do anything to make you smile :]

  • Lori
    12 years ago

    I know exactly how you feel....but you have to be strong and leave the situation before you get hurt anymore. I know it sucks. Trust me..I know.

  • ladiiie
    12 years ago

    Awww things between me and him havnt gotten better. He never texts me anymore and he has gone back to smoking. He is high practically all day.. I havnt seen him in over two months but ugh i miss him so much.. And I dream about him almost every night.. In that time I have gone out on dates with other guys to forget about him but i just cant I love him way to much. I know the best thing for me is to just forget about him but it's really hard... He even says. "not to worry about what he does bcuz it's his life" and I cry bcuz I try to help him. Cause I know he is hving problems with his family but I wanna be there if he needs someone to cry on or someone to listen but he is just to stubborn... I am so lost and confussed because in one hand I know I need to move on but on the other I really wanna help him to stop smoking cause he is throwing his life away:'(