people typing funny!

  • tati
    21 years ago

    do you mean shorthand? when people abreviate things alot...?...thats just to make it quicker to write...ans as for WhEn PeOPlE tALk LiKE tHIs...i have no clue why people do that...maybe they think its cool or just gives me a 13 and use shorthand alot of the makes things if that was what you were talking about theres your answer from me ^_^...byaz
    BBE \m/

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Well I'm 19 and I only use short hand on IM's when I'm chatting to someone who is a really fast typer. Just allows me to catch up to them so I don't keep them hanging too long. Other then that I normally type full text. As for alternating between capitals and lower case. Who the knows, I personally don't know anyone who does that that. Seems like a big waste of time. Its like the hardest thing to read and typing like that is so annoying. Maybe they just have screwed up keyboards and it automatically presses shift every few seconds. lol. Um actually I write AnGeL like that, name of my first girlfriend, she used to write her name on her school books like that and it rubbed off on to me I guess. lol yeah hoped that help.

  • Timothy r
    21 years ago

    Thank you for putting this subject up, Tammy, i was thinking the same thing, using shortcuts on poems has Shakespere spinning in his grave, if u kent spel, give it up!!!!!

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Strange that you brought that up. This topic has actually been discussed before on this forum, it was in writing poetry or poetry discussion, but its been deleted since. Its was actually quite big, both for an against. Like Tammy said though, it tend to only appear in the younger generations, something to do with self expression I think, I didn't pay too much attention to it though, too much bitchin', hair pulling, foul talk over such a pointless topic. Personally I think it is completely stupid. Ah, I'm talking to seriously again, going to stop now. lol.

    Take care,